Green Man
Good afternoon everyone[smile].
Pard, it is good to finally hear from you, however I am confused. What is it that you think I did that you are you accusing me of?
I was asking you questions within my last post here because I am curious about how you determine/define reality. Those were questions I asked, Pard, not character judgments or "bashing". Someone with good reading skills and eyesight would have noticed the question marks at the end of those sentences...and an emotionally secure adult probably wouldn't have taken offense at them either. As you have admitted at being bad at science, not paying attention to detail, and cheating to pass your classes[Thread titled "The Amazing Discovery of D.N.A.", POST#20, page 2], I was merely curious about the degree of your knowledge on the subject of modern Astronomy/Astrophysics. As someone much different than myself, your opinions are valuable to me. But, if you'd rather be blindly insulting and not answer my questions[Which should have been easy, as they only involved your personal thoughts/opinions. It's not as if I was quizzing you on mathematics or something.], well then, that's just fine, for you have more to lose in this relationship than I do[Try and think looooong term, Pard. I plan on being here for awhile, and it's not as if you're only going to hear from me within the "Christianity and Science" threads.].
So....your thoughts[smile]?
Pard, it is good to finally hear from you, however I am confused. What is it that you think I did that you are you accusing me of?
I was asking you questions within my last post here because I am curious about how you determine/define reality. Those were questions I asked, Pard, not character judgments or "bashing". Someone with good reading skills and eyesight would have noticed the question marks at the end of those sentences...and an emotionally secure adult probably wouldn't have taken offense at them either. As you have admitted at being bad at science, not paying attention to detail, and cheating to pass your classes[Thread titled "The Amazing Discovery of D.N.A.", POST#20, page 2], I was merely curious about the degree of your knowledge on the subject of modern Astronomy/Astrophysics. As someone much different than myself, your opinions are valuable to me. But, if you'd rather be blindly insulting and not answer my questions[Which should have been easy, as they only involved your personal thoughts/opinions. It's not as if I was quizzing you on mathematics or something.], well then, that's just fine, for you have more to lose in this relationship than I do[Try and think looooong term, Pard. I plan on being here for awhile, and it's not as if you're only going to hear from me within the "Christianity and Science" threads.].
So....your thoughts[smile]?