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Freewill religion is the Man of Sin !


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But earlier you said, Although it is still within the construct of your building and you know the parameters, you don't know how a person will choose. As the are free to choose between the two.

Now you seem to contradict yourself.

No this is not condratiction, as I have stated once before: foreknowledge is not the same as pre ordination. This is where election doctrine is confused.

Just because God knows something before it happens does not mean he choose it to happen that way. Adam and Eve made the choice

God Knew how they would choose because He is omniscient.

I debate atheists all the time who use this as a reason to despise God, it does no good when electionists affirm their position.

This is my response to them when they bring it up:

Man did not exist then God made him. If this is the case then God must have decided to make him.

Would this decision of God not be considered 'conception' ? This is an important point. God decided to make man!

Yes but he speaks of evil here as a condition mankind is in, not implying they choose to be this way. Moreover this Love of children is the Word of God not an act of discretion.
Love is not just a mushy feeling or a spiritual reality, it is also an act of volition "God loves those who love His son"

I am not familiar with election doctrines. There is a difference between foreknowledge and pre ordination. However they both exist in scripture.
This is what we are working out right now. Election doctrines in effect deny Gods ability to make 'decisions' and have 'conceptions' of thought. These lead to his foreknowledge.

"Thou shalt not" means to me, "This is not an option", particularly because this is given by God the Creator of all things, the God of Life. As I said, disobeying God is not a freewill, it is pride and it is death. How you can count "thou shalt not" as meaning it's up to your discretion only proves the point of this thread, that freewill religion is the man of sin and that this freewill presented as an absolute is a deception.
without a 'thou shalt not' there is no option of disobedience, if your interpretation was correct then the statement God would have made is: "thou can't"

obviously they could because they did

God created the option this is plain, to say Satan created something is a violation of scripture, Satan creates nothing he only twists and destroys.

God put the tree in the garden, He never stopped Eve or Adam either directly or indirectly.

All Satan did was alert Eve to the fact that she could actually eat from the tree and that it was possible to disobey, the option was always there albeit not in thier minds but it was there for Satan to expose none the less.

Paul is not saying we have freewills. He is saying there is a power called sin keeping his will from being free. For He says the flesh has it's own will contrary to the Spirit of God and keeping him from being able to serve Him. This is why we need Christ.
I was not referring to freewill, I was referring to the fact that there was a 'command' given in the garden. without this command Adam and Eve would not have known what disobedience was. Following yet?

without the command there would have been no option of disobedience. God is not a human who fell fowl of some sort of crafty trickery of the devil who managed to chump him out and wreck His creation by outsmarting Him!

God put the option in play, not Satan.

You are confusing choice with faith. You are essentially saying there would be no light without darkness. This is what Satan teaches; that without the right to disobey God we are not free in our wills to serve Him willingly. He teaches obedience must come by our volition and approval so as not to be forced and be our own masters. This is how he subtly justifies rebellion. This is the same lie sold to us in the garden through which we were deceived. Satan despises servitude under the Godhead and so portrays God as a self serving tyrant, when the all knowing God is in fact benevolent. And if we had seen through the serpents subtle innuendo, we would have never considered disobedience to Him who only had our best interests in mind. There need not be disobedience for obedience to occur. Just Trust. Just Faith. Hence righteousness is by grace through faith.
No this is not what I am saying at all. In the beginning God said "let there be light" He separated the light from the darkness and said "It is Good"

Adam and Eve had the ultimate options available to them in the garden, one of them would have lead to life. Obedience would have resulted in them eventually eating of the tree of life.

Both Light and darkness, good and evil are creations of God.

I don't advocate a right to disobey, this is a fact due to the fall all men are under disobedience that is the nature of man, I advocate the options that are available withinh these parameters, one of them is to acknowledge that fact that we are sinners

What I am saying is that God has given man 'options' He has done so within the parameters of the creation. It was evident from the beginning.

