What about the law that is being written directly into our hearts by the very hand of God??
- Yes, we have exchanged our sin and shame for His righteousness.
- We are also transformed by the renewing of our minds because we think on Him each moment even when and maybe especially when we are dealing with our loved ones, His loved ones...
- And we are all subject to His Word and His Kindness.
For it's not by might, and not by strength [or other artifice of man]
"but by my Spirit, saith the Lord," and Jesus read and heard! this and He sent the Comforter to us as our Teacher and it is the Holy Spirit which was delivered to man when the time was full, and is given to every person, even as many as the Lord, thy God shall call.
Public Domain said:
38 Peter said to them, “Repent, and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 39 For the promise is to you, and to your children, and to all who are far off, even as many as the Lord our God will call to himself.”
40 With many other words he testified, and exhorted them, saying, “Save yourselves from this crooked generation!”
41 Then those who gladly received his word were baptized.
Then, as now, not all were 'receptive'.
So it's HIS job to join us together and in that process we begin to better identify with each other. They (those outside) shall know us for they see His love as a Marker over us - the banner over us IS love. God is Love. They shall know us for the love we have, one for the other. It's just a matter of getting our flesh outta the way and leaning to speak. Baby-steps. Until such time as we are mature, we may also call to our Holy One for translation service. He is more than able to get us there and to provide child rearing service until such time as we are able to speak and HEY! Even walk, kinda by ourselves a little. It's bumpy at first, as any toddler knows.
But I digress. He writes the law into our hearts and he does this personally. It's not something we've never seen. He wrote into our very DNA and all that when He wove us together in the womb. We know that touch. And I've seen this happen. So have you. It starts when He draws me/us to Him out of concern for a loved one (it often starts this way in me, in any case - pardon my speaking for you, but I'm pretty sure this is true for most everybody and this 'concern for a loved one' used to be primarily my kids, but I go to him all concerned and petition Him and begin supplication and prayer. Also, there are provisions made for single people (as Paul teaches, that might even be preferred), but the point is you don't need kids to hear God, His is the job of Provider and provide well He does.
Sometimes He pretends to not be available (as seen by me) and this causes me to double down in my efforts and renew my petition in earnest this time. He winks and responds with something casual like, "Did you need Me?" It's like a shepherd playing with his sheep. He (often the youngest male of the Hebrew family) is given the responsibility of loving and caring for the sheep. And part of that includes playing with them. He may sneak a peek back and wait for a moment when they are not paying strict attention and then, if there happens to be a corner path or something to hide behind? He could quietly slip away. It's a game but the poor little sheep only know that he left them.
Sure, there is a little panic but in this way too, God has provided. They start bleating and looking about, their senses are in full alert because of the danger of being alone on the trail and eventually one of them spots their shepherd and then? Much gambooling about ensues. They pronk in gladness and all manner of sheeply boisterousness breaks out.
So he may pretend to ignore me. And I am, by that time flabbergasted a little, and out it spills. No, I didn't surprise my Maker. He made me. But I tell him all about it. And he soothes me and as I pray and play and gambool and bleat, so He also takes note of my chief complaint. I want more light, so I may see better and be better equipped to deal with the trials that come to me in the darkness. I want to draw nigh to Him because I am assured that when I do? He also draws nigh (close) to me. Don't ya just love that? I do too.
And, so it goes on from there and He starts giving orders to His Servants, the angels, and messages are designed to bolster and encourage and answer my supplications. I get them and they sometimes come in the form of seeds, and Scripture references from the Highest Authority in the Land. It's insight, i tell you! Insight. But no, I'm not insightful, well, not that much but more like Him putting or bringing me into a place where I am receptive then there are some secret seeds planted. I am certain that you already know the next step.
Nurture or ignore. The Parable of the Seed comes to mind. But, pause with me for a moment and magnify God. Because what could be packed into those seeds? Could there be the germ-form of this very message that I am trying as faithfully as I am able to broadcast to each loved one here? I dunno, but it's possible. All things, for your Heavenly Father are.
And they don't have to be huge seeds to be valuable either. You've heard of tiny seeds being given glory. The mustard seed comes to mind. But it could be as easy as to pause and ask Google to look and tell me what, "Verily, verily..." could mean. Google told me that it could mean, "Amen, amen..." and could be given as an assurance. Here, I'll ask the TheGoo again and fetch the response to you here:
https://www.bing.com/search?q=verily literally means amen&qs=n&form=QBRE&sp=-1&pq=verily literally means amen&sc=0-27&sk=&cvid=C290C28778514767B6AB7EA912202FA5
In the King's English, the most literal translation means, you guessed it: "Amen" or so says TheGoo[gle] as reported here by your friend, Sparrow.
Switching to conversational mode. Kindly bear with me as I play and write, for I have permission to amuse myself as it seems good. Ready? Here we go:
The_Curious: ...
So, I hear the curious ask, help me with this one, please?
me: ... Sure. What do you wanna know?
The_Curious: ...
what could that possibly mean. You lost me.
me: ... Oh? I'm sorry. That was not my intent.
The_Curious: ...
That doesn't answer my question, now does it. Please tell me.
me: ... I can't. I can only say what it might mean. Not what it does mean. To do that I must first appear before Him and ask, then I would be required to transport the Word of God to you, as if it were water and you were a thirsty camel, but you are not a camel and you have no need of this service from me. That aside, I will answer. "We already have His 'Amen' for so many, many things."
me_to_all: ...
That's a hint. We are able to give Him an amen (ours) that may be added to His 'Amen' and we may also rest in that as one of the many great assurances that Paul goes on and on about in His careful teachings to his followers (us). Still, it is like you may rightly say, He did command two or more to join together in prayer, and He also forbade us from departing the company of the saints especially as we see the end coming near. It's just good for me and any who follow after me, to work out their own salvation (in private) before speaking. That's all.
Conclusion: The Law was / and is / and will continue to be written in our hearts, as promised. It was this promise that was given to the seed of the Woman in the beginning. It is this very seed, kept in our collective womb that is signaling because we are in birth pangs together. It is the very work of God by His Spirit and we will be allowed to show our religion (to quote James, a brother of ours)
to be of use by controlling our mouths and especially our "seed" or words, that which comes out of us. Even that little thing, like
"Verily, verily..." is okay to care and share. WE're just making Him First and giving Glory to Him in all things. Even those things revealed. Paul likes it when we are able to speak by way of revelation, yes?
So here is a little bird, giving you its highest assurance that this Word is true and you may rest in the consideration that this is my very most precious thing. Better than pearls, it is never tossed --> but only offered in the Spirit that it was given.
In different words, "It's okay. God is on His throne."
[NOTE: it is my habit to Edit after posting - I put pen to paper, write it as it flows then edit after]
---> One moment... processing. Timestamp PST: 11:09 pm
Done. Internal Timestamp: Still the first day of Winter Solstice per my way of thinking. BANG! Edit accomplished. Well. almost. It should be done now? You may tell me if it isn't. I'll try to hear ya and correct if able, at least acknowledge your contribution to our conversation, but then and again? You don't even need me for that. Bye for now.