You forget that the builder of a house is not subject to the laws of dry wall and concrete and wood. The painter is not a part of the portrait. The artist is not limited to the room where the statue sits. But you can call it a miracle if you wish. Miracles, by definition, are not subject to natural laws or they would no longer be miracles.
You cannot use natural laws to define or limit God anymore than you can use the colors on a painting to define or limit the painter. You need to distinguish the creator or Maker from its creation. You are using the limits of any creation and wrongly applying it to the personality that created it.
There is evidence for God's existence but it has a catch and a very big one. That catch is what is preventing many people from seeing and admitting this. If a man admits God is there, the God of the Bible in this case, then this calls for that man to realize that his moral actions are being watched, recorded and will be judged one day. He is no longer bound merely by the human laws of the land he lives it. It is a lot worse. There is no hiding from God, if he admits God is there. In a word, if a man admits God is there AND looks into what that Being has communicated to those who knew or know Him well, then the only reasonable response is surrender. This outcome is suspected by many and so they do not want to go there.
I have thought about why, as a child, when I asked God to prove Himself to me, that is, that he is there, He did. (It was over many years and not a part of this discussion.) I know that my heart was ready to respond in accordance with that understanding, once achieved. I wanted to know the truth and was already willing to surrender or adjust my choices accordingly. I was not a casual inquirer just being curious. I was committed to responding to new understanding with all of me.
I say this because I have heard of those who asked God this and got nothing. God is the same so what is the problem, I wondered. I think that is it. This is why we see Jesus responding differently to different people. They each had their own choices regarding the truth and varying degrees of wanting it and being ready to surrender to it or resisting it.
God himself said he hides from the wise and intelligent and resists the proud, but reveals himself to babes, giving grace to the humble.