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{Benjasher says:
This time I know you are purposely ignoring something you know is right in order to continue this farce. Simple comparison of apples to apples and oranges to oranges will show that to "meet him in the air" is an Early Church era figure of speech. It has nothing to do with literally leaving here or going anywhere. It has to do with our glorification.

:smt043 :smt043 :smt043

You really have me rolling on the floor! ha ha ha ha!

17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air:...

Where are the clouds?

Clouds = nephele {nef-el'-ay}

How is this word used?

Luk 12:54 ¶ And he said also to the people, When ye see a cloud rise out of the west, straightway ye say, There cometh a shower; and so it is.

I don't deny that there are glory clouds; however, Pauls use of the word clouds in 1 Thes 4, shows us what he means by "in the air."

Air = aer {ah-ayr'}
1) the air, particularly the lower and denser air as distinguished from the higher and rarer air
2) the atmospheric region

How is this word "air" used?

Act 22:23 And as they cried out , and cast off [their] clothes , and threw dust into the air,

1 Cr 9:26 I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air:

It is clear then, that Paul meant just what he wrote: that we will be raptured, or "caught up" and will fly up into the air, or atmosphere, where the clouds float around, and there we will meet Him.

3) metaph. of the God the Holy Spirit indwelling believers
I might agree with this. 8-)

Alternate meaning of "cloud":

5. A great crowd or multitude; a vast collection.

Heb 12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

Coop, I'm going to take that smiley away from you. :smt043
So we'll be caught up.. with the holy spirit? But I thought the holy spirit was already within us.. That makes no sense to me. :erm
Zero Link said:
So we'll be caught up.. with the holy spirit? But I thought the holy spirit was already within us.. That makes no sense to me. :erm
Sorry for the confusion; I had two trains of thought running through my head. I do this sometimes and confuse myself! :lol:

The first was something I said I might agree with.

The second was simply an alternate definition of "cloud". Do a word study on this word "cloud" and it's use in the Bible. A cloud isn't always a cloud. 8-) i.e. "sometimes my thoughts are a bit cloudy." :robot:
Coop can laugh if he wants to. I could care less.

Vic was about as correct as he could get with just a guess. But the scriptures continue to comment on themselves. And clouds indicate witnesses.

We are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses.

Jesus ascended into heaven, and the clouds received Him out of their sight. And He is to return again; in the clouds, or in the presence of many witnesses. And this is brought out in the 19th chapter of Revelations. But even this won't happen til the times of the Restitution of all things. So don't look for it to happen anytime soon.

And no, my sincerely confused friend from the backwater stretches of Oklahoma, Paul never intended to give anyone the false hope of being raptured. Put your shoes on, walk to town and spend some time in the library. From the sound of things it would do you some good to get out of the house once in a while. If the horses aren't too skittish tonight, you could take the buggy.
lecoop said:
Latin Vulgate
14:2 in domo Patris mei mansiones multae sunt si quo minus dixissem vobis quia vado parare vobis locum

...{Yada Yada}...

The Greek word is "mone {mon-ay'}" and has the following meaning:
(Thayer's lexicon)
1) a staying, abiding, dwelling, abode
2) to make an (one's) abode
3) metaph. of the God the Holy Spirit indwelling believers

Sorry, but every translation disagrees with you.


Who cares what your 23 (actually only 18) different translations and versions tell you? That is not even the beginning to a serious study of those words. What you did was very much akin to sikking my coon hound on a coon, and watching it cross the road and pick up on the trail of a possum.

Try it again. Only this time, be a bit more earnest in your search for meaning.

Just ask yourself a question: How silly does it sound for Jesus to have spent the last 2000 years building a magnificent mansion for you to live in, only to have you dwell in it for 7 years? :smt043 :smt043 Purty cotton-pickin' silly if ya askt me... :turn-l:

One more question to force you to stop and think about what you think you believe: What do you think we are going to be doing after we "make it to heaven"? Are we going to sit around on a cloud in front of our Mansions and eat grapes while we strum our golden harps? :turn-l:

The scriptural answer to this question will bring you back to "occupations" and let you see the meaning of what Jesus said when He promised us a mansion. So start looking. The horses need to be got out for a while anyway.
{Addendum to previous post}

And besides, why would He need to build us a house when He is our house?

