Those OT law do not apply to use today for Christ took them all out of the way nailing them to His cross.
But if the gov't today decides to make adultery a crime and thereby put to death adulterers, what would be wrong with that? Where would that violate the NT which condemns adulterers to eternity in torment?
"Those OT laws do not apply to us today for Christ took them all out of the way nailing them to His cross."__Ernest T. Bass
"Those OT laws do not apply to us today."__Ernest T. Bass
Exactly correct. So then because "those OT laws do not apply to us today", therefore you have agreed that the Bible does NOT command the Death Penalty, have you not?
The only places in the Bible that COMMAND the Death Penalty {KILLING} are in the Old Testament and you have agreed that those Old Testament laws do NOT apply to us today -- so we have to conclude that nowhere in the Bible does God command the Death Penalty.
So if the Bible does NOT command . . .COMMAND . . the Death Penalty for us today who live under the truths and guidelines of the New Testament, why are you so enthusiastically locked-down in favor of the government KILLING people, instead of giving them time in prison and an opportunity to change and repent? --- and thereby come to the place where they can make a positive Christian constructive contribution to the other prison inmates.
There are several Christian Prison Ministries that have large numbers of born again Christians who are prison inmates and who witness to the unsaved prisoners while they themselves are in prison. And help them in other ways as well. Is that not a very GOOD thing for them to do?
How much importance do you give to Christian Prison Ministries helping prisoners come to the place where they change and repent and come to accept the Lord Jesus as their Savior --- so they can then help other prisoners to come to repent and accept the Lord Jesus as their Savior?
Sinners cannot repent and accept the Lord Jesus as their Savior if the state has KILLED them.
"But if the gov't today decides to make adultery a crime and thereby put to death adulterers, what would be wrong with that?___Ernest T. Bass
It would be wrong because it would establish a principle that if consistently applied would mean that the government would also apply the Death Penalty to fornicators which are all those who are sexually active outside of marriage. This would include all those who are responsible for their actions before the law, such as 18 year old teenagers. Why KILL adulterers but not KILL fornicators? So you are okay with the government KILLING 18 year old teenagers because they committed the sexual sin of fornication? Yes or no?
Abortion . .
Then there is the issue of abortion. You would say that abortion is murder, right? You DO believe that abortion is murder, do you not? Yes or no?
If you say that abortion is murder, then all those mothers from, say, ages 18 to 45 who got abortions are guilty of murder. So? So for you to be consistent with your own principle. you would be compelled to advocate that the state apply the Death Penalty to all those mothers and KILL them. Are you okay with this? Yes or no?
If you want to be consistent with your own principle, you CANNOT apply the Death Penalty ONLY to the abortion doctors. To be consistent with your principle, you would be compelled to apply the Death Penalty to BOTH abortion doctors AND the mothers, say, ages 18 -45 who had their babies killed by abortion doctors.
Since abortion is murder, then BOTH the mothers who got abortions AND the abortion doctors who performed them, are murderers, and on your principle, the state ought to KILL them both.
So now, on your principle, for you to be consistent, you are advocating that the state has the right and morally ought to KILL with the Death Penalty the following:
{1) adulterers
{2} fornicators
{3} mothers who get abortions
{4} abortion doctors who perform abortions
Is that correct?
Do you not agree, that on your principles, for you to be consistent, you would be compelled to advocate the state KILLING those in that list up-there?
Then this . . .
What about forgiveness? What about redemption? What about the great New Testament principle of LOVE? Why not try to help sinners change and repent?
What is it about KILLING sinners that you find preferable to helping sinners change and repent? And be saved? And to experience redemption? And to repent and come to Love others? So that they can now help others while they are in prison?
"Where would that violate the NT which condemns adulterers to eternity in torment?"__Ernest T. Bass
The New Testament does not condemn adulterers to eternal torment. It only condemns adulterers to eternal torment who refuse to repent.
The Lord Jesus in John chapter 8 had a
totally different approach to a woman caught in adultery. John 8:3-4 says "this woman was caught in adultery" The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought the woman to Jesus and tried to get Him to agree that she ought to be KILLED because of her adultery.
Here is how it ended. Jesus said, in John 8:11, "Neither do I condemn you . . . go now and leave your life of sin"
" . . .neither do I condemn you . . ." ___ The Lord Jesus
Question: Please explain why Jesus' approach is not a better approach to the sin of adultery, than is KILLING the adulterer?