science that doesn't consider the unseen? really?
Science considers everything. what scientist do not do is make claims about the unknown without any evidence to do so. They list what they have and draw a conclusion from that list.
That is bad why exactly?
I mean even jesus seemed to have done that. That is why he stood so firmly against literal religion.
Modern Science searches for Truth
This is Christian behavior, though they focus of the material and physical world.
As Social Science begins to gain the power inherent within this Information Age, what will see is the church people turning to the Facts and realizing that Truth is the definition of Christ.
We saw this Truth arise in 1965 when Rev Martin Luther King faced down the FBI even Kennedy with a truth about the lie of "Separate but equal."
What we will see I believe is the Truth arising all around us as the RCC falls apart under the strain of the Homosexual congregation of its priests and the ever more clear conspiracy that is revealed in that that not even one good priest has stepped forward and opposed the evil that still prevails now for this last decade.
Not one priest has publicly spoken out the Truth about the real depths of this depravity nor names of the pedophiles at the highest places.
Not one Christian minister or leader has condemned the Abortions by the Christian flock itself, now 66% of the 1.2 million performed every year.
No church has supported criticism of Welfare that is destroying Black America.
No church is opposing gun legislation against legal ownership while 70%of all murders are by people raised by Single mothers who predominantly used illegal firearms.
Where is the Truth that Christ once inspired in Rome, as apostles died because they spoke out where it was dangerously politically incorrect???
What I see coming is a new generation interested in the Truth about science and Christ, and willing to break the bands of the church that today binds them from speaking out that truth.