He is acredited with decieving the whole world. I notice you skip this very relevant point. For if we were not deceived we would not need the Truth, we would already have it; and this Truth is to trust God, and the deception is to not trust God or that we don't need Him.
He did it by instigating disobedience in the garden.

Satan has the power of death or rather had it until Jesus defeated him at the cross. He, as a liar and obscurer of light, is the founder of the kingdom of darkness and is presently still commanding those who are his subjects under the deception they are the loyal servants of God according to their delusion of piety through volition. God is the God of the living and there is no darkness in Him. Just because I can step on a bug or not step on a bug doesn't mean I have the power of life and death, only death. Consequently neither do we have the ability to disobey God and live. So let me put it this way to you. "Thou shalt not" is not an option if you want to live.
Death is part of the creation. Satan is the ruler of this world, he is not the founder of any kingdom he is a usurper! The usurper of the creation. God made everything.

I know this is how you see it and I understand your reasoning. It is purely subjective however. My point is that God's mercy is not our choice but our hope. For this we must trust in His benevolence not our volition.
Forever one can say I chose this or that never acknowledging the powers of light and dark at work within one's soul.
Acknowledging the powers of light and dark within ones soul is a choice!

Yes there are decisions involved, indeed this is my point. Particularly regarding mercy and understanding, the weightier matters of the law. For one who condemns according to their strict adherence to freewill are not inclined towards mercy or understanding. However those who see the bigger picture that acknowledges that men have been deceived are equipped with mercy and understanding. They are prepared to return good for evil and pray for their enemies. They undersatand the motivation behind the cross and are also moved to forgive.
Men have only been deceived so far! The overall inclination is toward evil but the conscience and the law are clear indicators that somethings are clearly a matter of choice.

We must not judge others soley on the basis of the fact that they are sinners, but as Jesus turned over the money changers in the temple with rage, there clearly is such a thing as an informed choice, be it good or be it evil!

This does not negate the fact that there is deception by powers in high places.
Yes, so they say being unaware they are deceived, therefore manipulated in their deception.
To a certain point, yes we both agree that if someone has full revelation of the truth he will turn to God and be healed.

But there is a reason why they 'need' to believe in something. Everyone does, they have simply decided to believe in evolution, not God or Buddah or hare krishna or allah, but 'no God'

This is where they are lying and they have a mark upon their conscience!

Well here's where we have our tit for tat. The word free is a relative term. Morally speaking good and evil are relative to God and define the degree of freedom pertinent to the term. You don't apply this limiting the parameters of your definition to an amoral view. Whereas this is my only concern on this thread. That we acknowledge moral and immoral impetus.
I doubt these theologians invented good and evil.

Here I feel you must either choose between whether they know it to be true or they have options on what is true. Otherwise it appears hypocritical. For the walk away from sin is a process at work in us through the Holy Spirit. Not everybody leaves sin right off the bat. I havn't sold all my possesions and given them to the poor, but even one act of charity covers a multitude of sins.
They know it to be true, the joy in their hearts confirms it.

The options are not deciding what or not is true but in how they are going to respond!

"some fall away because of persecution"

"some chase after the lusts of the worldly pleasures"

These are bad choices my friend choices made in the light of the knowledge that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the truth and leads unto salvation.

"the young ruler walked away with a heavy heart for he was extremely rich"

This guy was facing a big choice, Jesus hadn't told him to give away a tenth or half or 80% He said 'the lot'!

No one knows how that young guy got on but he had a big choice in front of him.

There are men who are shot in wars for being a coward when in fact they had no desire to kill another man. What better case can be made against freewill defined as an absolute. Yes under the pretext of a freewill believed to be absolute, men have killed other men thinking they were cowards and killed each other both thinking they were serving the greater good. The moral standard is perverted in direction by such a deception. Jesus was crucified because of this. For scripture shows the Jews chose in their deception to free Barrabas over Jesus. A hero of the revolution was worth more than the Prince of Peace.

This is in regards to the law of mankind (the moral law), the knowledge of good and evil. There is knowledge at work in all men, they know the difference between good and evil!

