Good evening gentlemen[smile].
Pard, a good scientist studies, conducts experiments, falsifies his experiments, and uses The Scientific Method to draw the best conclusions based on the results/data/evidences of said falsified experiments.
He wouldn't say "Well, even though I don't understand anything about the situation, or them, I'm going to just trust my gut about what I think I know[even if it cannot be scientifically confirmed]and
assume that the critics are wrong and unfairly biased...because these liars happen to belong to the same religion I have."
Is that right? Because it sure
seems as if this is what you are saying, and if so, that would be foolish of you.
Here, let me help you with the points that you listed[smile].
1. No, not really. It's
these types of Christians that are regarded as delusional by the vast majority of the scientific community, and for very good reasons too. Being a Christian[or any kind of a theist]is in itself not enough to make one a negative target of scientific academia. It's lying about science, people, denying observable realities, and trying to create a custom-made, Bible-friendly pseudo-science to replace real science in order to promote your fantasy version of what you think science and scientific terms should be[because real science and reality didn't work for them]that makes you a target for criticism.
2. These types of people who's names I listed previously
are very smart and on to something. They've found an easy way to control people and get rich off of the ignorant and the desperate. I don't worry about these people even half as much as I worry about their masses of devoted followers.
If I were a Christian I would be so disappointed in my fellow brethren, and how they make God and Christianity appear to many unbelievers......
3.Where do you get these ridiculous ideas about the scientific community?
Although many scientists do seem to take pleasure in proving things and people wrong, this is one of sciences greatest strengths, because this is how scientific knowledge advances/progresses. Frauds and mistakes within science are always discovered and solved by other scientists. What in the world is it that you think the "scientific community" is afraid of[grins]? You make them all sound like the Catholic Church during The Dark Ages. Perhaps you would like to provide some examples?
Rocky, a Deity may be able to breaks Natural Laws, but in regards to our Heliocentric Solar System[which of course is based upon gravity. Aren't you glad you brought it up?

], it has been scientifically observed that this has not as of yet occurred.