I'm Sick.....Abortion?

A fast is an abstaining from the faster's choice of material. While that traditionally means a fast from all or some food, It need not be. For example, one could choose to fast from the Internet, or from their cellphone.
Good point.
Also about the fasting in secret, we know The people who have openly committed to the fast of meat, but there is nothing to stop us from adding other things to the fast, without saying so.
I would not be surprised if others were joining us but not saying so.
A fast is an abstaining from the faster's choice of material. While that traditionally means a fast from all or some food, It need not be. For example, one could choose to fast from the Internet, or from their cellphone.

brother, that is exactly what the Lord has revealed to my heart recently. And something else even just this morning. I learned awhile back that the OT is for us, it is one book including the NT. The OT is giving us instruction to live by and shows examples of different issues of life that are common to man.

But I could never figure out what example that the sacrificing of animals was telling us. Why would God do that?! It seemed weird to me. Until this morning. It introduces the concept of the power of blood to the people and links it with forgiveness. And anyone who needed healing back then were to go to the Priest and offer a sacrifice, sometimes twice a day, morning and evening, right? And people were healed. So the Priests back then were operating in forgiveness and healing among the people. Like a doctor or a guardian of the health of the community. Both spiritual and flesh health.

Now if we jump over to the NT we see that He has made us (BAC) Kings and Priests (Revelation 1:6)...and Jesus fulfilled the OT so it has been given us to operate in the same positional authority and duties as back in the OT Priests. And everything is covered by the blood of Jesus which He shed on the cross once and for all.

God does still want us to sacrifice unto Him, but in fasting from the things of the world. Fasts do not have to be for 21 or 40 days without anything. It can be skipping one meal or one delicacy. Or a digital fast, like you said Brother. No screens. Unplug the router even, lol! Anything at all that one would not eat or engage in that is of the world, one candy bar, one video game, anything that we deny ourselves of even once with the heart that it is for God that I do this and offer it unto the Lord in a moment of prayer...so wont have steak tonight or wont listen to the radio in the car...is an acceptable fast and offering unto the Lord that He can use to release more of God's grace and mercy upon the earth!

I think we have a duty to fast. The more the better but anything fasted and denied to our self with intent of the heart is a good fast and helps the Kingdom of God.
Good point.
Also about the fasting in secret, we know The people who have openly committed to the fast of meat, but there is nothing to stop us from adding other things to the fast, without saying so.
I would not be surprised if others were joining us but not saying so.

This is so. I thought the same thing.
brother, that is exactly what the Lord has revealed to my heart recently. And something else even just this morning. I learned awhile back that the OT is for us, it is one book including the NT. The OT is giving us instruction to live by and shows examples of different issues of life that are common to man.

But I could never figure out what example that the sacrificing of animals was telling us. Why would God do that?! It seemed weird to me. Until this morning. It introduces the concept of the power of blood to the people and links it with forgiveness. And anyone who needed healing back then were to go to the Priest and offer a sacrifice, sometimes twice a day, morning and evening, right? And people were healed. So the Priests back then were operating in forgiveness and healing among the people. Like a doctor or a guardian of the health of the community. Both spiritual and flesh health.

Now if we jump over to the NT we see that He has made us (BAC) Kings and Priests (Revelation 1:6)...and Jesus fulfilled the OT so it has been given us to operate in the same positional authority and duties as back in the OT Priests. And everything is covered by the blood of Jesus which He shed on the cross once and for all.

God does still want us to sacrifice unto Him, but in fasting from the things of the world. Fasts do not have to be for 21 or 40 days without anything. It can be skipping one meal or one delicacy. Or a digital fast, like you said Brother. No screens. Unplug the router even, lol! Anything at all that one would not eat or engage in that is of the world, one candy bar, one video game, anything that we deny ourselves of even once with the heart that it is for God that I do this and offer it unto the Lord in a moment of prayer...so wont have steak tonight or wont listen to the radio in the car...is an acceptable fast and offering unto the Lord that He can use to release more of God's grace and mercy upon the earth!

I think we have a duty to fast. The more the better but anything fasted and denied to our self with intent of the heart is a good fast and helps the Kingdom of God.
Great post . The sacrifice of death and blood in the OT was offered as repentance of sons, and pointed forward to the shedding of blood and death of Jesus, our only hope of our salvation.

