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I do, but Edward, my friend, not in secret. In plain wording. Once I heard how the so-called "bible codes" are found, I immediately realized they are a hoax. Perhaps a well-meaning hoax that even has its perpetrators fooled, but nonetheless, a hoax. Here's how the "codes" are found. Start with any letter ("L") and read every nth letter ("N") thereafter in the book, not counting spaces. If an entire book such as Genesis is searched, the result is a long string of letters. Using different values for L and N, one can generate many strings of letters. Imagine wrapping the string of letters around a cylinder in such a way that all the letters can be displayed. Flatten the cylinder to reveal several rows with columns of equal length, except perhaps the last column, which might be shorter than all the rest. Now search for meaningful names in proximity to dates. Search horizontally, vertically, diagonally, any which way. Of course you will find combinations of letters that spell words. It is mathematically impossible not to do so. As I pointed out earlier in the thread, you can use popular novels to do the exact same thing. Particularly if, as has been done, the rows and columns of letters are slid back and forth until the best possible number of words is "created."This is no slight of hand parlor trick. Do you believe that the Bible is inspired?
What has been "revealed" are famous names in close proximity to dates of birth and death. Do they mean anything spiritually? Not that anyone can tell. Many have claimed that these "codes" can be used to predict the future. This is absolutely unfounded. There is no scientific or mathematical basis for such a statement, and the reasoning used to come to such a conclusion in the book is logically flawed. While it is true that some historical events have been shown to be encoded in the Book of Genesis in certain configurations, it is absolutely not true that every similar configuration of "encoded" words necessarily represents a potential historical event. In fact, quite the opposite is true: most such configurations will be quite random and are expected to occur in any text of sufficient length. Drosnin states that his "prediction" of the assassination of Prime Minister Rabin is "proof" that the "Bible Code" can be used to predict the future. A single success, regardless of how spectacular, or even several such "successful" predictions proves absolutely nothing unless the predictions are made and evaluated under carefully controlled conditions. Any respectable scientist knows that "anecdotal" evidence never proves anything.
Drosnin once said, "When my critics find a message about the assassination of a prime minister encrypted in Moby-Dick, I'll believe them." US mathematician Brandon McKay of Cal-berkley promptly produced an ELS analysis of Moby-Dick predicting not only Indira Ghandi's assassination, but the assassinations of Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln, and Yitzhak Rabin, as well as the death of Diana, Princess of Wales. Mathematician David Thomas of the University of Missouri did an ELS on Genesis and found the words "code" and "bogus" close together not once but 60 times. What are the odds of that happening? Thomas also did an ELS analysis on Drosnin's Bible Code II: The Countdown (2002) and found the message "The Bible Code is a silly, dumb, fake, false, evil, nasty, dismal fraud and snake-oil hoax." That from Drosnin's own book.
I'm sure they didn't. But their methods are far from scientific. They are not controlled experiments, and in cases where a series of hundreds or thousands of letters on a single, long, fragile strip fail to produce anything significant, the size of the cylinder around which they are wrapped is changed so as to "allow" for a better "read" of the data.This is in there, and it's pretty far fetched to think that a consortium of Rabbis worked this into the Bible somehow.
If it were in a single, specifically defined, and carefully measured "distance" within the chosen letter patterns, I'd probably agree. But there is no standard by which to count the letters. Researchers can sit down and literally say, "Well let's start with the letter "E" today and count forward 177 letters, and begin writing those down until we get to, say, 2,000 letters, and we'll type them all out onto a single paper strip, wrap it around a cylinder -- what size today? How about a 1-1/4" diameter one today? -- then flatten it all out on single sheet of paper and see what we find?" There is no science to that method. It is a parlor game. And as I said, when they find nothing that interests them, they change the size of the cylinder and try again.This is there, and the Torah being spelled out once could be a fluke, but when it happens twice (Genesis-Exodus) the odds of that happening are astonomical.
Did you know the same method has found "codes" in the Qur'an?
Is it now to be considered inspired? What about Moby-Dick? War and Peace? Dronin's second book?
I'm sorry, I just don't believe God would act in this way. I have every confidence that these researchers are not deliberately misleading anyone. They are misleading themselves as well. I do not believe there is a "bible code." I do not see a need for one. God has spoken plainly. We need nothing more.
Unlike the bible coders, Columbus could not change oceans, or courses, if he found nothing that interested him. Unlike the bible coders, Columbus faced death from a thousand different sources on a daily basis and, in the interest of real science, continued on the course God set him on. The bible coders don't face death, they don't have a scientific method, and they are playing with a known mathematical anomaly -- an infinite number of sequences will produce an infinite number of possibilities.As a boy in Spain in 1491, A man of little means asked the King, and Queen for ships to sail west, and find a new route to China. I was amazed, this man had the silly idea the world was round. Well, in 1492 the Queen gave this stupid man three small ships, and he saild west. It's been more than two months...nobody has heard form him. We all know what became of him...he saild off the earth...even I tried to warn him out of pity for his stupidness. But I was just a boy. I could not save him. Stupid people should stay stupid, and listen to we who are educated. It is for their own good.
If it were in a single, specifically defined, and carefully measured "distance" within the chosen letter patterns, I'd probably agree.
No, they use an endless number of values for "L" and "N" -- there is no set formula. That's why they get such variances in their results. Then, as I said ...But it is. you count in 7 letters for the first letter (T) and then 49 more (7 squared) for each subsequent letter.
