I will try not to be as rude as you have been but my friend, have you never read what Jesus/God said and did in the bible? OOf course I view the New Testament as essential but you and any man, woman or child forgets that the New Testament is not the Bible in and unto itself, it is the only set of God ordained and God inspired commentaries on the bible, the same Bible Jesus, Paul, Peter and the others taught from, they were or are commenting on the Old Testament.
God has not called any man to sit down and to meditate as his wife and children are raped and have their heads cut off. No, the men of God were made male with Testosterone because it was the Job of Adam to be the man, the leader, of his family.
We live, today, in a nation filled with boys, not men, that should be wearing dresses and sewing clothes with the real ladies of God.
You are not right and if you will spend enough money to purchase a Thompson's Chain Reference Bible, and then begin chain referencing the New Testament back to what it is commenting on, you can, easily, discover why I follow God so closely. I never want to hear, Be gone, I never knew you.