- Mar 30, 2024
- 343
- 71
First, I thank you for your reply.That would presuppose that you know the thoughts of all, without exception, Calvinists. And that we are all exactly alike. Which is a preposterous appeal to the authority of the poster's words. Even haphazard critical thinking recognizes an agenda that most likely will not be supportable by actual facts.
In addition, the doctrines (and there are many, some of which you probably agree with)in Calvinism are derived from the very opposite of tunnel vision, and the singular focus if one wants to call it that, is God himself equally and equal to Jesus. Even the Structure of TULIP illustrates this doctrinally. One thing leads to the next to the next to the next, producing automatic and necessary conclusions. It is systematically derived and careful not to arrive at any doctrine that will contradict any carefully exegeted scripture. It lets scripture do the interpreting of scripture, iow, what is clear shedding light on what is not clear. And always making sure nothing ever takes away from or adds to what God reveals of himself. Anyone of course has the right to disagree with what Calvinism teaches, but if it is done publicly as on a forum, the opposing views should be thoroughly supported with something besides isolating certain scriptures from not only their immediate context but from the full counsel of God.
Iow, don't produce contradictions within the scriptures. A Calvinist is most likely going to do this with whatever you present, so be prepared to debate accordingly. I have only read a few of the posts in this thread, but what I have seen so far from those of C/R or leaning that way, is a great example of how they support and defend their position.
I doubt it as it looks like nonsense completely unrelated to the doctrine of unconditional election to me.
Second, you haven't answered my question. If one answers no, God does not love the family tree, then God does not love Z either even though Z is saved. This cannot be true by scripture. If one answers yes, then God loves all and that means according to Calvinists God loves also the unsaved. Can Calvinists change their mind and believe God also loves the unsaved? I leave it up to them.
You are deviating from my point in your post. The great thing about logic is that it can be used to prove the truth of man made assertions about scripture in this case the Calvinist Doctrine. The Calvinist Doctrine is not found in the bible, but is man's interpretation of God's plan of Salvation. You accuse me of something you are guilty of namely being in the mind of God and knowing his plans for salvation of mankind. That is strange Arial.
Let me paraphrase: A Calvinist believes that God has elected certain people before time to be saved and damned the rest. That is unconditional election. Calvinist believes A or unconditional election to be true.
In order to save some person Z, through time and space God has to set a contingency plan through a family tree to have Z be born in the first place. I asked does God love the family tree which is the product of his plan? God has given you reasoning faculties to go through the implications of my question. I am not going to repeat myself.
It's elementary my dear Arial. And no I do not hold onto any man made doctrine be it Calvinism, Molinism etc. The scripture suffices for me. Like Paul said in 1 Corinthians 2:2 "For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified."
As a result, proving some man made doctrine is false is easy to me for I am not invested in any man made doctrine.
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