epistemaniac said:
I had said
RND, you are confusing my statement of "broader (historic or classical) Christianity" with the "broader path of destruction", this is an example of the informal logical fallacy known as "equivocation" or ambiguity.
you say
[quote:ni9fiqrm]No confusion Ken. Classical Christianity loves to use Satan's brush to paint God as a petty, vindictive and vicious God - a bogyman ready to pounce and to destroy the very creation He made, that He died for, and that gives Him so much pleasure.
Then you have admitted the point. Classical Christianity is representative historically, SDA is not. Whether or not you happen to subjectively agree with "classical Christianity" is irrelevant to the OP.[/quote:ni9fiqrm]
I have admitted nothing other than "classic Christianity" is as close to the truth of the Bible as a muddy puddle is clean pristine water.
you say
[quote:ni9fiqrm]"Broader" Christianity? No thanks.
Again, irrelevant to the OP. You do seem to be a bit hung up on the word "broader" don't you lol? Its ok... really... it will be alright.... just do not __assume__ that when someone else uses a word that you can pour your own subjective meanings into a word, then force someone else to accept that your meaning is theirs, for that is the classical foundation to a straw man, which is quite easily burned up, along with those who are not part of the narrow path.

Brother, you said that the the "broader view" of Classic Christianity is right - not I, in an attempt to marginalize my views. I'm just simply saying that the "broad" view of "classic Christianity" leads to destruction.
I said
[quote:ni9fiqrm]Obviously, the 2 concepts (the "broad path of destruction" and "broader historic Christianity") are not the same things. For instance, say that all of a certain set of believers, lets call them for the sake of the discussion "classical" or "historic" Christians, and that all believers within this set adhere to the "narrow way" of salvation, that no one can go to the father but by Christ, that none shall be saved but those who have faith in Christ, that any one who rejects the Son will be rejected by the Father, that.... (insert other articles of the Christian faith)..... Clearly, since all these believers in this class adhere to the "narrow way", there is nothing that indicates that this is a situation of anyone in this class of believers forsaking the narrow way for the broad path of destruction.
to which you reply
What you are describing isn't the "narrow way" Ken, what you are describing the "narrow minded way." Tell me Ken, do you think God made the American natives with the sole purpose of simply destroying them? They lived on this continent at the exact same time as Christ, with absolutely no chance of knowing Him, hearing Him, or reading the Torah. Are they all "lost?" Or, is it possible that they easily responded to the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ by being much more in tune with their environment?
LOL!!! I get it now... I am narrow minded, while you are .... what exactly....? Open minded? A harbinger of truth? I see now that this discussion and objection, and eventual digression has likely been merely a platform for you to engage in what appears to be a pet objection of yours to classical Christianity's beliefs, one of which is the conscience eternal torment of all unbelievers. While I do have the satisfaction of knowing that your objection proves my point, namely that the SDA, or at least some members of the SDA, deny a historical doctrine of the Christian faith. Remember, whether or not this doctrine is even true is
completely and totally irrelevant to my point. You and whatever members of the SDA that happen to agree with you on this issue are thusly out of step with historic Christianity, end of point.
However, this question of yours concerning Native Americans, which typically can be reduced to something like "what is the fate of the innocent native who never heard the gospel?" whether they be American Indians, African Pygmy's, Australian Aboriginals, etc or some such similar objection to the doctrine of eternal punishment is not really the focus of this thread or my response to the OP, which you have seriously derailed. My apologies to the writer of the OP that this has happened. [/quote:ni9fiqrm]
Ken, the derailment is all yours! You are the one that decided to corrupt this thread by saying essentially to the OP, "Maybe you should listen to those SDA's."
Several times I have given you a link to a thread where you could "ax" you questions and you have yet to accept that offer. It appears to me you are quite "comfy" in taking over this thread.
I had said
[quote:ni9fiqrm]Further you seem to be missing the point that the original question seemed to me (admittedly, as in all such communication, this is my subjective opinion) to be a question about Christianity as a whole, on a historical level, and not about exceptions to historic Christianity, either in longevity or in doctrine. So for instance, suppose someone wanted to know about "political parties of the United States of America". I would not answer this question by providing incidental or minority examples from within the history of the United States of America politics as an answer to their question... I would not tell them "hey, go check out the Whig political party as good example of American political systems", and by "good" I mean of course "representative". And "representative" of Christianity is what I would not call the SDA. That is all I am saying. Supposing that SDA is within the realm of orthodoxy, a point I am not even considering really, given it's recent development within Christianity, it still would not or should not, on this basis alone, be given as an example of "historical Christianity".
to which you reply
I wouldn't use the SDA position as pointing to anyone other than Jesus Christ. In your example, you'd be quite happy to only point to your understanding and beliefs regarding political parties in the country. That "self serving" and "self righteous."
