- Jul 31, 2010
- 3,477
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If you want to call any 'mind' or 'will' that is blinded by the 'god of this world,' that would be Satan, as free, you are welcome to do so.
Free to hear and free to believe the gospel.. absolutely.. unless of course you're a Calvinist and are led to believe that God only allows specific people to hear and then believe.
I cannot in 'good faith' see the facts that way because, in short, it is not true to what we are presented in His Words.
If man were 'alone' in mind or will, you'd certainly have a point. But the resistor does resist and block the Word of the Gospel, as Jesus taught us 'all.' The resistor however could care less what God Says. At the point of hearing, there are 'two parties' in play. The mind of the man and the will of the devil who STEALS WORD from people.
And no matter how many times the 'facts' are repeated, 'believers' still can't seem to Hear His Words on this particular subject, which is to me a resounding signal of the Truth of His Words:
Mark 4:15
And these are they by the way side, where the word is sown; but when they have heard, Satan cometh immediately, and taketh away the word that was sown in their hearts.
Matthew 13:19
When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the way side.
Luke 8:12
Those by the way side are they that hear; then cometh the devil, and taketh away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved.
Assuredly and resoundingly NO!
ANY believer who reads Jesus' Words above and 'doesn't' get the fact that this happens within 'all' mankind inclusive of themselves, are just not capable of listening or even 'hearing' these teachings. I don't blame them because? There is a cause that is not THEM.
There's no doubt that there is massive deception going on in the world and that we wrestle against the rulers of the darkness of this world.. although none of that teaches me that men cannot hear the gospel and then react to its teaching. Adam COULD hear the voice of God after falling in the garden and he understood that God was calling him.
In the end, it is Gods Choice who hears and who does not hear. No man can hear if and until God Says So.
Yeah, you're a Calvinist lol..