Alabaster, . . . you elluded to it, . . .but this thread was a result of what I had heard from my former church. So relax.
I'm about done with this thread. A moderator can feel free to lock it, if they wish. It is just the same old thing. One set of people insisting upon an unknowable, and looking at other people as "second class citizens" for not coming to the same conclusion. They make fun of us in their own way, tell us to "get lost" in other ways, and threaten us with violence if we don't agree with them. I'm sorry, but I don't bow to such things. I won't bow to another person's
own opinion. They are free to state them . . . and if it is something I can agree with [and there have been things on this site that I have agreed with, so I'm not "just here to stir up trouble], I will. But I won't be bullied by the majority.