- Jan 23, 2011
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- #61
And the Deity in Christ is the Fathers.
If you read this as Sherlock Holmes would, you would deduce God is One in Essence, but Three Equals as to Persons. A "Name" in scripture captures the essence, the "components" as it were.
Notice "name" is singular even though Three Persons (Father Son Holy Spirit) are named:
"Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." -Matthew 28:19 NKJ
Sherlock would deduce God is One as to essence, but three equals as to Persons:
"Baptise in God Father Son and Holy Spirit.'
ALL of God is the Father, ALL of God is the Son, ALL of God is the Holy Spirit.
The Deity in Christ therefore is Christ's.
I found the following book very helpful when I first started learning about our LORD Jesus. He is awesome:
Jesus Christ Our Lord – June 1, 1969
by John F. Walvoord (Author)Jesus is both fully human and fully God, both natures are united in the One Person that is Jesus.
In other words, the Sphere of infinite Radius that God the Son, is centered in the humanity of Jesus Christ.
While your wording can be considered heretical, I'm sure you didn't mean it to be.
Some in the Eastern Orthodox Church speak of the "Monarchy" of God because as to Persons the Father is the Father. The Son the Father's Only Begotten, and the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father:
And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.
(Jn. 1:14 NKJ)
"But when the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me. (Jn. 15:26 NKJ)
East and West argue about the Filioque addition to the creed. I agree with the East.
As God never changes, the "generation" denoted by Christ being the Father's Only Begotten Son must be eternal, hence the term "Eternal Generation".
There are a wealth of books on the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, the reality of this truth is clearly part of the fabric of OT and NT scripture. Visit any Christian Book store. You might like "Lectures in Systematic Theology" by Thiessen is also a good read.
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