- May 2, 2012
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Doesn't eliminate what Peter said, which IS a scriptural, spiritual fact that doesn't apply just to "Jews."
"he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him"
Your descriptive. Scripture has never been against "anyone" who does good.
Especially so if it steps on pet doctrines, eh?
Again, no. The Spirit of God in Christ is very specifically against, and will always be against HYPOCRISY, which Jesus also "condemned" and for which Peter was berated for, as "condemned." So, yes, that encounter was also "inspired" by the Spirit, and not just a couple of random guy/Apostles arguing about "food laws."
John 5:29
And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.Your insistence of faith that saves, but actually doesn't do any "good" I might not consider all that much of faith, as faith "works" through "LOVE."
I read it very specifically as "are accepted with himI don't have any doubt that this axiom has always applied people in every nation, though God specifically "dealt" with the people of Israel.
"in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him."
16 In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.
You seem to have a great deal of trouble harmonizing the Apostles, and instead, diminish their statements as if they are in conflict with each others. That is not a requirement of the Gospel. All these men of faith spoke and TAUGHT straight out of the O.T.
The GOSPEL was delivered to the GENTILES a long long way back. Isaiah 11 and 42 being a great examples. It just fell on a LOT of deaf ears, perhaps purposefully so.
Doesn't eliminate what Peter said, which IS a scriptural, spiritual fact that doesn't apply just to "Jews."
Im not eliminating what Peter said, im explaining to you why he said it.
"he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him"
"We conclude that a man is justified by FAITH"
Your descriptive. Scripture has never been against "anyone" who does good.
As i said, God tells us to be holy, but this is not to be saved or to stay saved.
Especially so if it steps on pet doctrines, eh?
Why would you think what Paul teaches is anyone's "pet doctrine".
Thats very strange that you think this, Smaller.
Again, no. The Spirit of God in Christ is very specifically against, and will always be against HYPOCRISY, which Jesus also "condemned" and for which Peter was berated for, as "condemned." So, yes, that encounter was also "inspired" by the Spirit, and not just a couple of random guy/Apostles arguing about "food laws."
Can you prove the encounter you described was inspired by the Spirit?
Go ahead and try to prove that it was the Spirit of God that was making Peter hide himself among the jews.
Take your time with that, smaller, as you'll need it.
John 5:29
And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.
The reason a thinking rational person understands that this verse you quoted is not talking about Salvation, is simply because every single person has done both good and bad.
So, the "done good", has to mean something other then behavior.....and the answer is....."Received Christ" or not.
Your insistence of faith that saves, but actually doesn't do any "good" I might not consider all that much of faith, as faith "works" through "LOVE."
Faith does not save you.
God saves you, using the Blood atonement as the basis and your Faith as the means that God accepts.
Hence the term....."Grace THROUGH Faith".
I read it very specifically as "are accepted with him."
You read it perfectly and misunderstood it completely.
I don't have any doubt that this axiom has always applied people in every nation, though God specifically "dealt" with the people of Israel.
"in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him."
God does not accept people based on their behavior, He accepts them ONLY based on what Christ did on a Cross being applied to them because of their FAITH.
This is salvation.
Its odd that you dont understand it, smaller.
16 In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.
Yes, they are judged based on the "Gospel" of the grace of God, that Paul taught.
And this Gospel creates 2 types of people.
The saved, who have trusted Christ, and the unsaved who are the Christ rejectors who are damned.
You seem to have a great deal of trouble harmonizing the Apostles, and instead, diminish their statements as if they are in conflict with each others. That is not a requirement of the Gospel. All these men of faith spoke and TAUGHT straight out of the O.T.
I would never diminish anything an Apostle said, but i will also not make the biblical exegesis mistakes that you continue to make, by refusing to realize or even acknowledge that God told you to "rightly divide the word".
The fact is, James and Peter and all of the 11, didnt have the revelation of the Grace of God until Paul showed up.
And this is why some of the Apostle's early letters or comments have no understanding of "Grace through Faith".
However, this does not explain why you dont have it.
The GOSPEL was delivered to the GENTILES a long long way back. Isaiah 11 and 42 being a great examples. It just fell on a LOT of deaf ears, perhaps purposefully so.
The Gospel that we preach cant be delivered until Jesus dies on a Cross.
Dont you know this?
See, there has to be a blood atonement of the sinless >God man< before eternal justification can be offered.
Also, dont you find it interesting that Peter a JEW, who is a lot more familiar with the Torah then you, would have no idea that salvation could be given to the gentiles?
No doubt he's read Isaiah 11 and 42.
And dont you find it interesting that the Son of God himself was sent to the "house of Israel", and not to the gentiles regarding salvation, until AFTER he died on a Cross?
Thats interesting, isnt it?
This is why Paul had to he was specifically chosen by Jesus to deliver the "good news" of salvation, to the Gentiles.