In Today's News

Hey everybody, welcome to another edition of today's news. :) I'm not sure how long of a report that we have at the moment, but I do believe that it's rather brief so let's get right to it then shall we? :salute

First of all in today's news tourists at a Disney Polynesian resort wound up ill when they were served live insects in their food. (Yuck!) Here's more of the gruesome details. :eek

And Ohio police are currently investigating a crime that happened overnight when a car crashed into a home and the driver of the vehicle vanished from the scene. Here's more.

Also a local police department in Northeast Ohio might have found the solution to solving some crimes that happen right on the front porch. Here's more of the information. :thumbsup (Hopefully it spreads a crossed the country. :biggrin2)

Finally in today's news some police officers from the Boise Police Department in Idaho recently teamed up with a non-profit organization to help clean up the yard of an elderly couple. Here's more of the details. :)

That's all for today's news! Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend and stay tuned for more news to come. :yes
Its a good idea for police to use Ring video to help keep us safe.

It was nice of the police to help clean up that elderly couple's home. Helping people is good.

May the Lord bless you.

Thank you, I agree, and may the Lord bless you as well. :)
Hey everybody, welcome to another edition of today's news. :) Again, I'm not sure how long of a report that we have today but I do believe it's another short one so let's just hop right into it! :boing

First of all in today's news a teenager in India had a mass of hair, teeth, and bone removed from her belly a couple of years ago and doctors have told her that it was her unborn twin. Here's more of the rather interesting details.

And apparently a fundraiser held by a high school in Iowa has people signing up to get tasered. (Which is NOT my idea of fun! :nonono) here's more.

Also this next story is rather sad as police in Denham Springs Louisiana are currently asking for help in finding the man accused of tricking a woman (who has Alzheimer's) into paying for work that he never did. :nono Here's more on the story. :sad

Finally in today's news a ten year old little boy from Odessa Missouri has decided to take on a big challenge by mowing the lawns for veterans and other people in need. :thumbsup Here's more on the story. :)

That's all for today's news! Have a wonderful rest of the day and God's blessings on you. :biggrin
Hey everybody, welcome to another edition of today's news. :)

Taser safety in that charity event depends upon duration, and the health of the individual. Tasers applied for less than 1 second tend to cause minor muscle contractions, and individuals often jump back when tasered this length. Tasers applied for 1 to 2 seconds cause muscle spasms, and a dazed feeling. Tasers applied for 3 seconds plus tend to cause people to drop to the ground, and become mentally confused.

I would guess that the taser will be applied for less than a second, with the officer being careful to avoid the chest area. Perhaps a jolt to the leg, or some such.

Tasers tend to output 4 milliamps or so. It generally takes at least 50, and usually over 100 milliamps to pose health problems for healthy individuals. It would be a good idea for whoever is tasered to have a check up first to make sure they are healthy, and have a medic standing by just in case. Even dropping to the ground presents safety issues, as they should be careful that the subject doesn't hit his head. Perhaps even a padded surface such as gym mats would be a good idea.

May the Lord bless you.
Hey guys, I'm sorry for such a late announcement but the news has been canceled for today. I've been really busy and there's nothing that I really feel like posting anyways. However, don't forget, just one more month to go now until my second annual virtual Halloween party! :biggrin
Taser safety in that charity event depends upon duration, and the health of the individual. Tasers applied for less than 1 second tend to cause minor muscle contractions, and individuals often jump back when tasered this length. Tasers applied for 1 to 2 seconds cause muscle spasms, and a dazed feeling. Tasers applied for 3 seconds plus tend to cause people to drop to the ground, and become mentally confused.

I would guess that the taser will be applied for less than a second, with the officer being careful to avoid the chest area. Perhaps a jolt to the leg, or some such.

Tasers tend to output 4 milliamps or so. It generally takes at least 50, and usually over 100 milliamps to pose health problems for healthy individuals. It would be a good idea for whoever is tasered to have a check up first to make sure they are healthy, and have a medic standing by just in case. Even dropping to the ground presents safety issues, as they should be careful that the subject doesn't hit his head. Perhaps even a padded surface such as gym mats would be a good idea.

May the Lord bless you.
Drive stuns only lock up the muscle touched and launching projected anode will lock up more 15 sec the limit on the x26.I was trained in this . the greater the distance between ends the more is shocked and no you aren't in,anyway caused to have mental confusion,as a static shock is all this is. I have beem tazed.
...the x26...

They don't make the X26 anymore. Too many coroners across the nation blamed them. Newer models have different electrical profiles. aren't in,anyway caused to have mental confusion,as a static shock is all this is. I have beem tazed.

Thank you for sharing your personal experience with this.

I am guessing that you were tased in your leg. Accounting for your experience. Volunteers are often given chest armor to wear so as to keep darts away from vitals. In the field, suspects are often tased center mass (easier to hit than a leg), and sometimes in the head by accident. Head tasing can cause convulsions, and other nerve effects.
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They don't make the X26 anymore. Too many coroners across the nation blamed them. Newer models have different electrical profiles.

Thank you for sharing your personal experience with this.

I am guessing that you were tased in your leg. Accounting for your experience. Volunteers are often given chest armor to wear so as to keep darts away from vitals. In the field, suspects are often tased center mass (easier to hit than a leg), and sometimes in the head by accident. Head tasing can cause convulsions, and other nerve effects.
Aim center mass and it's both you will feel it.the military still uses the x26. Vero pd still does. Plenty of victims have rode out the full ordeal and killed,,punched the cop,and escaped.

I'm for the tazer but its not a unbeatable method of less then lethal .
So like speeding,a cop basically can't stop you with a tazer that is effective cuz you the crackhead and or heart condition decide to act the me. I know the story a long time fhp told me how hindered law agents are. It was once you failed to obey ,less then lethal could be brought its basically after begging to comply. I'm against police overstepping but I hate the fact criminals get so much protection when its obvious