Homeless folk?

You're kidding, right? Do you REALLY think the super rich who already get all the tax breaks would donate their excess to charities? Not a chance! The ONLY way to do it is by taxation...and if raising my taxes by 3 percent or so would assure universal food, shelter, education, clothing and healthcare for all, I'd pay it in a minute. Also, charities can discriminate and not have issues with it...so they can refuse LGBTQ+. different races, different religions...and I am utterly opposed to that.

However, as long as some people are just fine with people dying due to lack of food, shelter or medical care, it'll never, ever happen. It disgusts me that most of those who oppose these things claim to be followers of Christ and claim to be "pro-life". They can't see the problem with that and I just want to grab them, shake them and ask them to wake up!

This is factually the exact opposite of US history. People actually gave, in enormous amounts, before Uncle Sam started demanding so much.

Those who founded our once great Nation told us we would know that the form of government they created had ceased to exist because we would be "taxed in our labor and our leisure, in our food and our drink" ... and etc.

Here you are, going along with it. Harumph!

Although in all fairness, it's all anyone alive has ever known.

Maybe re-think this, and read what they had to say about it?
I dont think many systems work well. Real charity is individual charity otherwise by the time it gets to the people in need for the cause there is only crumbs left.

For example, a US dollar taxed for the purpose of "wealth redistribution" gets about 22 cents in the hands of someone who needs it.

Whereas a ministry I helped start gets a dollar worth of aid in the hands of someone who needs it for about 5 cents.

That's about a hundred fold difference. There should be riots in the streets!
Each individual should give there own charity because systems dont work.
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i don't think charity is the answer. charity is what the rich and super rich use to get tax breaks while looking saintly. the data ive seen indicates that well-run, gov't funded health care gets the job done for less $$$, with greater benefits for the masses. an acquaintance from the netherlands told me that everyone is his country got a basic level of health care, and then jobs sometimes provided additional stuff as part of the package. his dad was some kind of corporate dude, so his extra coverage thru his position paid for my acquaintance's mother's botox, for example. meanwhile...

here in the us, even those with adequate or "good" coverage are paying out massive $$$. my parents have what's considered "very good coverage"--good copays, access to specialists, etc.--and when mama was about to have her colonoscopy, she 1st had to sit down the office people and talk $$$. seriously. what's that about?

that doesn't cover people with -major- problems who end up in bankruptcy court or harassed by collections agencies, etc. or...the people who go without and die or end up seriously harmed. i remember...back when the economy tanked, around the big bailout time, the mainstream media was -surprisingly- sympathetic to some people who ended up dead because of relativley minor things, like a tooth that needed to be extracted leading to widespread infection and death, that kind of thing. i guess they got all their white, "liberal" guilt out of their system...I don't see many articles like that now.

i just...well, personally, im not complaining. because my parents are now on the "comfortable" end of things, I've been granted disability, i have much needed breathing room, etc. but...if my parents were still (to quote a former counselor) "rinky dink middle class," then...yeah. good luck with that, kiddo.

America in the mid-40s-70s actually had all kinds of upward mobility (it helped to be white and male, not disabled, but...still...), an extensive middle-middle class, and something of a safety net. The US also had reasonable college tuition, well-funded social services, and the incarceration was not anywhere near as crazy as it is now. and then...

its not just that the safety net has largely been ripped to shreds or that the middle class has been decimated. its also the social ill effects of out of control inequality, poverty (including growing -deep- poverty), the privatization of...well....everything....

i don't think of europe or the uk as utopias, but...when i talk to my acquaintances who are over there, i get a bit...jealous. and scared for the us, too. while they're moving towards creating a more live-able, humane society, and they talk openly about social class and the problems associated with uncontrolled inequality...

here in the us, they're talking the death penalty for drug dealers. they want to shrink funding for subsidized housing. there's growing, palatable hatred for: poor people, disabled people, immigrants, the mentally ill. many church people want to shred assistance+aid to the poor, out of some distorted sense of "compassion" or...I don't know. I don't get it, clearly.

as someone who -was-, most definitely, on the discard heap of society until recently...i get a bit nervous. where to go? what to do? at a personal level, I think+believe I'll be OK, but...I'm something of an exception to the rule. when social darwinism has not only infiltrated the church, but its often -worse- in -some- segments of Christendom than in the non-believing parts of society...

as a Christian who was a "weakling" until Jesus moved so mightily in all aspects of my life, I get very, very concerned. David Wilkerson wrote a bit on America as Babylon, and...sometimes, I think he may have been on to something. Its not that -Americans- are bad, its that the elites who are running the place are ruthless and they apparently answer to no one.
This is factually the exact opposite of US history. People actually gave, in enormous amounts, before Uncle Sam started demanding so much.

Citations please. If you're going to claim "factually" then you need to provide proof.
But again, if you're fine with people dying due to lack of medical care, shelter, etc. and want to claim WWJD, that's fine with me...I'll call you out all day every day about it.
I'm more right wing, but I don't think there's an easy solution. Charity is good, but I don't know that it always works for things like medical bills for people with chronic, lifelong illnesses who need lifelong care and help to not end up on the street and dead because they can't afford their meds. Maybe one person or a few people, but hundreds of thousands? And I think a large scale charity would likely run into similar problems government programs do, in being innefficent and making absolutely stupid decisions at times.
Especially with medical care being sky high in the US

It's just that, all the charities I've seen provide short term help, or only for a specific crisis. I don't know that it'd be able to replace lifelong disability programs and do much better.
There's a shortage of affordable housing to start.

Yes there is. Voters need to vote in sensible zoning regulations to solve this. Every new home doesn't have to be a 3000 square foot McMansion.

Then you need to either connect to the local water supply or dig a well and either have a septic field put in or connect to the local sewer lines...that ain't cheap.

True, and its not an option for the desperately poor. However, I suggested it for kiwidan. It is an option for him. He has a job, and is just seeking to minimize expenses.

We won't discuss the people who die because they can't afford medications.

Voters need to vote in national health care to solve this. Like the entire rest of the civilized world has. Experience indicates that there are just some things better accomplished by government. They have much more affordable systems, and better longevity stats for the majority. Absolutely no one else in the world is trying to copy our system.

If you ain't lived it, then you are not going to have a clue as to what the issues are.

So tell us. That way we will be better equipped to help others.

You can keep your little self-righteous attitudes...

What's this about? I feel that you are falsely accusing me.
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