Rosalee said:On the topic of smoking- I smoked for over 21 years, selfishly. I quit back in Oct. of 2003 and have been smoke free ever since. God made me realize that My body was His temple and that He didn't want anything going into my body that wasn't meant to be there, (no cig. smoke, no alchol)etc. As christians, all of our bodies are Gods' temple-He resides in us & we in Him we belong to Him, he wants us clean and pure. I quit by drinking Ice water and cranberry juice for 3 days- (not all at once , all day long) but as needed. I was smoke free in 2 weeks. I can honestly say I don't miss smoking . Hope this helps those who want to quit smoking.
Rosalee Decker
This is the Day that the Lord has made; we shall rejoice & be glad in it