Doug Brents
- Jun 18, 2020
- 283
- 91
You are confusing two aspects of "life".The problem is that people die. The only way someone could suffer eternally is if they lived eternally. The only way one can live eternally is for God to give them life eternally. So, that doctrine requires that God keeps people alive for the purpose of torment.
There is physical life (this human body), and there is spiritual life (our soul, the breath of life).
There are also two kinds of death in the Bible. Physical death is death of the physical body. Spiritual death is the separation of the soul from God (this is the second death (Rev 20:14)).
The physical body will die and return to the Earth from which it was taken. But the human spirit is immortal (having a beginning but no end). It will continue to exist for the rest of eternity. (Ecc 12:7) (The Spirit of God is eternal: having no beginning and no end).
The soul will continue to exist in Heaven with God if it is "in Christ" at the time of physical death (eternal life).
The soul will be cast out from God's presence (the lake of fire) if it is not "in Christ" at the time of physical death (eternal death). (this is Hell).
The Lake of Fire represents never-ending, continuous separation from God, which will cause never-ending pain for Satan and those (the vast majority of humanity) who reject God.