Quote StoveBolts (Jeff) : "I would like to hear your explanation to Joe since according to what you have written in the other topic that I've linked, what occured in chapter two occured 8,000 years after what occured in Chapter 1, verse 27 since it is clear that what occured in 1:27 was on the 6th day, which in your terms, would have been 6,000 years into creation.
Now then, if it is as you've said,
Mysteryman wrote:
Once God took the female out of man, and made woman, then God told them to become One again.
Then clearly according to what you've posted elswhere, this occured 2 thousand years after man was created in the image of God (1:27). Thus, the command for 'them' to be fruitful and mulitply doesnt' occur for another 2,000 years?
So ya really need to help me out here Hervy cause I'm honestly confused with your theology.
Hi Jeff :
Yes, each day is a thousand years of man, but only one day with God. Hang onto that, because that is the key to the explanation.
In Gen.1:27 God created man - singular, both male and female in the one man Adam. This occured in day 6, on the seventh day, God rested, another thousand years of man. God formed man from the dust of the earth on day eight, which simply comes after day 7.
Now I will try and clarify something for you, or at least attempt to do so. When God created man in Gen. 1:27 , man was just created. This deals with the image of God being one. Also, this also deals with the "kind" = mankind. What you and others have to try and realize, is that man had not been formed yet, nor had anything begun to grow yet, because God had not caused it to rain as of yet - Gen. 2:5. What God was setting up was "seed" of its own kind. Gen. 1:11 and verse 24 and 25.
God rested on the seventh day from what God had made and created - Gen. 2:3
On day eight, God caused it to rain - Gen. 2:6
Also on day eight, God formed man from the (wet) dust of the earth. (mankind is approx 66 % water).
Also on day eight, God took this seed and planted it in the garden - Gen. 2:8 and 9, and God caused it to grow. And there he put the man.
Also on day eight, God formed every beast of the field and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to name them . Gen. 2:19
Notice that God formed man out of the dust (wet) of the ground, before the beasts and the fowl. Yet, in day six, God created man, and made the beast of the earth after its kind, and every creeping thing, and creature after its kind, and cattle after its kind. But God had not formed them as of yet. This occured on day eight, along with man, who was formed first.
God said it was not good for man to be alone. But at this point in time, man was alone. The one man , which was both male and female, was alone.
God caused a deep sleep upon the man Adam, and God took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh. And God made woman from this rib. Gen. 2:21 and 22. Then in verse 23 Adam speaks, and says - "This is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called woman. The woman , the female side of Adam, was taken from the one man Adam, and God made woman. This all occured during the early part of day eight.
Adam ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and as God told Adam, that in that day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die. Adam was formed first, and in day eight, that day, 930 years later, the man Adam died -- "in that day".
Adam was both male and female, and was created on the sixth day, and formed on the eighth day and died in the eighth day - 930 years of man's years, but in that eighth day, that day , that God said he would surely die. Each day being 1,000 years of man, Adam died, in that day.
The image of God, is that of One, both male and female. After God seperated the male from the female, and made woman. God made it clear, that the two become one again. One flesh, which is God's way of saying, be fruitful now and mulitiply. But before they came together as one flesh, Adam disobeyed God. All three were guilty . 1. The Man, Adam 2. The woman, Eve and 3. the serpent
God is also male and female, and God likewise seperated himself - spiritually.
The Jerusalem that is above, is free, and the mother of us all, yet barren.
Then there is one final marriage, and it is between the New Jerusalem and the Lamb (God). This is the female side of God , coming back together to become one again .
Now I fully understand, that the New Jerusalem is the Holy city. So we are dealing with a euphemism. Nonetheless, God is expressing to us the image of God, which is both male and female and the two becoming one again. Which is also the image of God in the marriage to Christ and the body of Christ. < Colossians 1:15 and 3:10
Jesus Christ was born, but the revealed Mystery , which deals with Christ as the head of the body of Christ, is a creation. Ephesians 2:10
I pray this helps in some way.