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Did Paul Ever Misspeak?

Had another thought.
To debate whether Paul was giving his opinion when he said:"I give my opinion", is not really such a profitable thing. It does detract a bit from whats most important - the gospel of Christ. I choose to take paul at his word, others don't - that's fine.

But I think even Paul would say: Did I die for you? No! It is Christ who died for you and Who you should follow - not me!

No one will be swayed from what the Holy Spirit guides them to and well they shouldn't! One day we will be able to ask Paul if he really was giving his opinion when he said: "I give my opinion"!

I happen to think if Paul had known his letters to any and all were going to be pronounced the inerrant command of God, that he would probably have left out just a few little words and been ery careful to not include anything BUT the gospel in them. Once again, we'll be able to ask him one day.

Until then, I, don't see where things like this need to divide us who walk by the Spirit. I understand they will divide those who don't walk by the Spirit, but we should not let that happen to us.
If you believe that, then why read it?

I believe Scripture is for all time. However, I think the epistle writers did not possess all knowledge. Paul even says so:

For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall understand fully, even as I have been fully understood. 1 Cor 13:12 RSV
quote me in context. something called exegesis.

when the lord said this.peter thou shall deny me thrice when the cock crew twice. to whom was he speaking to? you or peter?

and uh luke was written after (earliest gospel) the events say 30 yrs. and luke was a friend and companion of paul and this was after the events of acts that he wrote the books that he did. so there fore lukes account is gone, jesus didnt die on the cross. as peter too who cowrote mark by tradition also supported paul. so that levels mathew and john. hmm a good possibiltiy that mark also is corrupt as he too knew paul and traveled with him. so that leaves John. hmm john didnt rebuke or deny paul at all therefore all his books are gone.

so what Gospel do you believe in? its not mine for sure as well you must be jew.
I dont believe a Christian would discredit, any of the Bible. They may kid themselfs that is a persons choice.

God is not a pick and choose God. Sin is sin. His sheep know His voice and follow Him.
I trust the historical accounts in the Bible. I trust the words of God and Jesus in the Bible. However, the epistles are not historical accounts and they are not written by God or Jesus. They are written by several men.
The only thing that God actually wrote in the entire bible are the Ten Commandments,all the rest are written by men moved by the Spirit of God. Note, the NT is clear that what Paul taught was directly from Jesus Christ,if you doubt Paul then you doubt Jesus Christ, if you chose to reject the message of Christ given through Paul then it is all over for you,satan has won in your life because he has separated you from God's truth. Just like cuttin off your hand if it offends you,it is better for you to cut off from yourself this desire to reject the writings of Paul.
Jesus taught us to be just. Paul said women can’t speak in church. I think that was unjust.

I believe all we need to know is in the teachings of God and Jesus, when they are directly quoted in the Bible. Paul has much to teach, but I think he was occasionally wrong. I think the Lord thought we would understand this.
Paul did not misspeak, Man is the God appointed leader in the home as Jesus is the appointed leader in the church and the church is the bride of christ. Paul's teaching here followed the same pattern. These roles were established by God according to his will, not because of anyone's merit.

Gen 3v14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life:
15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy SEED and her SEED; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
16 Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.
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1 - This is a Christian site, therefore, any attempt to put down Christianity and the basic tenets of our Faith will be considered a hostile act. Statement of Faith

We consider Paul's writings to be part of the inspired Word of God. This is a Christian forum and any posting(s) that is intended to purposely distort Paul's writings will not be tolerated.
1 - This is a Christian site, therefore, any attempt to put down Christianity and the basic tenets of our Faith will be considered a hostile act. Statement of Faith

We consider Paul's writings to be part of the inspired Word of God. This is a Christian forum and any posting(s) that is intended to purposely distort Paul's writings will not be tolerated.

Thanks, reba. I was away from the PC today and intended to get to this when I returned. Elijah and Jenny, clearly the ToS needs to be reviewed, and you need to understand that what you are promoting flies in the face of orthodox Christianity and the Statement of Faith of this board. If somehow you've concluded that certain books are Inspired, others aren't, and Paul's writings have no authority, this may not be promoted on this board as it is a violation of this first point.

This thread and another like it are being reviewed by the staff and may be locked and sent to Dead Threads.

I would encourage everyone to know the ToS and adhere to them.

Thank you.