First, I see that you are again engaging in misdirection and faulty reasoning. Who ever said anything about ever directing anyone away from Jesus Christ!?!? Please do not accuse me of ever pointing anyone away from my Lord and master.
Secondly. obviously you are not understanding my point in the example. Once again, it is not necessary to discuss any of the SDA' doctrines AT ALL. The mere fact that they are, historically speaking, not a representative sample of Christianity is the only point I am making. Please do not take so personally this point. I am not impugning your beliefs, Ellen G White's beliefs, the beliefs of the SDA, etc. I am only stating, and this is something you have admitted, that the SDA, on certain doctrines anyway, is out of step with classical historic Christianity. At any rate, given that the SDA did not even begin to exist until the mid 1800's is enough to prove my point.
Right, I have seen and understood what you have done to this thread. I offered a quote, good council and a link to a great book full of wonderful advice to the OP to which you decided to dig a hole for a landmine, and trot in with a "deflection bomb" about what SDA's views are and how the don't measure up to your (rather flawed) views of "classic Christianity."
Could you point me in the direction where you offered any assistance to the OP other than your deviation?
you said [quote:ni9fiqrm]As far as I know, and from everything I've read from EG White the only "group" she represents are Christians, the body of believers in the Lord Jesus Christ.
I replied
Thus it is wrong to even speak of "an" SDA or "the" SDA, since there are, in fact, factions within the SDA itself. In any case, hardly anyone disputes, or at least ought to dispute, that EG White was a founder of the SDA.
you said
This happens in every church and every denomination does it not?
Of course. Don't read any more into what I said than what it is I said. In this case, I merely said that one cannot speak of "the" SDA position on any particular doctrine. This is not a negative or positive critique of the SDA's beliefs, its just a historical fact.[/quote:ni9fiqrm]
Then using your logic one cannot speak of the Calvinist position, the Methodist position, the Lutheran position or the Catholic position because there are "factions" within those groups as well. Which is a silly argument frankly.
you say
[quote:ni9fiqrm]Brother Ken, the same thing could have been said at one time regarding Luther, Calvin, Wesley, et al.....
I replied
At one time in history, perhaps this could be said.
to which you say
"At one time...." I rest my case.
Again, "your case" is not the point of this thread. It is helpful, however, that you admit that it is a personal subjective case. [/quote:ni9fiqrm]
Right, my first post, which you felt justified in contending with Ken is the point the OP was looking for. You have offered nothing to edify this OP other than you bloviating nonsense.
I said
[quote:ni9fiqrm]I would dispute this, but that is another matter. But I am responding at THIS TIME in history. And as such, I feel continued justification in thinking that SDA is not representative of historic or classical Christianity simply by virtue of it not existing except for the last 100 plus years, while the Christian church has existed for several thousand years.
you replied
Modern Seventh-day Adventist are more closely related to "original Protestantism" than any "modern Christian" could hope to be Ken! You could ask 100 so-called protestants why they are "protestants" and what they are "protesting" and you'd likely get 100 different answers.....that isn't the case with SDA's.
This is false, as you have already admitted to the fact that there are differing and disagreeing factions within the SDA. Again, though, that is not the point of this thread. [/quote:ni9fiqrm]
Right there are "factions" everywhere. SDA's just happen to be more "accurate" protestants because we know what we are protesting.
BTW, I know the OP's point and commented to it. You are the one KEN that decided to attack my post, not the other way around.
I said
[quote:ni9fiqrm]I am not disputing Mrs. White's individual personal commitments or beliefs.
to which you replied
I did not see the need to go into her beliefs as that was not the subject of this thread. Now, if you would, please, let us respect the wishes and intent of the OP, and leave this discussion.
Look like I take the last word on this then Ken, I commented directly to the OP. You decided you had to attack Adventist beliefs in you response to the OP - hey, that's your business. But don't accuse others of derailing something that was not derailed by anyone other than yourself.