It is very clear that you must be avoiding the news .
I just cited some of the news for you. It's pretty good news. We've actually seen a decrease in violence in public schools, and even before, they were safer than other places for our children.
You really don't have a good understanding of the times we are now in. Everyone knows that the world is a very dangerous place today,
The world has always been a dangerous place. But at least the public schools are relatively safe. Your kiddo is more likely to get hurt at home or in his neighborhood than at a public school.
and changing the constitution should not be allowed to happen at all.
Well, it's got change built into it, as the Founders intended. That's why they wrote it that way. They knew it would have to be amended from time to time.
People are smarter than you give them credit for
Actually, most of them are smart enough to check the fact before they draw conclusions. It's good habit.
and it's easy to find scientists who are against evolution and many of them are non-christian to boot!
I knew one once. And I've known a lot of scientists. I never met one who doubted evolution, who didn't have a religious objection, though. Could you name one?
Evolution has no right to be in schools. it's a pagan religion.
No, that's wrong. It's merely a scientific theory, based on evidence.
You have no credible evidence to support yourself at all.
The most compelling evidence for evolution falls into several categories:
1. Homologies in related organisms
2. Fossil intermediates
3. Genetics
4. Embryology
5. Molecular biology
Would you like to learn about some of it?
You call it science so it will be allowed in schools.
It is a well-tested set of ideas, supported by a body of evidence. That's what science is.
I don't think it's fair that all taxpayers should have to fund it when they don't believe in it,and many of us don't.
Some folks think the Earth is flat, too, but we still teach that it's round. Some think the holocaust never happened. But we still teach history according to the facts. That's how it works.
Whoever listens to you,may God help them,but the children of God who are being called by God,you won't be able to influence or do anything to change them,amen.
Most of us who are Christians already accept that evolution is consistent with God's creation.