Jethro Bodine
- Oct 31, 2011
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Since it does not say that in the verse, where does this interpretation come from? Obviously, 'sanctification salvation' has to be invented by OSAS to make the passage 'not really' mean what it so plainly says. It's been interesting to see OSAS grasp for another creative interpretation of 1 Corinthians 15:1-2 NASB when the interpretations before it have been proven false. This makes about the fifth attempt to make the passage not mean that the condition to be presently saved is that you are presently believing in the word.Vs 2 speaks of sanctification salvation and then Paul goes onto preach about glorification salvation for the rest of the chapter.
The 'if' (the one that was rationalized to 'not really' mean 'if' in a previous defense of the passage, but now does mean 'if' in this defense) is referring to the gospel message that Paul first preached to the Corinthians. It's good that at least now OSAS acknowledges that Paul really is saying that salvation is conditional on 'if' you hold fast the word preached. It's just now the definition of 'salvation' has been changed to preserve a OSAS doctrine. I see this over and over and over again in these kinds of discussions.The "if" in verse 2 would pertain to me or any believer who didn't "hold fast" to doctrine. If I didn't study TRUE doctrine.........I would eventually doubt His salvation, my eternal life or think that I could possibly lose salvation.......I would not experience sanctification salvation if I didn't "hold fast" doctrine.
I don't think OSAS can speak for non-OSAS. I'm non-OSAS and I'm treading more and more ground of the fourth type of soil that Jesus refers to in the Parable of the Sower:I am justified. Now I can experience salvation in this life and my day to day routine IF I "hold fast" doctrine. IF I do not, I will doubt salvation,I will think salvation can be lost, I will not "experience" salvation and the TRUE christian life while I am alive. I will have to wait until glorification salvation to "experience" it....
"15“But the seed in the good soil, these are the ones who have heard the word in an honest and good heart, and hold it fast, and bear fruit with perseverance." (Luke 8:15 NASB)
OSAS is insisting that can't happen if you think you can lose your salvation because that would represent not holding the word fast. I'm holding fast the word and producing it's fruit, yet I'm non-OSAS. So, the suggestion that to be non-OSAS means you are not holding fast the word and, therefore, can't and won't produce it's fruit is just plain false.
And here again we have a doctrinal stance that is actually guilty of what it accuses it's opponents of. OSAS insists you do not have to obey God to be saved, and that to not believe that will make you unfruitful, yet these OSAS camps is where we find believers living in rampant, willful, rationalized sin because they don't think it matters toward their salvation.
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