Mr. Smith, are you really looking for the truth here or are you just out to rattle peoples chains? Lets use some common sense here. First, as I've stated earlier, (Rm. 6:23) clearly states the the wages of sin is "death". This does not mean the first death that most of God's creation will experience before His return. This of course includes the lost and the saved. This is the consequence of sin. The second death, which only the wicked will experience is what is referred to in (Rm. 6:23). It is execution in Hell, and the length of suffering one experience is based on their sins. Does this sound like something a just, and loving God would do, in order that the sin problem does not take root again in His New Kingdom here on earth?
Now take (Rev. 14:11; 20:10) as you understand them, and what your understanding does is it puts the Bible in a state of internal conflict. Meaning texts on the same topic contradicting each other. Please understand the Bible which speaks for God does not contradict itself. This contradiction only occurs when individuals misunderstand what the Bible is saying.
To right the contradiction as you see it, is to understand that the term, "forever and ever"in the contexts of the two verses in Rev., means "until death." Understood as such, you see that your understand will harmonize with (Rm. 6:23) thus removing the internal conflict you understanding created.
Lets consider another verse that uses the word, "eternal", which is synonymous with the word "everlasting", (Jude 1:7) Jude states, that Sodom and Gomorrah "serve as an example", the punishment of "eternal fire".
Now, do you believe that these fires and their smoke are still ongoing today? I'm sure common sense tells you, no. Why, because fires can burn themselves out once they consume all that consumable and nothing is left to burn but ash. Such is the fires of Hell.
When one reasons as I have just shared, then the Bible remains in harmony in it's teaching and one knows that their understanding is truth.