Recently a guy posted a question about God loving Satan. He was wondering if God is love does that mean He might love Satan? He said that God was immutable so God is always love. Well before i can even think about that question another question pops into my mind. Honestly i don't have all this straight in my head so this will be more questions than my opinion... God is unchanging, yes, but this doesn't mean THINGS don't change. Just like i will technically be the same person if i start hating my wife. I won't change but my feelings might. This argument isn't the strongest but it makes me think... Also the Bible does say, "God is love" but does this mean God loves everyone? I would have said yes but there are many verses where it says God hates as well. Specific people are mentioned as being hated in the Bible. We can bring up John 3:16 but if you look up the word "world" in "God so loved the world" it means, "of believers only". Basically-God so loved those who believe in Him or Christians or those who loved Him that He died for them. This messes with my "God loves everybody" idea. The only reason i would have found this out is because i was curious about the "westboro baptist church" and how they could be so...off. They have many scriptures backing them up even though they are stretching things... a lot... this one thing jumped out to me. The verse we stand on, "God so loved the world" has apparently been misunderstood through our reading of the English translation. I wonder how often that happens... These "God hates fags" fanatics have listed701 passages in the Bible where God hates or does not "love everyone". If God doesn't love even one of these people, take Esau for instance, how can we say God loves everyone?
This has been bugging me for a while and i kept shrugging it off until he asked that question. I was reminded of the haunting question... "What if God CAN hate people?" This flies in the face of "I am especially fond of everyone".
The only way I have found to cope with this question is my comprehension of Gods omniscience. Predestination as it were. If God knows everything He KNEW before anything happened who would choose Him and who wouldn't. In this knowledge God chose to Love those who did not reject Him and made a way for them to get to him through Jesus. Basically, in my head, I see it as God loved everyone He made but not everyone loves Him back so the love is hindered. I hope that makes sense.
This has been bugging me for a while and i kept shrugging it off until he asked that question. I was reminded of the haunting question... "What if God CAN hate people?" This flies in the face of "I am especially fond of everyone".
The only way I have found to cope with this question is my comprehension of Gods omniscience. Predestination as it were. If God knows everything He KNEW before anything happened who would choose Him and who wouldn't. In this knowledge God chose to Love those who did not reject Him and made a way for them to get to him through Jesus. Basically, in my head, I see it as God loved everyone He made but not everyone loves Him back so the love is hindered. I hope that makes sense.