My desire here is not to contest we have a volition for indeed we do, but rather to make clear we must volunteer ourselves as servants to some higher power, and that some of us are blind to who we volunteer to serve and why, even because we are blind to our blindness in assuming the will is free as an absolute.
So why are we arguing these points? This sound eerily like what I have been stating that man has options within the parameters of his existence, be that fallen or regenerated.

Will is not free as an absolute, I can demonstrate this clearly in 30 seconds to 4 minutes.

It goes like this:

If you have the power to deny the will of God you will be able to demonstrate it right now.

Hold your breath and stop yourself breathing right now just by using your will against God's and nothing else.

You cant, God wills you breath, you breath!

That's it in a nutshell.
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as an arminist, i accept that truth that God overides the will of men at his discretion. why he lets some take their lives and others live i can say.

but how many times has childeye asked God if its not your will(and you know) dont let me do this . the act is a clear sin. i have done that. God didnt stop me at all. i learned that if i KNOW it be a sin, i dont need to ask God to stop me just dont do it. or ask for strength as i know its a sin but i am weak. that implies a will of sorts to serve.
...... i learned that if i KNOW it be a sin, i dont need to ask God to stop me just dont do it. or ask for strength as i know its a sin but i am weak. that implies a will of sorts to serve......

The will becomes stronger the deeper you go I believe, but the deeper you go the stronger the temptations that come.

I think after much back and forth with childeye his position is basically that you have this ability only by the revelation and regeneration through Christ.

A fallen man does not have this 'law of righteousness' or ability working within him.

Where we seem to run a fowl is over weather or not a person can reject this!

I think it's quite plain, rejection of the truth is a constant ream of the scripture right from the word get go with Eve in the garden committing an act against the Word of God.

And let us not forget that Eve was sinless before she committed this act, so there was no servitude to sin in the garden! Then what was it?

That's the million dollar question
The will becomes stronger the deeper you go I believe, but the deeper you go the stronger the temptations that come.

I think after much back and forth with childeye his position is basically that you have this ability only by the revelation and regeneration through Christ.

A fallen man does not have this 'law of righteousness' or ability working within him.

Where we seem to run a fowl is over weather or not a person can reject this!

I think it's quite plain, rejection of the truth is a constant ream of the scripture right from the word get go with Eve in the garden committing an act against the Word of God.

And let us not forget that Eve was sinless before she committed this act, so there was no servitude to sin in the garden! Then what was it?

That's the million dollar question

You got the million to give me?;)

The answer is, was, & will be.. that Eve + the Rom. 8:1 ones are not Born Again (the Garden pair as you say had no sin) even being WITH NO CONDEMNATION [[[AS FULLY MATURE]]].

They & we were babes at the [[START]]. OK?? (perfect, but still babes!)
To mature was the OBJECT of the forbidden Tree being put right there in the 'Midst of the Garden'. And for us?? Note Rev. 18:4

And the million bucks? just send to the site!:thumbsup

=Levi;570610]No this is not condratiction, as I have stated once before: foreknowledge is not the same as pre ordination. This is where election doctrine is confused.

Just because God knows something before it happens does not mean he choose it to happen that way. Adam and Eve made the choice
God foreordained the Christ. I believe that.
God Knew how they would choose because He is omniscient.

I debate atheists all the time who use this as a reason to despise God, it does no good when electionists affirm their position.

This is my response to them when they bring it up:

Man did not exist then God made him. If this is the case then God must have decided to make him.

