This is a tad bit off topic, but I would just like to add my two cents on the matter as well as the discussion at hand. Alabaster, while I appreciate your comments and thoughts about the issue I do not agree with them. What you have said in your posts is one of the reasons I turned away from Christianity. I left the church because apparently belief and faith in God are more important in Christianity than the actions you make in life. I try to live a good life day to day and treat others like I would want to be treated. If I go to hell for not believing in God/Jesus, then so be it. But I would rather live a good life helping out my fellow members of the human race, and if God sends me to hell simply for not having faith in him, then I want nothing to do him. I hope this didn't come off as an attack on anyone, it is just how I feel about the matter.
PEACE, LOVE, HAPPINESS- the way I live my life