The rest of your post brought to mind "He who is faithful in little is faithful in much. "
I know kiwidan is well into Wednesday.
What time is sundown where you all live.
I know kiwidan is well into Wednesday.
What time is sundown where you all live.

I'm not really sure what this question has to do with anything, but right now for us it's right around six and seven I do believe and just starts getting dark after five.
I need to catch fish first.
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I am going to let all my local churches know what we are doing and ask them to join in.

That's a great idea. I asked my boss to join in today. After all, he is the one who told me about them passing the abortion law. So I told him what we're doing and invited him to join us also.
I also invited him to the forum here! (He knows I don't hardly know anyone here in this town yet so when I was telling him, me and some Brothers and Sisters are fasting and praying for the abortion law to be corrected, he was like huh, what, who? So I told him.)

I think he is going to join in. He said oh what a good idea, but it was in the shop and quickly got derailed into work talk and stuff, but I think he is in, and that would mean his dad is too because they are tight and very close. So I know his dad will hear about it too.
Oh well I don't fast so good luck to you both! :wave2

I'm not judging you Sister, but you do not have to do any big fast. If you was to skip a single candy bar or show on TV or anything worldly, it is an acceptable fast offering unto God. You don't have to go hungry or fast for a week or anything like that. The Lord was very clear with me and taught me that. He said every little bit helps.

Hi E,

In the CC (you know I used to be Catholic) fish is not considered meat. I've always thought this to be rather funny because Catholics were taught not to eat steak on Fridays (many years ago) but one could eat fish. So....no steak, but a lobster was OK...or a nice salmon. I never saw the reason for this....besides the fact that some priests did not even keep this "rule".

I'd say a real fast is eliminating both fish and meat. This from someone that does not fast....

Then again, it depends on what type of fast you care to follow. Some drink juices...some drink nothing..some can't even fast for different reasons.

I think anything we do with God in mind will be helpful for us and it shows commitment.

I wish you and Tessa blessings from God...as Jesus said:
Only prayer and fasting could remove this demon.

Satan scours the earth...seeking whom he will devour.

That's interesting Sister. I did not know that. I know almost zilch about the catholic religion. When the Lord told me to fast from meat on Wednesday and Fridays...I thought that was strange. I never heard of anything like that before.

I think it is a good thing though! It allows for some Kingdom help to an extent and is not as hard as traditional fasting (or what I thought was traditional fasting!)

so small fasts are better than no fasts. And any of us can add anything to our fast that we are inclined to do, we can do that too. I'm glad checked in tonight! It was a good reminder to me. This is Tuesday after sunset. I haven't ate any meat today! Good! Praise the Lord!
Oh well I don't fast so good luck to you both! :wave2

I don't fast either. I don't want to starve myself to try prove a point. What the world does and chooses is its own business, I just live my own life. I doesn't mean i don't care about anything or others, but I cannot force people to accept my beliefs, just as I am lucky enough to freely live my life and belief then so can others. I will give my opinion, expose crookedness, and pray people might come to there senses.
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I'm not judging you Sister, but you do not have to do any big fast. If you was to skip a single candy bar or show on TV or anything worldly, it is an acceptable fast offering unto God. You don't have to go hungry or fast for a week or anything like that. The Lord was very clear with me and taught me that. He said every little bit helps.


I don't usually watch TV or have any snacks anymore? Does that count?
That's a great idea. I asked my boss to join in today. After all, he is the one who told me about them passing the abortion law. So I told him what we're doing and invited him to join us also.
I also invited him to the forum here! (He knows I don't hardly know anyone here in this town yet so when I was telling him, me and some Brothers and Sisters are fasting and praying for the abortion law to be corrected, he was like huh, what, who? So I told him.)

I think he is going to join in. He said oh what a good idea, but it was in the shop and quickly got derailed into work talk and stuff, but I think he is in, and that would mean his dad is too because they are tight and very close. So I know his dad will hear about it too.
i have 4 friends and 7 family members joining us - so that is at least 14 - 15 if your boss joins - quickly contacted them to remind them