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Bible Study FAITH, And the Knowledge of God's Righteousness

But the power to overcome sinful characteristics comes by faith. Faith that comes by the word of God, which includes the OT scriptures. As a born again believer, the commands of God, many of which are reiterated in the NT, inspire faith in me to uphold them.

By your own words you have declared that the words of the law have inspired the faith in you to uphold them. You have just declared your faith in the law, and your commitment to obedience to uphold them.

Romans 10:5
For Moses describeth the righteousness which is of the law, That the man which doeth those things shall live by them.

You continue to describe the righteousness which is of the law.

Your mistake is in assuming that the righteousness which is of the law reveals to you the Righteousness of God. IT DOES NOT. It reveals the righteousness that comes by the law. The Righteousness of God is NOT revealed by the law.

By the law your eyes are opened to the righteousness that comes by the law, and in doing so, you have become blinded to the Righteousness of God. But my eyes have been closed to the righteousness that comes by the law, for by the law my eyes only beheld that which was unrighteous in my sight, including my own unrighteousness. But in death, he has closed my eyes in sleep, that I might seek him in my dreams. But when I had arisen from my sleep and had awakened from my slumber, the law held nothing more for me.

It's amazing how hyper-grace adherents are quick to call the church judgmental to protect their sin rationalized lives, and then turn right around and point the pointy finger and insist the church does not keep God's commands. Hypocrisy is probably the single most prevalent characteristic of everything liberal in Western religion and politics.

You keep after this hyper-grace thing, but the only grace that you seem to understand is grace under the law. And you continue to lean upon the blood as that institution of grace. But the GRACE I live under, doesn't need a sacrifice for sin.

And yes, we are all hypocrites. Hypocrisy certainly is the most prevalent characteristic. It is the easiest and most identifiable characteristic of anyone claiming they have the "power" by faith to uphold the law in obedience.

Anybody who's been in on-line forums for even a little while knows you're damned if you don't use scripture, and you're damned when you do. It's a no-win. When someone has it made up in their mind that they're going to resist the truth, it doesn't matter if you use the scriptures, or don't use the scriptures, they're going to criticize you anyway.

And now your making excuses for why you won't get out of the boat. Now I have spoke of a FAITH, that caused you to question the very essence of salvation. But I have explicitly asked you to share what is in your heart, and each time you have resorted to quoting a scripture. Now while I would never question someones salvation, I wonder whether the WORD is truly in their heart or NOT.

God's promise was that He would write his laws upon our hearts and upon our minds. By FAITH, that WORD is in our mouth and in our hearts. But if you can't speak the word from your heart, but only rely on the words of the scripture, then one might begin to wonder if the WORD is really IN YOU.

But you are right about one thing. It doesn't matter if you use the scriptures or not. I have used plenty of scriptures, but for the most part, they have been ignored. And in ignoring those scriptures, you have seen fit to counter with other scriptures which satisfied your agenda. Why is that? Have you become a judge of God's WORD? How can someone who sits in judgement of God's word ever hear God's WORD?

The problem is your 'word of faith' directly nullifies and contradicts the written word.
God does not speak anything that contradicts his own written word.

The problem is you do not understand the WORD of FAITH that I speak, and you have closed your ears from hearing it. You think it directly nullifies and contradicts the written word; But the world of faith that I speak, it establishes the written word.

Lol, look at verse 10 immediately prior to your scriptural quote above that says what the commandment 'which I command thee this day' that is 'nigh unto thee, in they mouth, and in they heart, that thou mayest do it' is....

10if you obey the LORD your God to keep His commandments and His statutes which are written in this book of the law, if you turn to the LORD your God with all your heart and soul." (Deuteronomy 30:10 NASB bold and underline mine)

if you turn to the LORD your God with all your heart and soul.

I have turned to the LORD with all my heart and soul. He did not ask me to turn to the Book with all my heart.

The problem is you do not understand the WORD of FAITH that I speak, and you have closed your ears from hearing it. You think it directly nullifies and contradicts the written word; But the world of faith that I speak, it establishes the written word.

maybe that the problem your speaking instead of the Lord through you . your sounding like a big brass band
The problem is you do not understand the WORD of FAITH that I speak, and you have closed your ears from hearing it. You think it directly nullifies and contradicts the written word; But the world of faith that I speak, it establishes the written word.
This is a Bible study.
So I'm going to show you where your 'word of faith' contradicts the written word:

