Single words being found here and there would easily be coincidental. But the fact that in every beginning chapter of the Torh (except Leviticus, where is spelled YWHW, or the name of God) reduces the probability of coincidence to a mere 0.0000047 or in that neighborhood) the same words being spelled out in the same fashion eliminates the possibility of coincidence. This number and info came from our own NSA and their work. Not bible believing people. Our government tried to discredit it and came up with the same results as the mathematicians. It's all in the video. Interviews with Government people who worked on the project, Rabbis, scholars, mathematicians...all very credible people, who all get the same exact results!
I believe that to suggest that a bunch of rabbis or sages from biblical times conspired to do this, and achieved it...is very far fetched.
That's okay, Edward. Have fun in your belief of The Creator of the Universe placing codes in the Bible that people won't discover for four thousand years. He is obviously a God who just does it for the lulz, just to mess with people. Just remember, if the greatest mathematicians in the world don't agree with you, then it's probably you who is mistaken.