I've got a mansion
just over the hilltop,
in that bright land where
we'll never grow old

Nice song. Absolutely no connexion to scriptural reality.

Purty cotton-pickin' silly if ya askt me...

:smt043 :smt043 :turn-l:
Vic was about as correct as he could get with just a guess.
It wasn't actually a guess. It came through word studies and listening to God. Yes, HE talked to me in a sermon today at church. Our former Youth Pastor, who was the guest speaker today, mentioned Hebrews 12:1 and it confirmed what I learned through my studies. He was actually referring to witnessing on the Missionfront and the race we all must race, but Truth comes from the least likey places.

Reminds me of the lyrics from an old Grateful Dead song:

"Once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right." :rainbowafro:
Coop, I'm going to take that smiley away from you. :smt043

NO! It is so much fun rolling on the floor, laughing! :smt043
Zero Link said:
So we'll be caught up.. with the holy spirit? But I thought the holy spirit was already within us.. That makes no sense to me. :erm

No ZL, it means that we will all be glorified together at the same time at His appearing. You are correct in that the Holy Spirit is already within us. Nobody here is challenging that thought. ( I don't think so anyway)

When I say all, I mean that radically and inclusively of all saints, from Adam forward. All the Old Testament saints and all the New Testament saints will form this giant cloud of witnesses when He appears and we are glorified in His presence. And they (OT saints) cannot be made perfect without us (NT saints).

And this was the lively hope of the Early Church. The fallacious idea of flying away somewhere never entered their minds. Nor was it part of their theology. I don't care what Jesse DuPlantis or Tim La Haye, or Lyle Cooper or anyone else says about it. They are lying to you if they tell you that it was. I said that right and I didn't stutter. They are lying to you.

The Elder said:
Who is this vast multitude that no man can count from every language, family, tribe, people and nation on earth?
Vic C. said:
It wasn't actually a guess. It came through word studies and listening to God. Yes, HE talked to me in a sermon today at church. Our former Youth Pastor, who was the guest speaker today, mentioned Hebrews 12:1 and it confirmed what I learned through my studies. He was actually referring to witnessing on the Missionfront and the race we all must race, but Truth comes from the least likey places.

Reminds me of the lyrics from an old Grateful Dead song:

"Once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right." :rainbowafro:

Well... I apologize for re-using those same two brain cells again. I didn't purposely mean to infer that you were only guessing.

I never could get any good from the Grateful Dead, til Shades of Gray. I wore out two copies of that album while I was driving truck for a living.
One simple question:

Why not just take the simple meaning of these verses? What do we see when we look up (Expecially the last week in Oklahoma?) Of course we saw clouds. What makes you all so sure that Paul did not have in mind RAIN clouds when he wrote this? Rain clouds are IN THE AIR, just where we are raptured to.

You can try to make this difficult, but just remember, God said that a child wouldn't err. It takes a 21st century human to make this complicated; to look for hidden meanings.

For every post I have posted here, using simple scriptures with simple meanings, BenJasher has come up with an alternative, and more complicated, meaning. Of course, that is his choice.

Why complicate things, if they make good sense just the way they are written? Paul said the dead in Christ would rise first; then we which are alive and remain would be caught up together with them (the dead in Christ that have just been resurrected) to meet Him in the air. What does rise mean? Very simply, it means, "go up." What is "up?" Of course air and clouds are up!

I choose to believe the simple meaning of this verse. We will meet Jesus in the air, and in the clouds. It will be what the church has called the "rapture" for centuries.