" humility receive the word implanted, which is able to save your souls. 22But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves.23For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror; 24for once he has looked at himself and gone away, he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was. 25But one who looks intently at the perfect law, the law of liberty, and abides by it, not having become a forgetful hearer but an effectual doer, this man will be blessed in what he does." (James 1:21-25 NASB)

But you say we are not to look at the word of the law and abide by it, or else we are evil and faithless.
But you say we are not to look at the word of the law and abide by it, or else we are evil and faithless.
The Lord is showing us the evil and faithless. Have you seen the masses around the world that say they hate trump? How many of them do you think call themselves Christians? More than you think. Look at the plaques and signs and the foul and ungodly posters they carry around. It is rebellion against God. It must have been this way when Noah was preaching. I watched The benediction at the church today for Trump, and several different faiths were celebrated (including Buddhism) Hollywood is a horde of Jezebels reveling in the face of God. So called teacher sell their self will worship as so called knowledge Judging by the law of Moses, where they never sow peace and grace in our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. I feel the urgency of the Spirit to be preaching the Everlasting Gospel (Judgement of God) Rev. 14:6-7. Surely the Lord is coming soon.
maybe that the problem your speaking instead of the Lord through you . your sounding like a big brass band

A big brass band? Hmmm? Jethro quoted the scripture earlier. So I have piped unto you as a big brass band. And yet you have not danced?

I'm sorry, but I'm not really musically inclined, but if your hearing the band play, perhaps it is the voice of many waters.


But the world of faith that I speak, it establishes the written word.

This is a Bible study.
So I'm going to show you where your 'word of faith' contradicts the written word:

No Jethro, it doesn't contradict the written word. What it does is contradict the scriptures you want to make it appear to contradict. But I know that you know the scripture to which I referred to in my comment. But you can't seem to acknowledge that scripture, can you? For then you would find yourself confirming what I have said.

Romans 3:31
Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law.

Romans 3:27-28
Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith. Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith without the deeds of the law.

Jethro Bodine, you have taken exception to my comments as well as those of smaller because we have made no claims to being able to keep the law, where as your boast was that you keep the law of love your neighbor. Now Paul asks you here, Where is boasting then? If you walk in obedience unto the law of liberty, the law of Faith, then boasting is excluded. I find your boasting of keeping the law love your neighbor to be another signpost that you remain obedient to the works of the law.

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But you say we are not to look at the word of the law and abide by it, or else we are evil and faithless.

No, that is just what you hear, because you are not listening to what I have said in order to discuss it. But you have a different agenda altogether. But I have never said the law is evil. Only that the law contains the knowledge of evil. I have never said the law is Sin. Only that the Law contains the knowledge of sin. And once again, you are the one implying the notion of faithless. I have been quite clear, that we move from faith, TO FAITH. There is a faith that comes by the law. There is a faith in God that comes by the knowledge of the law. But the Knowledge of the Righteousness of God does NOT come by faith in the law. But that FAITH does not come until after the faith in the law has first done it work.

The Lord is showing us the evil and faithless. Have you seen the masses around the world that say they hate trump? How many of them do you think call themselves Christians? More than you think. Look at the plaques and signs and the foul and ungodly posters they carry around. It is rebellion against God. It must have been this way when Noah was preaching. I watched The benediction at the church today for Trump, and several different faiths were celebrated (including Buddhism) Hollywood is a horde of Jezebels reveling in the face of God. So called teacher sell their self will worship as so called knowledge Judging by the law of Moses, where they never sow peace and grace in our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. I feel the urgency of the Spirit to be preaching the Everlasting Gospel (Judgement of God) Rev. 14:6-7. Surely the Lord is coming soon.

And yet it is written that the judgement begins in the house of God. Perhaps you are looking in the wrong place. Do you think those who call themselves Christians who post continually in the Current Events and Politics Forum would be receptive to your everlasting gospel of God's judgement?
your boast was that you keep the law of love your neighbor.
What is prohibited is keeping the law in order to earn a declaration of righteousness. That is the boast no one can have concerning the law.

This is the one single point about the law that the church does not know about and which has given rise to all kinds of strange teachings about faith and works. Even culminating in the hyper-grace doctrines that teach that you do not have to continue to believe and can live in flagrant, willful sin as a result of that unbelief and you will still be saved. But John makes it clear that the person who does not live righteously is not even born again. But if someone says in this forum they have loved others as they love themselves they are branded an evil unsaved hypocrite.
A big brass band? Hmmm? Jethro quoted the scripture earlier. So I have piped unto you as a big brass band. And yet you have not danced?