Until we see that, it isn't anything but (sorry for using this term, but it essentially is exactly this) a parlor trick.It strikes me that, if this were of God, we would find a value for "L" and a value for "N" that would eliminate the need to slide the letter strip back and forth until we find a reasonable number of "codes" that make sense to us. If it were of God, we'd wrap that strip around a certain cylinder and simply start reading from the first letter of the first row right through to the end. We haven't seen that, and I doubt that we will.
very interesting indeed.. I'm sure there are many more hidden gems in the word of God which will be revealed as these end times continue..Adam..........=............Man
Mahalalel.....=.............The Blessed God
Jared..........=.............Shall come down
Methuselah..=.............His Death Shall Bring
Lamech.......=.............The Despairing
Now this is weird. I find conflict of meanings also. I have been to maybe a dozen different websites with Biblical names and meanings and hardly any of them agree on meanings and some of them aren't even listed at some sites. I do not know this pastors source for these meanings of names that he gave me, but I am going to try to find out. One would think that there would not be disagreement as to the meanings of names, they mean what they mean, right? Like I've always that Matthew meant "gift from God" but now, who knows? This is a little discouraging and I want to get to the bottom of it.
Now this is weird. I find conflict of meanings also. I have been to maybe a dozen different websites with Biblical names and meanings and hardly any of them agree on meanings and some of them aren't even listed at some sites. I do not know this pastors source for these meanings of names that he gave me, but I am going to try to find out. One would think that there would not be disagreement as to the meanings of names, they mean what they mean, right? Like I've always that Matthew meant "gift from God" but now, who knows? This is a little discouraging and I want to get to the bottom of it.
Go to and email the site creators and ask them for their sources. They possibly might be able to lead you somewhere. I saw their video before, and noticed someone a while back making a comment concerning this. Apparently they used other resources other than Strong's.
Hebrew is an amazing language.
Hebrew letters have a meaning themselves. A hebrew letter has 7 meanings so a word has 70 meanings.
ה Hey can mean -- behold.
ו Waw/vav nail -- estebalish
י Yod -- hand or arm
ע Ayin -- Eye, see, wisdom
ש Shin -- destroy,
Here's YHWH for you (Yod - he - vav - he)
Hand - Behold - Nail - Behold
Behold the hand that was nailedto the cross?
Here's Jesus' Hebrew name: Yeshua (Yod - shin - vav - ayin )
Hand - Destroy - Establishment - Eye
Yeshua is theHand thatDestroys the Establishment of the eye. The eye of (Nimrod, Horus, Osiris, etc.) the world religion and world government?
Technically it isn't a code and it certainly isn't a proof of God's inspiration but if you've not experienced it before, prepare for a new way of looking for things. Other examples of this device may be found in many, many ancient literary works and oratories.
Now this is weird. I find conflict of meanings also. I have been to maybe a dozen different websites with Biblical names and meanings and hardly any of them agree on meanings and some of them aren't even listed at some sites. I do not know this pastors source for these meanings of names that he gave me, but I am going to try to find out. One would think that there would not be disagreement as to the meanings of names, they mean what they mean, right? Like I've always that Matthew meant "gift from God" but now, who knows? This is a little discouraging and I want to get to the bottom of it.
Go to and email the site creators and ask them for their sources. They possibly might be able to lead you somewhere. I saw their video before, and noticed someone a while back making a comment concerning this. Apparently they used other resources other than Strong's.
Hebrew is an amazing language.
Hebrew letters have a meaning themselves. A hebrew letter has 7 meanings so a word has 70 meanings.
ה Hey can mean -- behold.
ו Waw/vav nail -- estebalish
י Yod -- hand or arm
ע Ayin -- Eye, see, wisdom
ש Shin -- destroy,
Here's YHWH for you (Yod - he - vav - he)
Hand - Behold - Nail - Behold
Behold the hand that was nailedto the cross?
Here's Jesus' Hebrew name: Yeshua (Yod - shin - vav - ayin )
Hand - Destroy - Establishment - Eye
Yeshua is theHand thatDestroys the Establishment of the eye. The eye of (Nimrod, Horus, Osiris, etc.) the world religion and world government?
I would just be leary of this site. Anything that promotes kabbalism should light up a red flag immediately.Hebrew is an amazing language.
Hebrew letters have a meaning themselves. A hebrew letter has 7 meanings so a word has 70 meanings.
ה Hey can mean -- behold.
ו Waw/vav nail -- estebalish
י Yod -- hand or arm
ע Ayin -- Eye, see, wisdom
ש Shin -- destroy,
Here's YHWH for you (Yod - he - vav - he)
Hand - Behold - Nail - Behold
Behold the hand that was nailedto the cross?
Here's Jesus' Hebrew name: Yeshua (Yod - shin - vav - ayin )
Hand - Destroy - Establishment - Eye
Yeshua is theHand thatDestroys the Establishment of the eye. The eye of (Nimrod, Horus, Osiris, etc.) the world religion and world government?
Here are a couple other sources whose writers are believers in Jesus.
When you study music you see this very same thing too. Hebrew is such a rich language and the sound of the oral readings has distinct emphasis. I love the "First Five Books of Moses" translation by Everett Fox for this reason. It's (Chiasmus or "inverse parallelism") in music too!Technically it isn't a code and it certainly isn't a proof of God's inspiration but if you've not experienced it before, prepare for a new way of looking for things. Other examples of this device may be found in many, many ancient literary works and oratories.
Hi Sparrow, just read your post and it peaked my interest (always the student with the inquiring mind) anyway I found this site from your google search and found it to be very interesting and how it can actually be quite helpful in understand difficult verses. Have a blessed day! It's a church site.
I would just be leary of this site. Anything that promotes kabbalism
I know kabbalism is pretty much an occult perversion of Judasim, that just happened to be the first Google result for meanings of Hebrew letters.I would just be leary of this site. Anything that promotes kabbalism should light up a red flag immediately.
What I put was Hebrew, not Greek.As an aside, where did you get the greek text at? I tried to download it before and couldn't get it to work on my 'puter for some reason, so thought you may have a different better source for them.