You can treat your husband any way you want, and you can say what you want anytime you want.
You have free will., and in fact you treat your mate exactly like you want, all the time.
How can it be any other way?.
However, This has nothing to do with the marriage contract that legally binds you to him.
So, if you love him, or if you hate him, or if you are having affairs or robbing banks or whatever..
You cant do anything to become NOT MARRIED to him, based on your behavior.
Behavior didnt marry you to him, nor does it legally un-marry you from him.
So, no matter what you "show" or how you "behave" towards him it does not matter, as its the VOW and the Legal Marriage Contract, that creates you to be "married", Legally, and not anything else you personally do, ither before or after.
So, what you are saying is that you show your LOVE, by your behavior, but this has nothing to do with the marriage contract.
Same with being SAVED.
Being SAVED, is an adoption contract that God paid for with the Blood of Christ, and once you are in this contract by "faith", you stay in it based on the contract, (Faith), and not by how good you are today vs how bad you were the day before yesterday.
Salvation is a blood bought contract that ties you eternally to God the Father, through the Son, and you cant undo it because you forgot to not work last Sunday, or you cussed today because your power bill was more then you expected when you opened it.
And something to consider.
The Law is a curse to you, as you are unable to keep it, unable to avoid it, until God created a solution to free you from it.
This solution is called "redemption" that we are delivered from this curse....."the Law".
Galatians 3:13, ""Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law""
Everything the "law" demands, >> "Grace" provides through Christ.
The law demands justice, >>>> and Grace provided a cross and a body and a resurrection, as the eternal penalty that bought pardon.
Pardon was purchased by the BLOOD of Christ, and nothing else will God accept.
The law demands righteousness, >>>>> and Grace provides it as the "gift of righteousness".
Everything the law requires of YOU, has been provided already, by God, through Christ.
This is why you are redeemed from the law.<<
This is why Faith delivers you from what the Law cant.....its because its Jesus who is providing you with the ESCAPE from the Law that you cant provide yourself.
And that is "Salvation".
We are saved >from< the law, we are delivered from it...we are redeemed from it.....and this is "Grace".
Many troubled and bitter believers, are trying to themselves FINISH what Jesus said "it is finished".
They spend their entire Christian life in this bitter and impossible trap.
They are trying to FINISH by good deeds or law keeping what is already ...."it is FINISHED".
They dont understand this, they are not shown this, that are even led away from this truth, and that is why they will always fight about works, instead of giving Glory to the One who rescued them for ETERNITY from the Law and offered this "it is finished" to them, as a GIFT of Pardon, as a "Gift of Righteousness."...