I'm sorry, but I'm not really musically inclined, but if your hearing the band play, perhaps it is the voice of many waters.


sorry i dont dance to strange fire
What is prohibited is keeping the law in order to earn a declaration of righteousness.

No one is prohibiting you from trying to keep the law in order to "EARN" an declaration of Righteousness. Why not even the Lord himself has prohibited you from trying. In fact, He has assured to feed those who try with strong delusion. So if you wish to earn your declaration of righteousness and make your boast upon the law, then no one or nothing is prohibiting that. You have chosen to make your boast of the law. But I can not make a boast of the law, my boast is in Christ.

Even culminating in the hyper-grace doctrines that teach that you do not have to continue to believe and can live in flagrant, willful sin as a result of that unbelief and you will still be saved.

Culminating in doctrines that teach you do not have to continue to believe:

So what is it teaching them that they don't have to believe in any more. Are they teaching them they do not have to believe in Jesus Christ?

and can live in flagrant, willful sin as a result of that unbelief

Unbelief in what? The works of Grace? Or in your mind, is it because Grace teaches that you are no longer under the law, and so you assume that means unbelief in the law? No, the knowledge of the law remains, whether we are under "it" or not. Once you have eaten from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, there is no un-eating it. You must live and die and live again with that knowledge. So with the knowledge of the law still present, and without the covering of Blood to hide your sins underneath, what make you think their sins would be so wilful?

Only someone who thought they could continue to wash their sins in the blood of repentance could imagine continuing to live in flagrant wilful sin. But where there remains no sacrifice for sins, wilful is not an option. But what remains is the Grace of God.

But John makes it clear that the person who does not live righteously is not even born again. But if someone says in this forum they have loved others as they love themselves they are branded an evil unsaved hypocrite.

I have asked you to speak the word that comes from your heart, and you have made known the word that comes from your heart. In being questioned about making your boast of the law, you have sought to justify your own boasting, and in doing so you have branded yourself as an evil unsaved hypocrite.

You have place your faith in the law, and you have placed your faith in the scriptures. It is not I, nor has it been smaller who has branded anyone as evil. We have just come to accept by faith what the scripture has declared: As Paul said, I find a law that when I do good, evil is present with me. This is a condition of the flesh, as long as we are present in this vessel made of clay. This condition remains in the flesh, whether we believe we are dead to the flesh through Christ or not.

It is the scriptures that have branded our hypocrisy. It is to those who walk in obedience to the law who deny that they are hypocrites, and when a little light is shown upon their hypocrisy, they run to wash it away and cover it with blood, and then declare, no, I'm no hypocrite.

But those who walk in obedience unto Faith, they understand that they are full of hypocrisy. And when the light is shown on their hypocrisy, they do not deny it, but learn to extend grace through it. By Faith, when they understand that they are full of hypocrisy, then accuser of the brethren has lost his power over them.

You have chosen to make your boast of the law.
It's impossible to be justified by works of the law. I don't even try to do that. That's Christianity 101. Everybody knows that. I don't even know why you and a lot of others dwell on the subject.

But I can not make a boast of the law, my boast is in Christ.
You have no legitimate boast in Christ because by your own admission you do not 'keep' any of God's lawful commands. If you were saved you'd be practicing righteousness in increasing measure showing yourself to be a son of God.

"10By this the children of God and the children of the devil are obvious: anyone who does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor the one who does not love his brother." (1 John 3:10 NASB)

I find it interesting that you would go on record as not being born again by your own admission that you do not love your neighbor as yourself.
I have asked you to speak the word that comes from your heart, and you have made known the word that comes from your heart. In being questioned about making your boast of the law, you have sought to justify your own boasting, and in doing so you have branded yourself as an evil unsaved hypocrite.

You have place your faith in the law, and you have placed your faith in the scriptures. It is not I, nor has it been smaller who has branded anyone as evil. We have just come to accept by faith what the scripture has declared: As Paul said, I find a law that when I do good, evil is present with me. This is a condition of the flesh, as long as we are present in this vessel made of clay. This condition remains in the flesh, whether we believe we are dead to the flesh through Christ or not.

It is the scriptures that have branded our hypocrisy. It is to those who walk in obedience to the law who deny that they are hypocrites, and when a little light is shown upon their hypocrisy, they run to wash it away and cover it with blood, and then declare, no, I'm no hypocrite.

But those who walk in obedience unto Faith, they understand that they are full of hypocrisy. And when the light is shown on their hypocrisy, they do not deny it, but learn to extend grace through it. By Faith, when they understand that they are full of hypocrisy, then accuser of the brethren has lost his power over them.

Beautifully brilliant above.