I'm Sick.....Abortion?

I'm not judging you Sister, but you do not have to do any big fast. If you was to skip a single candy bar or show on TV or anything worldly, it is an acceptable fast offering unto God. You don't have to go hungry or fast for a week or anything like that. The Lord was very clear with me and taught me that. He said every little bit helps.

Everyone to there own, some fast, some pray, everyone does whatever but I kind of don't understand something.

If God knows the heart, and also put his law in the heart, what good does fasting do?.
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I don't usually watch TV or have any snacks anymore? Does that count?

It does if you don't watch them or eat them and you normally would, but do not with it in your heart that you wont because you will not do it because of the Lord...+and then skip whatever it is and say a quick prayer offering it to the Lord as a sacrifice that you make for Him...
Everyone to there own, some fast, some pray, everyone does whatever but I kind of don't understand something.

If God knows the heart, and also put his law in the heart, what good does fasting do?. Why should someone say not eat for a day, or skip something to show God they mean something?

I know for a fact that I could fast but I feel I don't need to prove anything to God or show him how I feel if accorsing to scripture he knows my heart.

I was told im a alcoholic and someone said I could not have a drink for day and I went a month just to prove them wrong.

Why should I willingly suffer if Jesus suffered for me?. Is that not mocking him in a way as in, Jesus suffered for me and the world but I will show God i can also suffer?.

Everything Jesus said was before he was crucifies and raised.

Everyone to there own, some fast, some pray, everyone does whatever but I kind of don't understand something.

If God knows the heart, and also put his law in the heart, what good does fasting do?. Why should someone say not eat for a day, or skip something to show God they mean something?

I know for a fact that I could fast but I feel I don't need to prove anything to God or show him how I feel if according to scripture he knows my heart.

Why should I willingly suffer if Jesus suffered for me?. Is that not mocking him in a way as in, Jesus suffered for me but I will show i can also suffer?.

That's a good question Brother. That would not be mocking Him. It would be, emulating Him and we are told to do that, to be like Jesus. Scripture says we will do the things that Jesus did and more. In my mind this also includes suffering. We are not better than Him or others that we should not suffer like everyone has, down through history.

Myself, I would like to show God that I am willing to suffer or to give up a worldy thing for Him and as He did for us. I think it is part of humility. Plus He actually pretty much told us to fast in the NT...(Matthew 9:15)

.then shall they fast...almost as if it is expected of us.

I am learning that fasting does a whole lot more than most people realize. I am sort of busy right now with something, but perhaps I can post back in a day or so and expound on it.
That's a good question Brother. That would not be mocking Him. It would be, emulating Him and we are told to do that, to be like Jesus. Scripture says we will do the things that Jesus did and more. In my mind this also includes suffering. We are not better than Him or others that we should not suffer like everyone has, down through history.

Myself, I would like to show God that I am willing to suffer or to give up a worldy thing for Him and as He did for us. I think it is part of humility. Plus He actually pretty much told us to fast in the NT...(Matthew 9:15)

.then shall they fast...almost as if it is expected of us.

I am learning that fasting does a whole lot more than most people realize. I am sort of busy right now with something, but perhaps I can post back in a day or so and expound on it.

Everyone to there own. If you like to show God that you are willing to give something up or suffer then im sure God accepts that. As for me I believe God already knows if I would or could suffer so I don't feel I need to show him or prove anything. He knows my heart, he knows how I feel. Both of us to our own ways and im sure God accepts both.

I think after Jesus rose there was a change of heart in believers and many these days don't realise the gift. Before Jesus rose and the spirit given I don't think anyone had his law written on there hearts. We have it. Even we sometimes fail we have it. Even as Paul said. I think he was overwhelmed trying to explain it.

How does Paul explain that I don't want to do I do and that I want to do I don't do. You know that because God's law is in your heart. That is Christ living in you.

The good living in you is Christ. You have love, you have compassion, you have forgiveness, you pray the world would understand. Your heart lives God's law, the flesh will fade away.

The world thinks its doing good but there is no good. The world does not know what liberal is. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty.

People thinking that terminating human beings before birth and saying they don't have a right to life is liberal is the most deluded illogical view. Its not even an argument, it doesn't even make any sense.
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I don't acturally think that many people are pro.
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I was going to place this in the Prayer Forum, but I don't know what's left to pray about...
except for Jesus to come get us and end it all.

