Reba, I’ve enjoyed reading all of your posts and inputs over the last several months that I’ve been a member here. I appreciate this one as well. I know you only by your posts and I love your posts and I know you to be Christian and therefore, I love you.
I also know you to be highly intelligent, so i suspect you pretty much know what’s coming next, right?
So here it is:
Are you really saying that believing Scripture says ECT=yes or believing Scripture says ECT=no are both equally Biblically true beliefs?
I disagree with you if that's what you are saying.
"Which of the passages are the Word of God? " Both!
"All correct?" Yes!
blue ones read like hell is lasting torment
green ones read like hell is death
One belief is not less Christian/Biblical than the other. I disagree strongly!
It seems to me, that’s the whole point of even having an A&T section open for debating differing beliefs. What's the more or the less
evidenced belief to hold as true seems to be the whole point of participating in the discussion (or shoud be).
I posted yesterday a little post (yes I’m capable of small posts) where I tried to make the point that “debate” is NOT a dirty little word. I think the point might have been missed, however.
Debate about different beliefs concerning Scriptures is actually a quite prevalent Biblical method for discerning the truths within Scripture. Actually, other than a personal revelation from God, I suppose, it’s the ONLY method I know of for determining what’s really a true belief and what’s not truth. All truth is God’s truth. If something is true, then it’s of God. That’s why I even participate here and have the same assumption of most others that do as well. I get the impression from the number of posts (the stats compared to other sections) that A&T is quite popular here for this very reason. Plus, the hard fact, that yes people like to “argue”. I do use “argue” as a dirty little word. But my point is really debate and seeking the truth about any particular belief system is a good thing.
Job even debated with God, and came out of the discussion a much better person for it in the end, I think. I used the examples of Paul and Barnabas debating with others about a “question/belief” (Acts 15) and Paul’s general method of debating with communities and their beliefs (Acts 17). Some beliefs are correct (biblically speaking) and some are just flat out incorrect. And yes some, I suppose, are difficult and maybe even unanswerable (just read Job).
But my point is, shouldn’t we be seeking out what is knowable, correct and true? Cause if it is true, then it’s God’s truth! If I’m currently holding an untrue belief about Scripture XXX (astonishing that’s possible
), I really want it corrected.
If CFNet can help me with that (and I think it can), I’m all in.
One belief is not less Biblical than the other.” Again, I’m talking in general terms (not so much the specific topic, ECT, which is why I took out “Christian” from your and/or statement above. I don’t nor have I seen the ECT=no side here in this thread say anything bad (like you are not a Christian) towards those others that disagree with us on what Scriptures to color Blue (if any) and what to color Green (if any).
But I will point out that there have been some posted accusations from the Blue side!
Ever heard the saying by an evangelists (of any particular cult) “All you need is Jesus”?
Which is true, but the problem with this is, What Jesus? If this evangelist is saying passage XXX tells me Jesus is/was Satan’s brother. Then we’re in trouble.
Anyway, to get back to the specific ECT=yes/no topic and point/question (Are you literally saying that believing Scripture says ECT=yes or believing Scripture says ECT=no are both equally Biblically true?)
Though I certainly agree with you (always have and never posted otherwise) that no matter how you answer this question (ECT=no/yes), the answer does NOT determine if you are “Christian” or not.
I mean really, we are rather simply “debating” the fate of lost people (not saved people). It’s odd that the subject of one’s salvation would even come up in the discussion. It’s plainly off topic. But it does come up (mostly from the BLUE side).
So I do Strongly agree with:
One belief [ECT = yes or ECT =no] is not less Christian/Biblical than the other.