Would this decision of God not be considered 'conception' ? This is an important point. God decided to make man!
I don't see how an atheist believing there are no higher powers is daunted by the declaring God made man.
Love is not just a mushy feeling or a spiritual reality, it is also an act of volition
Without the mushy feeling there is no volition since Love is both the cause and the purpose.
"God loves those who love His son"
A revealing of character by seeing how one perceives the Christ.
This is what we are working out right now. Election doctrines in effect deny Gods ability to make 'decisions' and have 'conceptions' of thought. These lead to his foreknowledge.
I only understand that God chose the lowly rich in faith, He gives sight to the blind and makes the seeing blind, He has mercy upon whom He will have mercy etc... Decisions and conceptions are not the same. I think you are describing a will as in a sentient being and life is always deciding between this or that. This is simply a will that is alive and there is nothing God is relative to unless you are saying that man defines God.
without a 'thou shalt not' there is no option of disobedience, if your interpretation was correct then the statement God would have made is: "thou can't"

obviously they could because they did
Are you by chance a Lawyer? I would argue without distrust there is no option for disobedience regardless of the option. For the same could be said about "thou shalt" meaning "you can". I believe mankind would have stayed in obedience without Satan deceiving them with a false image of god. I see your point, but as the option to eat dung is perfectly within my parameters, I don't eat it, nor do I have the freedom to decide I like the taste of it and gain nourishment from it.

God created the option this is plain, to say Satan created something is a violation of scripture, Satan creates nothing he only twists and destroys.

I know
God put the tree in the garden, He never stopped Eve or Adam either directly or indirectly.
You are mincing words here. Yes God created the tree of good and evil although the man was created afterwards. God however did not say it was an option to eat from it. He didn't stop man is true, nor did He stop Satan. It is not hard to assume in hindsight, that God was going to use this act of distrust to prove a point unto His Glory.
All Satan did was alert Eve to the fact that she could actually eat from the tree and that it was possible to disobey, the option was always there albeit not in thier minds but it was there for Satan to expose none the less.
You sound like an advocate for Satan in a manner of speaking, for I know you are not. But I would not argue that it was possible to disobey only that this was to trust Satan and be obedient to him. In lieu of what was true, being ignorant, we believed a lie. Satan did not expose anything therefore since as you say he creates nothing. He opposed God by inventing an alternative, himself. That in Truth is not a created reality, it is therefore vanity.

I was not referring to freewill, I was referring to the fact that there was a 'command' given in the garden. without this command Adam and Eve would not have known what disobedience was. Following yet?
I get what you're saying Levi. Please don't lose patience with me, I appreciate your forthright perspective. I have things to say too. If God didn't say don't do that there would have been no chance for a fall, I get it. But as God is all knowing there must be a plan that in the end will Glorify Him.

without the command there would have been no option of disobedience. God is not a human who fell fowl of some sort of crafty trickery of the devil who managed to chump him out and wreck His creation by outsmarting Him!

God put the option in play, not Satan.
Gosh Levi. When will you get what I am saying? I get what you are saying. I'm saying God did not tempt man nor invent distrust. Without distrust of God there is no option to disobey intentionally despite the fact there is the commandment thou shalt not.

No this is not what I am saying at all. In the beginning God said "let there be light" He separated the light from the darkness and said "It is Good"
Actually God said He formed the Light and created evil. This indicates to me that God is the Light. He is called a consuming fire.
Adam and Eve had the ultimate options available to them in the garden, one of them would have lead to life. Obedience would have resulted in them eventually eating of the tree of life.
The way I see it, they were already alive yet corruptible. Moreover the scripture seems to indicate the tree of life would not have provided eternal life without first eating of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, but I am speculating.
Both Light and darkness, good and evil are creations of God.
I've already said God is the Light, He is the goodness.
I don't advocate a right to disobey, this is a fact due to the fall all men are under disobedience that is the nature of man, I advocate the options that are available withinh these parameters, one of them is to acknowledge that fact that we are sinners
I never believed you advocate disobedience, I don't agree with the premise it is an option. As we agree that men are sinners in nature I think this serves to prove the point that the ability to sin is in reality a disability.