I just found out about the law passed in NYC (or NY - not sure).

HOW is that an abortion?
HOW is it not murder...even for atheists.

Sorry, I'm feeling nauseous right now.
You need to take a breath, in out, in out. What's all this about ending it all?
At the end of the day all is bright.
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Dear Father in Heaven You are Lord over the usa - we Your people cry out to You and ask that You intervene in a way to save the lives of the precious babies in the womb - thank You for a supreme court that is moving increasingly toward righteousness - do the same in all the courts and governments of states and cities - amen
praying this prayer - shared it with the others who are joining us
Everyone to there own. If you like to show God that you are willing to give something up or suffer then im sure God accepts that. As for me I believe God already knows if I would or could suffer so I don't feel I need to show him or prove anything. He knows my heart, he knows how I feel. Both of us to our own ways and im sure God accepts both.

I think after Jesus rose there was a change of heart in believers and many these days don't realise the gift. Before Jesus rose and the spirit given I don't think anyone had his law written on there hearts. We have it. Even we sometimes fail we have it. Even as Paul said. I think he was overwhelmed trying to explain it.

How does Paul explain that I don't want to do I do and that I want to do I don't do. You know that because God's law is in your heart. That is Christ living in you.

The good living in you is Christ. You have love, you have compassion, you have forgiveness, you pray the world would understand. Your heart lives God's law, the flesh will fade away.

The world thinks its doing good but there is no good. The world does not know what liberal is. Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty.

People thinking that terminating human beings before birth and saying they don't have a right to life is liberal is the most deluded illogical view. Its not even an argument, it doesn't even make any sense.

Actually, I'm pretty sure that fasting is expected of us by God. That's how it reads to me in Matthew 6:17-18

17 But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thine head, and wash thy face;
18 That thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father which is in secret: and thy Father, which seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly.../

The whole chapter of Matthew 6 sort of outlines how we are supposed to act and what we are to do as believers and followers of His. Read that whole chapter Brother, it reads real plain, to me at least He didn't say if you fast in v17, He said "when" as in, we will be doing it. It says we'll get rewarded for it too, but I never had that as a motive to fast. I either fasted for a health kick and detox my body and later on, learned to fast for the Lord. Because Heat least asked us to fast and the way He said sounds closer to some kind of commandment than a take it or leave it thing.

The good thing about fasting is spiritual growth and relationship with Jesus. but when we fast, we can offer that to the Lord and for any personal reason that we may have. Whatever is upon our heart. Like you're trying to save a soul for Him or for someone's protection or even because the evildoers did something abominable like the abortion law. There's many examples in scripture where more and more voice of His people praying and fasting were so many that they heard it in heaven and responded to it. Every voice counts. He hearkened unto the cries of the people.

I think Jesus likes the extra attention when we fast because we wind up praying more during the fast, lol. Yes fasting is a wonderful thing upon this earth in the midst of all this chaos and evil. And I suspect that fasting is very likely very much more important than anyone may have realized. It's akin to being a spiritual weapon of sorts.

and so I believe that we all need it. Some do not go out without prayer and fasting (Matthew 17:21)...an encouragement to pray and fast more so that we walk in even more faith and able to do or walk in a greater aspect of the Kingdom. and help the kingdom maybe even in ways that we don't even understand.

He didn't say if you fast, Brother. :wink
You need to take a breath, in out, in out. What's all this about ending it all?
It just means that I think it's time.
We're beginning to not only want to be like God....
but technology and the low moral values of our society is beginning to actually make man behave as if he WERE God.

Killing babies after birth,and some time, will be the next step.

This is all I meant.
How did we start talking about fasting? Isn't this topic supposed to be speaking against abortion?
It's not about politicians telling women what they can do with there bodies. It's about protecting the right to life. Without the right to life there is no rights. Going from the illogical thinking of some, no single person in this world has a right to life, they have no rights over anything, no one ever had a right to there own life, there is no such thing as a victim. What on earth is "my body my right".
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However, when the Son of Man comes will he find any faith?.
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Will it ever be cool again for young women not to be harlots.
You know what a true hate crime is?. Its not when people try educate others and uneducated cry babies get offended, its when people cheer and applaud that I don't have a right to anything and i never had or have a right to my own life. There is nothing more offensive than people expressing i never had a right to my own life.
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