Air defense is dispersed to protect the troops, and value targets.
Not know it all, but be sufficiently familiar with it to supervise experts. Take for example a general in charge of various missile and satellite development. The experts working for him have advanced knowledge, but he is the one responsible for making the project work. Making sure the various tech guys got the job done. He doesn't have to be an expert in everything, but he has to have some basic idea of what was needed.
Similar for Stormin Norman or Patton. They were not experts in every single system, but they were the ones responsible for making all of the parts work together to get the job done. They had to have a basic idea of what each system was capable of to devise a battle plan that worked. After the Bay of Pigs fiasco, JFK asked Ike for advice. Ike pointed out that the decision making process used was inefficient. The man at the top is responsible. He can't defer to the "experts". The man in charge has to have sufficient understanding of how systems work to supervise the "experts", and develop a plan based on the capabilities of the system. You can't run a war with a committee of tech geeks. Someone has to be in charge, and he has to be competent.
Civilians are an integral part of the military. They do many of the non combat jobs. They develop new toys for the troops to play with. Its still the generals who oversee the entire project or group though. The generals are the ones who are responsible for making sure civilian and military experts get the job done on time.
The US military is better educated than civilians. The military today chooses above average people like yourself because it takes above average people to become proficient at many modern weapons. The military is above average. The best and the brightest are chosen. Experience has indicated that below a certain score people are untrainable with modern weapons. The military also chooses people with above average strength and endurance. They get the job done better, and are more resistant to injury while carrying heavy gear in challenging situations.
There is a reason the US Air Force rapidly gains air superiority over third world nations, and the Army rapidly captured Baghdad. They can't stand up to smart, strong, well trained and well equipped troops. All they can do is things like hide among the civilian population to covertly fight guerrilla warfare, and set roadside bombs as ambush.