Death is part of the creation. Satan is the ruler of this world, he is not the founder of any kingdom he is a usurper! The usurper of the creation. God made everything.
Semantics. Yes the kingdom of darkness is a kingdom of usurpers and Satan is the king of usurpers, for that is vanity. We're really mostly arguing semantics.
Acknowledging the powers of light and dark within ones soul is a choice!
Is it Really? Well since we must receive revelation from God to be healed of blindness that is a relative statement. Anything can be construed as a choice, but the character of the person is a factor that preempts the decision. After seeing the Truth if we do not continue in His Word, we are yet servants to lies and never chose God even if we thought we had.
Men have only been deceived so far! The overall inclination is toward evil but the conscience and the law are clear indicators that somethings are clearly a matter of choice.
God's choice to reject perhaps, even though in blindness of pride we thought we rejected Him. For I see no reasoning that makes rejecting God reasonable since we only reject ourselves.
We must not judge others soley on the basis of the fact that they are sinners, but as Jesus turned over the money changers in the temple with rage, there clearly is such a thing as an informed choice, be it good or be it evil!
Semantics. In my intercession I would say they are uninformed whoever chooses other than God. If such deliberate denial of Truth is incurable, then this insanity cannot be a freewill.
To a certain point, yes we both agree that if someone has full revelation of the truth he will turn to God and be healed.

But there is a reason why they 'need' to believe in something. Everyone does, they have simply decided to believe in evolution, not God or Buddah or hare krishna or allah, but 'no God'
I think that is well said. God created stomachs for food and food for the stomach that we might remember to say thank you God. Now How dumb are we without God?
This is where they are lying and they have a mark upon their conscience!
All Liars are deceived.
The options are not deciding what or not is true but in how they are going to respond!

"some fall away because of persecution"

"some chase after the lusts of the worldly pleasures"

These are bad choices my friend choices made in the light of the knowledge that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is the truth and leads unto salvation.
I fail to see where any of these choices are made in knowledge applying the term literally. There is dishonesty, but all bad choices are founded upon distrust of our Maker and can only end in hypocrisy.
"the young ruler walked away with a heavy heart for he was extremely rich"

This guy was facing a big choice, Jesus hadn't told him to give away a tenth or half or 80% He said 'the lot'!

No one knows how that young guy got on but he had a big choice in front of him.
If He were convinced he was rich if he was poor, he would have no conflict.

This is in regards to the law of mankind (the moral law), the knowledge of good and evil. There is knowledge at work in all men, they know the difference between good and evil!

So why are we arguing these points? This sound eerily like what I have been stating that man has options within the parameters of his existence, be that fallen or regenerated.
Actually, With Love in one's heart the knowledge of good and evil is old news. This knowledge if trusted upon to deliberate moral direction is only intellectual and can only serve to puff one up in pride and put down others in shame. Love others as you would want to be loved and love God with all your heart mind and soul. The knowledge that God is the Spirit that makes us good encompasses everything making the knowledge of good and evil obsolete. The choice is whether we care or not to acknowledge this and even that takes Love. I dislike the term freewill when used to condemn and hand out undue accolades. Whatever God is doing is for His glory. I want to have the mind of a servant even if I am a son. I don't want to take anything for granted.
Will is not free as an absolute,
Yes, it is relative and we all argue the semantics created by this.
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Where we seem to run a fowl is over weather or not a person can reject this!
If God is using the flesh of men to filter out an undesirable spiritual element in heaven, then inevitably some men will reject the Truth.
I think it's quite plain, rejection of the truth is a constant ream of the scripture right from the word get go with Eve in the garden committing an act against the Word of God.

And let us not forget that Eve was sinless before she committed this act, so there was no servitude to sin in the garden! Then what was it?

That's the million dollar question
It was Satan in his own pride sowing distrust by selling a false image of god.
The will becomes stronger the deeper you go I believe, but the deeper you go the stronger the temptations that come.

I think after much back and forth with childeye his position is basically that you have this ability only by the revelation and regeneration through Christ.

A fallen man does not have this 'law of righteousness' or ability working within him.

Where we seem to run a fowl is over weather or not a person can reject this!

I think it's quite plain, rejection of the truth is a constant ream of the scripture right from the word get go with Eve in the garden committing an act against the Word of God.

And let us not forget that Eve was sinless before she committed this act, so there was no servitude to sin in the garden! Then what was it?

