Blazin Bones
- Oct 6, 2004
- 10,717
- 84
- Thread starter
- #61
SyntaxVorlon said:"No, VISHNU's power is evident, not Yahweh."
Now, refute that statement logically or admit that you aren't basing your beliefs on something rational, hence, something science cannot say anything about one way or another.
Wow now you're saying that at least a third of the world's population is schizophrenic, care to back this up with actual proof? Or are you going to say that all japanese people are neurotic and russians have fantasies about their mothers?Also most people who believe in reincarnation suffer from the same syptoms of schizophrenia, as most Christians do not.
Vorlon, you make your claims with the same proof I have, nothing. How about you prove how God doesn't exist for once? All you atheist can do is stand skeptic before the world the Lord has created. Yes, I do believe a third of the world's population has been deceived by satan into a schizophrenic practice. Just as you have no proof to say they don't I have no proof, that you'll except, to say they do. You will see my proof of God when life comes to an end and you are found lacking by the Father for not excepting the Son's gift of salvation.