MarkT said:
The Parisees didn't believe Jesus was the Christ plus all of their teachings were learned by rote. They didn't have the fear of God. Their hearts were far from him. But I believe your position is that no one but the Pope can receive the Spirit of God, and your question is how can we know if someone actually does have the Spirit of God.
First of all, please don't accuse me of doing the devil's work if I disagree with you. But some of your statements are incorrect. My position is NOT that no one but the Pope can receive the Spirit of God. I have NEVER said anything to that effect, and if you have read any of my posts on this matter, I have on numerous occasions have said that the Spirit blows where He wills and that Protestants of open hearts can and DO receive the Spirit of the Lord. I have NEVER relegated the Spirit to only those in VISIBLE communion with the Catholic Church, but have gone way beyond that in a number of posts in an attempt to explain the Church's position on the extent of WHO is IN the Church. Again, please don't accuse me of doing the devil's work for correcting your mistatements...
I would like to say that having the Spirit does NOT mean that one entirely understands every Word in the Bible... NOWHERE does Scriptures make the claim that one perfectly understands the Word because they have the Spirit. Paul on a number of occasions speaks of "immature" Christians, Christians who are feeding on milk rather than on solid food. Paul says that each person is given different charisms, different gifts, and interpretation of Scriptures is one of them. We all do not have them, and even the greatest of Saints were not infallible in their thoughts on every single passage that they interpreted...
MarkT said:
Well, first, they are the peacemakers. Second, they love the brethren. Third, they are poor. Fourth, they forgive. Fifth, they turn the other cheek; they don't repay evil with evil. Sixth, they show mercy. Seventh, they love the righteousness of God. Eighth, they don't judge others. Nineth, they keep the commandments to love God first and then to do unto others as they would have it done unto them. Tenth, they follow the instructions; the teachings of the Lord Jesus;
Well done, Mark, I would entirely agree with you. This is how one knows they have the Spirit. One John says we KNOW we have the Spirit when we obey the Commandments of Christ, which you describe very nicely. It has little to do with "denomination". But again, I must tell you that having the Spirit doesn't necessarily mean one FULLY understands the Scriptures. The Spirit gives His gifts to whom HE wills, not what we THINK. God gave the community apostles, preachers, evangelists, healers, speakers of tongues, etc. We do not all have everyone of these gifts. As such, we should NOT claim to be able to interpret Scriptures infallibly just because we act as you speak of above (and I doubt that most people here act in the way you describe above at all times).
MarkT said:
Jesus said, 'Truly, truly, I say to you, he who hears my word and believes him who sent me, has eternal life; he does not come into judgment but has passed from death to life. John 5:24
Well, Jesus is saying we have eternal life, and we have passed from death to life. And why not? We heard his voice and we believed.
Mark, what is the point of "hearing" the Word of God if you don't do it? What does Jesus say in Matthew 7 about hearing and DOING the Word of God? What does James say? What does Paul say? The problem is that many people think that they merely need to hear the Word of God, believe that they are saved, and "POOF", that's it. Many people do NOT conduct their lives as you mention above - and for some strange reason, they believe that they are "saved". Christ came to save us NOW. That means we must transform. Without this, we are not really saved from the slavery of sin. We are still in slavery if we continue in the same ways. Thus, salvation is more than a bus ticket.
Eternal life IS Christ. It is not a "status" that we will receive in the future. Christ is the way, the truth and THE LIFE. Eternal life. Having eternal life means having Christ abide in us. It does NOT refer to what happens after we die. Read 1 John 5:12. It refers to the "today", the "right now". NOT after we die. Thus, when we believe, we have Christ abiding in us. This says NOTHING about having everlasting life in heaven - unless we CONTINUE in Christ.
Again, please don't confuse my discussion with the work of the devil. I have said nothing about your personal walk in Christ. If you are acting as you have mentioned above, you are in Christ and you have eternal life right now. My goal is to open people's eyes to the meaning of God's Word, not do the devil's work. The devil would love people to rest on their laurels, thinking they are already saved and have nothing left to do but continue living in sin, thinking that their bus ticket has already been bought. That bus ticket leads to hell, Mark. Only those who do the will of the Father will be saved for heaven.