That's the million dollar question

thats were calvinism fails, God would have to make them sin and made them for hell without any chance ever to not sin. that doesnt seem Good to me. the fall was from sinless perfection, to sinful imperfection. they had it all with God and choose a lie over that.
To mature was the OBJECT of the forbidden Tree being put right there in the 'Midst of the Garden'. And for us?? Note Rev. 18:4

And the million bucks? just send to the site!:thumbsup


So by your reading, the tree and the knowledge that ensued by disobedience was all part of God's plan to create man to fall? the purposeful start in a world of sin and pain because God wanted to mature some through pain and suffering unto salvation and well just pain and suffer others then kill them and chuck em in the trash.

You know this is the atheists no.1 argument against God, I hope this is not what you are advocating. That God intentionally made man to fall.

Am I correct in saying that is what you are advocating?
Yes, it is relative and we all argue the semantics created by this.

Lets not argue the semantics anymore because I believe we are both saved and we both agree that freewill is relative to the state of existence.

Where we may never agree and will have to wait to find out when we get there is what the state of existence in the garden was and how that affected Adam and Eves freewill.

I believe they where free to sin whilst still being sinless and that the 'command' was the mechanism that brought forth the sin and also gave the option to disobey.

you believe that they were not free to sin but Satan placed the 'alternative' servitude in front of them via a lie and thus 'created' something .

I think that none of us can truly grasp the heavenly reality in this shadowy existence, it is like understanding physic concepts through mathematics, we can give each other the calculations and they have absolute values but each man has a different internal view of what these concepts look like, in his minds eye. Even while they both have the correct absolutes.

The one thing we do agree on and it does testify to the truth is that here and now a man can only be either a 'slave to sin' or a 'slave to righteousness'

It does overwhelming seem as if these where the only two overall possibilities in the garden as well, the points of argument seem to be over the how who and why

I will always maintain that God made everything and if there are two possibilities of existence evident in the beginning and even now then He must be accredited with both because He is greater than all He has made and Satan is not His equal, we have to brutally come down to a base question, why?

For an arbitrary plan of glorification forced upon all things?

or as a matter of consequence of choices made?

We still don't really know why Adam partook.
More on the Teachings of the Man of Sin !

Those who deny that saving Faith, that Faith to believe in Christ as Heb 10:39

But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul.

Those that deny that this is a Sovereign Work of God the Holy Spirit, in the New Birth Jn 3:3-8; 6:29; 2 Thess 2:13 given to all for whom Christ died and for His Sake Phil 1:29

29For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake;

Those who deny this are Antichrist and follow the man of sin !
Lets not argue the semantics anymore because I believe we are both saved and we both agree that freewill is relative to the state of existence.

Where we may never agree and will have to wait to find out when we get there is what the state of existence in the garden was and how that affected Adam and Eves freewill.

I believe they where free to sin whilst still being sinless and that the 'command' was the mechanism that brought forth the sin and also gave the option to disobey.

you believe that they were not free to sin but Satan placed the 'alternative' servitude in front of them via a lie and thus 'created' something .

I think that none of us can truly grasp the heavenly reality in this shadowy existence, it is like understanding physic concepts through mathematics, we can give each other the calculations and they have absolute values but each man has a different internal view of what these concepts look like, in his minds eye. Even while they both have the correct absolutes.

The one thing we do agree on and it does testify to the truth is that here and now a man can only be either a 'slave to sin' or a 'slave to righteousness'

It does overwhelming seem as if these where the only two overall possibilities in the garden as well, the points of argument seem to be over the how who and why

I will always maintain that God made everything and if there are two possibilities of existence evident in the beginning and even now then He must be accredited with both because He is greater than all He has made and Satan is not His equal, we have to brutally come down to a base question, why?

For an arbitrary plan of glorification forced upon all things?

or as a matter of consequence of choices made?

We still don't really know why Adam partook.
I really cannot argue with anything you say here, for you effectively have described the issues where we can only speculate. I would applaud the honesty of saying "I don't know".