I never could get any good from the Grateful Dead, til Shades of Gray. I wore out two copies of that album while I was driving truck for a living.
You must have been driving with only one brain cell at the time; The song's title was "Touch of Gray". :lol:
BenJasher wrote (quoted)

The Elder wrote:
Who is this vast multitude that no man can count from every language, family, tribe, people and nation on earth?

It is the church, having just been raptured. John sees them before the 7th seal is broken, and before the day of the Lord, or the 70th week have started. The remaining Old testament saints will not be resurrected for another 7 years.

BenJasher said:
{Addendum to previous post}

And besides, why would He need to build us a house when He is our house?

Several billion people with resurrection bodies will not be living physically "in Him" in heaven. We live in houses here on earth. Why would we not live in houses there?

lecoop said:
Several billion people with resurrection bodies will not be living physically "in Him" in heaven. We live in houses here on earth. Why would we not live in houses there?

Oh my, what kind of logic is that? Coop, will there also be a temple or church in Heaven?
lecoop said:
One simple question:

Why not just take the simple meaning of these verses? What do we see when we look up (Expecially the last week in Oklahoma?) Of course we saw clouds. What makes you all so sure that Paul did not have in mind RAIN clouds when he wrote this? Rain clouds are IN THE AIR, just where we are raptured to.

{BenJasher says Actually it is the scripture commenting on itself that makes me see the things I do. I don't need the dreams and visions of someone I don't even know or trust to tell me what these things mean. And noone has to be raised from the dead either.}

You can try to make this difficult, but just remember, God said that a child wouldn't err. It takes a 21st century human to make this complicated; to look for hidden meanings.

{BenJasher says Actually He said

though he were a child he would not err therein.

Not quite the same. Get it right if you are going to use it in an argument. You have the rest of it backwards also. It is you and your Futurist fantasies that makes things difficult. You have to rely on adding to and or taking things away from what was simply stated in the scriptures to make sense of your theology. (And I have been bringing this to your attention when you do) If your Futurist Theology is so simple why is it that there are three different flavors of it and none of them agree on even the simplest of the issues at hand? Why is it your theology needs to be continuously bolstered by things and ideas that are not specifically stated in the scriptures? Why do you continually have to step out of the scriptures to explain what is in them?

Don't even think of trying to accuse me of making things difficult.}

For every post I have posted here, using simple scriptures with simple meanings, BenJasher has comlicated each issure with some hidden meaning, as if he is the only one, or one of the few, that is smart enough to figure out all these scriptures.

{BenJasher says Stop right there. I don't need hidden meanings. Go back and take another look at what I have stated here and compare it to what you have said here. Who is complicating what? You don't use "simple scriptures". You quote scriptures, then go off into some commentary about what they could mean, ignoring the simplest of details that prove you wrong, and filled with stuff that is not only extra-scriptural, but anti-scriptural. Most of your theology is pure eisigesis. You twist the scriptures to fit your theology, instead of adjusting your theology to align itself with scripture.

Maybe sticking solely with scripture, relying on a knowledge of the original languages, and a strong foundation of Early Church History, and presenting my viewpoints exegetically is too complicated for you.

Maybe things get complicated for you when you are confronted with the simplicity of the truth.}

Why complicate things, if they make good sense just the way they are written?

{BenJasher says They do make sense the way they were written, sometimes. Many times they don't. That is why we are admonished to be students of the word. And I have nothing to be ashamed of in my debates with you.}

Paul said the dead in Christ would rise first; then we which are alive and remain would be caught up together with them (the dead in Christ that have just been resurrected) to meet Him in the air. What does rise mean? Very simply, it means, "go up." What is "up?" Of course air and clouds are up!

Pure eisigesis. Just like most of what you try to push off on people as truth, or solid Bible Study. If you *(edited out for offensive content)* took a deep breath, you would be able to answer that question yourself.

The only instance of the word "rise" in that verse was used in the context of the resurrection of the dead in Christ. The word resurrect means "to stand again". If a person was in the supine position, and made to stand again, they would have to "rise". So you figure it out Bible Scholar. And quit trying to twist this scripture to fit your theology.}

I choose to believe the simple meaning of this verse. We will meet Jesus in the air, and in the clouds. It will be what the church has called the "rapture" for centuries.

