I didn't say to exclude judgement, did I? But perhaps you ought not to get such great joy out of empahisizing it. Perhaps you could pay more attention to the Christian call to humility, and Christ's admonition that the one without sin should cast the first stone. Is that sinless one you?
Christ then turned to the adulterous woman and instructed her to go and sin no more. That judgement and instruction is Christ's perogative - as the the son of God and only sinless man - not your perogative.
You take the story out of context to prove an irrelevant point. The people around the adulterous are executing judgment by having stones on their hands. Gospel of Christ does not ask any Christian to execute judgement but proclaim the coming judgement of Christ and the wrath of the lamb. If you think I had to be sinless to warn a sinner about the coming judgement, you are terribly mistaken. Btw, if I have Christ in me, I am actually sinless before God for all my sins are washed by Christ.