Consequently, it is my conclusion that the scriptures are written in a manner that leave men to speculate upon why Adam partook and in doing so, reveal themselves unknowingly without pretense. I'd rather err on the side of mercy and understanding than err on condemning the innocent for this to me means there is a Holiness that is incorruptible. For after having seen the Christ on the cross, I can come away with nothing other than men must be blind to crucify such a Lamb for their hatred of injustices. The carnal mind is based on a hypocrisy it cannot see. Jesus submitted to crucifixion and died with forgivness on his lips. At what point will I condemn my fellow man is now my only carnal fear.
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I really cannot argue with anything you say here, for you effectively have described the issues where we can only speculate. I would applaud the honesty of saying "I don't know".

Consequently, it is my conclusion that the scriptures are written in a manner that leave men to speculate upon why Adam partook and in doing so, reveal themselves unknowingly without pretense. I'd rather err on the side of mercy and understanding than err on condemning the innocent for this to me means there is a Holiness that is incorruptible. For after having seen the Christ on the cross, I can come away with nothing other than men must be blind to crucify such a Lamb for their hatred of injustices. The carnal mind is based on a hypocrisy it cannot see. Jesus submitted to crucifixion and died with forgivness on his lips. At what point will I condemn my fellow man is now my only carnal fear.

Romans 10
5 Moses writes this about the righteousness that is by the law: “The person who does these things will live by them.”[a] 6 But the righteousness that is by faith says: “Do not say in your heart, ‘Who will ascend into heaven?’”[b] (that is, to bring Christ down) 7 “or ‘Who will descend into the deep?’”[c] (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead). 8 But what does it say? “The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart,”[d] that is, the message concerning faith that we proclaim: 9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved. 11 As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.”[e] 12 For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile—the same Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses all who call on him, 13 for, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”[f]

There is indeed a great mystery here brother!

I just praise God that I may say Jesus is Lord and I know this with every fiber of my being to be true.

Why me and not my neighbor? I do not know, why now and not before? I can not explain to anyone. Will my neighbor ever say "Jesus is Lord"? I cannot tell for God can restore sight to the blind and he can replace the hardest heart of stone with that of flesh.

For that is the sovereignty of God, ours is just to confess to others what Paul has written and ourselves bear testimony to the truth.

That's the best we can do I feel.
Those who teach against and deny the Eternal Security of the Believer, they are the man of sin. For this teaching is dishonoring to and against what Christ has accomplished and obtained for His People. Their Eternal Redemption Heb 9:12

Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.

Teaching against The Eternal Security of the Believer based solely upon Christ, makes Eternal Security dependent upon what man does. This is Anti Christ, against Christ. For scripture teaches Jn 10:27-30

27My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:

28And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

29My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.

30I and my Father are one.

1 Cor 1:8

8Who shall also confirm you unto the end, that ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Phil 1:6

6Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:
Those who teach against and deny the Eternal Security of the Believer, they are the man of sin. For this teaching is dishonoring to and against what Christ has accomplished and obtained for His People. Their Eternal Redemption Heb 9:12

Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.

Teaching against The Eternal Security of the Believer based solely upon Christ, makes Eternal Security dependent upon what man does. This is Anti Christ, against Christ. For scripture teaches Jn 10:27-30

27My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:

28And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

29My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.

30I and my Father are one.

1 Cor 1:8

8Who shall also confirm you unto the end, that ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Phil 1:6

6Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:
Yes there are those who are redeemed and their names are written in the book of life and their redemption is sure according to God's promise. That doesn't mean we know we are it. Even Paul said he must subdue his flesh lest after preaching the Gospel he himself is rejected, for he reminds us to consider the severity of God and to remember God did not spare the devil and his angels. It is my hope I am one who will see eternal life. I hope we all are. I like hoping. Hope is a good thing, not a cut down to Christ and the Father Who sent him that we may have hope.

