Jethro Bodine
- Oct 31, 2011
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- 5,951
Which perhaps explains part of Peter's surprise when Cornelius and his family received the Holy Spirit before their baptism, lol.Jethro on post # 312 says: ''WHAT IS NECESSARY FOR SALVATION IS YOU MUST HAVE THE HOLY SPIRIT. PERIOD."
Right Jethro! But the inspired apostle Peter states the gift of the Spirit follows baptism. Just another of those instances where salvation and baptism when mentioned together, baptism first, then saved or its equivalent. BTW, the reference above is Acts 2:38.
It's impossible to make this truth go away. We know from how and when God gave the Holy Spirit in the book of Acts that Acts 2:38 was never to be understood as the ONLY way, as in a hard and fast rule for salvation, that God gives the Holy Spirit, cleansing people from their sins and putting them into the Body of Christ. But I would never argue with you that he does indeed do it that way (it's obviously scriptural).
I've met at least one person for whom it happened that way, at water baptism. And I've heard of others for whom it happened that way. But for the vast majority of Christians I have known it happened for them like it happened for me...we received the Holy Spirit when we believed, before getting water baptized. It's impossible to take the experience away from us on the grounds it has not scriptural support, for it most certainly does. Plain and unqualified support (IOW, it doesn't need a special revelation, or many words of explanation to see and understand).
Come on church! Come to your senses. God gives his Holy Spirit when and where he wants to! Sometimes according to Acts 2:38, sometimes according to Acts 10 in the home of Cornelius. It's the only honest answer there is.