I'm Sick.....Abortion?

Other alternatives to meat are lentils, soya, quorn, nuts (home made nut meat is nice,)
I sometimes make a pie with boiled potatoes , cheese, leek and tomatoes.
already doing it as of sundown last night since my last meal was before sundown yesterday - interesting you mentioned sundown to sundown - praise God

we should maybe keep reminding each other each tuesday and thursday night

cheese eggs yogurt are meat substitutes

judaism considers fish a meat substitute

I agree. I have learned that fasting is to be done in secret, however that is personal fasting and not a corporate fast, so I believe it is ok for us to discuss it some and remind each other like you say...

Ask me how I know, lol. I accidentally broke my last fast that I did. I could have used some reminding then, lol.
No don't delete Truthfrees I think it is a good idea to make others realise just how horrendous it is.

The truth is offensive and that is why people in denial like the fake news try to cencor the truth why the world's loves to cencor people.

Facts don't care about feelings. The truth does not care about people's feelings. Jesus did not care if people were offended. How many times did he say " I tell you the truth" and everyone had a cry. Its the same as I will show you the truth and post the truth and everyone wants to throw the truth in prison, you can't post that, you can't say that.
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If the Spirit of Truth is God then blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is calling God a liar. Calling the truth a liar.
You know a long, long, LONG time ago, like I'm talking about more than a decade ago, I used to think that abortion was alright because a woman could do whatever she wanted to her own body. That truth still remains, but the fact of the matter is that her baby has a body of his or her own and they can't choose whether or not they want to live or die, and if they could choose, they probably would choose life or death if given the chance. Abortion is murder plain and simple.

If you don't want a child of your own you have three options. One,.. have protected sex,.. two,.. give the baby up for foster care or adoption to somebody who will love it, provide for it, and take care of it, or three,.. DON'T HAVE SEX AT ALL!!!! :angry3It's not rocket science for crying out loud and it makes me SO angry when people decide to get an abortion!! :mad The only good thing that comes out of an abortion is that child is then being held in the arms of Jesus, but it's still very wrong and sad indeed. :crying
You know a long, long, LONG time ago, like I'm talking about more than a decade ago, I used to think that abortion was alright because a woman could do whatever she wanted to her own body. That truth still remains, but the fact of the matter is that her baby has a body of his or her own and they can't choose whether or not they want to live or die, and if they could choose, they probably would choose life or death if given the chance. Abortion is murder plain and simple.

If you don't want a child of your own you have three options. One,.. have protected sex,.. two,.. give the baby up for foster care or adoption to somebody who will love it, provide for it, and take care of it, or three,.. DON'T HAVE SEX AT ALL!!!! :angry3It's not rocket science for crying out loud and it makes me SO angry when people decide to get an abortion!! :mad The only good thing that comes out of an abortion is that child is then being held in the arms of Jesus, but it's still very wrong and sad indeed. :crying
amen - well said
I think it's completely disgusting that people discriminate against the unborn. Just because it can't speak they think it's not a human being and it's a right to kill. Disgusting and immoral. Simple. It's acturally more than discrimination it's persecution.
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I think it's completely disgusting that people discriminate against the unborn. Just because it can't speak they think it's not a human being and a right to murder. Disgusting and immoral. Simple.

Tbh I'm really surprised that it's still legal. (At least in some places, I'm not sure about everywhere.) There was a heartbeat bill that was being proposed for the state of Ohio not too long ago but unfortunately it didn't pass. :( It sucks that we can't do anything about it either.
Its amazing how they word " the women's health", that's a open door.
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End Times! What else do you expect? The bible warned us all about it. Try not be that guy predicted on the pages of the bible
Who is a terrorist?
End Times! What else do you expect? The bible warned us all about it. Try not be that guy predicted on the pages of the bible
Who is a terrorist?

A person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

In other words someone who assumes if you don't believe there political opinion and view and critisise you commit hate speech or a hate crime and should be punished. That is political intimidation.

Example. If you don't accept a politicians climate change view they say the world will end in 12 years and your doomed. Political Intimidation.

to frighten, alarm, or threaten someone.

Political intimidation= Terrorism.

People flipping out and blowing people up or going on killing sprees in the name of there religion and religious law (Religious political law) is also terrorism. Forcing people to accept and not critises your ideaology or they commit a hate crime is terrorism, its saying if you offend my belief you commit a crime and should be punished. That's religious/ political intimindation and a form of terrorism.
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I was wondering today if fish was considered meat. It's not beef but is sorta meaty. I like fish but concluded that for purposes of the fast it is meat...to me at least. I really do not know for sure. Also, the way I have always done fasts is from sundown to sundown. So a Wednesday fast from meat would be from tuesday evening at sundown to wednesday evening at sundown. Based on Genesis, and the evening and the morning were...the next day.

Yep, and lots of prayers! This is a great idea and will release the Lord to deal with these evil people and their agendas.
Hi E,

In the CC (you know I used to be Catholic) fish is not considered meat. I've always thought this to be rather funny because Catholics were taught not to eat steak on Fridays (many years ago) but one could eat fish. So....no steak, but a lobster was OK...or a nice salmon. I never saw the reason for this....besides the fact that some priests did not even keep this "rule".

I'd say a real fast is eliminating both fish and meat. This from someone that does not fast....

Then again, it depends on what type of fast you care to follow. Some drink juices...some drink nothing..some can't even fast for different reasons.

I think anything we do with God in mind will be helpful for us and it shows commitment.

I wish you and Tessa blessings from God...as Jesus said:
Only prayer and fasting could remove this demon.

Satan scours the earth...seeking whom he will devour.
Birth control pills can act in a manner similar to abortion. If a baby begins at conception, birth control pills basically abort the new baby.
I did check out the link.
I've always known that ovulation is prevented.

The link doesn't clarify if the TYPE of pill can cause the second type of prevention....the lining of the uterus is made unfeasible for the egg.

For any that might be interested,,,I think this should be studied, or a doctor sought.
Hi E,

In the CC (you know I used to be Catholic) fish is not considered meat. I've always thought this to be rather funny because Catholics were taught not to eat steak on Fridays (many years ago) but one could eat fish. So....no steak, but a lobster was OK...or a nice salmon. I never saw the reason for this....besides the fact that some priests did not even keep this "rule".

I'd say a real fast is eliminating both fish and meat. This from someone that does not fast....

Then again, it depends on what type of fast you care to follow. Some drink juices...some drink nothing..some can't even fast for different reasons.

I think anything we do with God in mind will be helpful for us and it shows commitment.

I wish you and Tessa blessings from God...as Jesus said:
Only prayer and fasting could remove this demon.

Satan scours the earth...seeking whom he will devour.

A fast is an abstaining from the faster's choice of material. While that traditionally means a fast from all or some food, It need not be. For example, one could choose to fast from the Internet, or from their cellphone.