1) The issue seems to center around whether God did "it" super naturally or naturally, i.e.; using the Laws of Nature.
Unless we agree to define "super natural" as merely processes still unexplained and unknown to us, but rational processes nevertheless, those who insist upon a realm that exists outside of Reality create what is called a Fantasy World, one in which they dwell beyond or in lieu of Reality.
The problem is then that by definition, this is a form of insanity, since living out-of-Reality is madness by definition.
2) On the other hand, to understand the Bible and relate it directly to the Laws of Nature and the Facts-of-Life defines the Reality to which religion is relevant and sane.
The post above which explains "How God RATIONALLY did it" may be just one way to read Genesis among many, but when the ears hear the rational and scientific correspondences with each verse, it has the advantage of expressing a sane understanding of scripture, not a super natural one.
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