I appreciate your confidence and we are all exhorted to be bold against the lies of Satan, but ultimately God will have mercy where He will have mercy. I am not saying this to grieve you in your faith for I am confident too. I just don't want to take anything for granted.
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Yes there are those who are redeemed and their names are written in the book of life and their redemption is sure according to God's promise. That doesn't mean we know we are it.

God reveals to His redeemed ones the Mystery of His will..Eph 1:

4According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

5Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will,

6To the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the beloved.

7In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;

8Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence;

9Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself:

The Mystery of His will is all that Paul has declared in verses 3-7

God's everlasting Love for His Elect, His Eternal Purpose of Grace towards them, the redemption of their souls by Christ are secret things known only to God, until they are revealed to them and in them by God's Gift of the Holy Spirit of Faith in Christ. Faith is the substance of things hoped for the EVIDENCE of things not seen.

God reveals them also to His Elect by the Gospel informing them of their Salvation Eph 1:13

13In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise,

14Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory.

Your statement sounds contrary to the very purpose of why God sends one the Gospel, to inform them of their Salvation, the good news of it.

Ones confidence should be in what God reveals to be True , that is what Faith is given for.

Your statement sounds contrary to the very purpose of why God sends one the Gospel, to inform them of their Salvation, the good news of it.

Ones confidence should be in what God reveals to be True , that is what Faith is given for.
To what statement are you refering? Please be specific. But I would not argue with what God reveals to be true for it is undeniable to any honest soul. The Good news to me is not that someone died in my stead and I have escaped death through the Son of Gods suffering, but that Love is eternal and death cannot conquer it. I reiterate that my intention is not to diminish your confidence.
God does not have the ability to choose to be good or evil since He is the absolute by which these terms are defined. If freewill is defined as the ability to deny God then you see the dilemna. God would not have a freewill. The proposition that man could deny God and live was the invention of Satan, not God or man.

God does have the ability to bring and to do good or evil, though you are right that He is always good in Himself, since, as the NT says, God is love. The old testament records His abilities several times. See Jer 26:19 "..the LORD repented him of the evil which he had pronounced against them." and 34:22 "Like as I have brought all this great evil upon this people". Ezk 6:10 is another of the many. "And they shall know that I [am] the LORD, [and that] I have not said in vain that I would do this evil unto them."

childeye, your posts are touching in the fidelity that you show in defending God and His lovely character. But I have to say, not all your statements can be shown to be true. The proposition that man can deny God and live is evident in every day life. The atheists and so on may be "dead in their sins" but very much alive to misdirect and confuse folk.

Peace to the brothers and sisters on this board
God does have the ability to bring and to do good or evil, though you are right that He is always good in Himself, since, as the NT says, God is love. The old testament records His abilities several times. See Jer 26:19 "..the LORD repented him of the evil which he had pronounced against them." and 34:22 "Like as I have brought all this great evil upon this people". Ezk 6:10 is another of the many. "And they shall know that I [am] the LORD, [and that] I have not said in vain that I would do this evil unto them."

childeye, your posts are touching in the fidelity that you show in defending God and His lovely character. But I have to say, not all your statements can be shown to be true. The proposition that man can deny God and live is evident in every day life. The atheists and so on may be "dead in their sins" but very much alive to misdirect and confuse folk.

Peace to the brothers and sisters on this board
I appreciate your post and do know your point. Please note however I said God cannot choose to be good or evil, not do good or evil. God cannot deny God. What evil God does, if we may call it that, is not a choice made out of deliberation, but an act of passion. Doing evil is usually translated as calamity, rather than pertaining to a question of character. He is vulnerable to heartache, I believe, since his sons heart is so compassionate. We must remember that the episodes in the Old Testament happened before the Christ was sitting at the right hand of God interceding between God and man.

To say however that men can deny God and live is semantics, for we do die after disobeying Him. The death may be slow, but the corruption is obvious. There is no occurance in scripture where it has ever been said by God we can disobey Him and live.

I thank you for the kindness in the way you speak forthrightly to me. For it does no one good to be puffed up with knowledge, only that we abide in Love. May your blessing of peace return to you and your house.
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