{BenJasher says Well, you can do what you want. I would think you would want to walk in the Truth. The simple meaning of this verse is that we all (see prior post above) will be glorified together when He returns at the time of the Restitution of all things. You have to include the apokatastasis if you want to keep things scriptural, even if it forces things to be a bit more difficult to grasp at first. Again we need to be workmen with no reason to be ashamed.

Get off the Rapture thing. The Church has only used the word Rapture the way it does today for less than 200 years. The word Rapture has more in common with rape than scripture. The Rapture Theory has been raping the minds of God's people long enough. Time's a coming when that will change. :wink:}


Why does this argument with you remind me of those caveman commercials on TV? I have been continuously reminded of that commercial during all of this.
Vic C. said:
You must have been driving with only one brain cell at the time; The song's title was "Touch of Gray". :lol:

There ya go. :-D

It is the church, having just been raptured. John sees them before the 7th seal is broken, and before the day of the Lord, or the 70th week have started. The remaining Old testament saints will not be resurrected for another 7 years.

My My My, Coop. Wherever on earth did you get that from? Jesse Duplantis maybe? Tim La Haye? I get it! You got that from one of those people that were resurrected, didn't you?

Pure eisigesis! Absolutely cannot be supported with scripture.

It's sad, really when you stop to think about it. This guy thinks he is a Bible scholar, but he is naked and ashamed and isn't even aware of it.
BenJasher said,
It is you and your Futurist fantasies that makes things difficult. You have to rely on adding to and or taking things away from what was simply stated in the scriptures to make sense of your theology. (And I have been bringing this to your attention when you do)

This answer will be for the readers to decide who it is that is taking away, or adding to the scriptures. Ben says I rely on "adding to or taking things away from what was simply stated in the scriptures."

I disagree. Paul clearly stated that at the rapture, we would be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. This should immediately bring to mind when Jesus Himself was caught up:

Acts 1:9 And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight.

Even a beginning reader would see this as the clouds we see in the sky. Why try to make something difficult out of it?

Then, this verse would also bring to mind His coming:

Mark 14:62
And Jesus said, I am: and ye shall see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven.

One does not need to resort to commentators or Greek resources, for these verses are very simple to understand.

Paul's verse of the rapture is also a simple verse, thought apparently hard for some to believe:

"the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord."

Again, this is a very simple verse, with simple words, we are to be caught up in the clouds to meet Jesus in the air.. What would a beginning reader think this meant? Of course, the clouds we see in the sky, and the air that we breath. So, readers, it is up to you to decide who is adding to the scriptures, or taking something away from them.

If your Futurist Theology is so simple why is it that there are three different flavors of it and none of them agree on even the simplest of the issues at hand? Why is it your theology needs to be continuously bolstered by things and ideas that are not specifically stated in the scriptures? Why do you continually have to step out of the scriptures to explain what is in them?

Most, if not all of the "futurists," as you say, believe in the rapture of the church: us being caught up to meet Jesus in the air. They take Paul's raptures verses very literally. They also take John's discussion of the mansions very literally. If I am wrong here, I'm sure you will straighten me out? Once again, you seem to overlook the obvious! The rapture is "specifically stated in the scriptures:" it is just that you don't believe it. Since you don't believe these scriptures, I will admit that it was foolish to even bring up visions or revelations. However, most of the bible at one time was a vision or a revelation!

BenJasher said:
My My My, Coop. Wherever on earth did you get that from? Jesse Duplantis maybe? Tim La Haye? I get it! You got that from one of those people that were resurrected, didn't you?

Pure eisigesis! Absolutely cannot be supported with scripture.

It's sad, really when you stop to think about it. This guy thinks he is a Bible scholar, but he is naked and ashamed and isn't even aware of it.

Instead of making fun, why not show all the readers where in the scriptures you find the old testament saints resurrected?



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