Welcome to another edition of today's news, now before we go ahead with today's news report there is a news report that I forgot to post and an old one from about a year ago that just popped up on YouTube today for some reason or another.
First of all firefighters in Pennsylvania rescued a fourteen year old husky from a sinkhole last week.

Here's more on the story.
And here is the article/video of the thing I found about a ten year old little boy being arrested last spring that I found rather shocking.

2I could see a suspension, but I think they went
way too far with arresting him especially since he was autistic and he wasn't read his rights!
The reason why I posted that is that because even though that was over a year ago I hadn't signed up here yet and I really wanted your reactions to it. Alright, now on with today's report which is rather short today.
First of all in today's news, the former principal who pleaded guilty to having sex with a seventeen year old male student was sentenced today.

Here's more of the details.
And a twelve year old girl was severely burned after trying the fire challenge and here's a warning to all parents.
And also in sports, The Cleveland Indians beat The Boston Red Sox five to four last night! :woot
Also a recently released video shows the rescue of a woman, child, and dog being rescued from the water at a California beach.

Here's more on the story.
And a British woman was rescued ten hours after claiming to have spend nearly ten hours in the sea after falling off a cruise ship.

2 Here's more on the story and thank the Lord and all the people that rescued her that she's alright.

Also, a teacher's aide has been sent to prison after exchanging sexually explicit text messages and photos with a ninth grader. :angry Here's more.
And a very heroic Pitbull went after an armed robber and helped stopped the robbery from occurring and captured the suspect.

Here's more.
And also please be warned that this next story is extremely graphic and one of the worst cases of animal cruelty ever.
Also the suspect charged with the deadly scooter accident that I recently reported on was allegedly high on heroin at the time. Here's more.
And a woman was killed while trying to protect her dog from being killed by an alligator at a South Carolina resort yesterday. Here's more of the information and my thoughts and prayers go towards her friends and family members.
And also the Ashland woman who went back to work after her eight year old son shot her four year old daughter was sentenced in court yesterday. Here's more of the information.
Finally in today's news, an Arizona teenager is lucky to be alive after he survived being struck by lightning last week.
Phew! That's all for today's news, and it turned out being a little bit longer than I thought. And sorry that it's a bit later than I originally planned to have it, but I have been having problems of being effected by the humidity today and it has made me not feel so well.

I am feeling better as I continue to drink fluids and stay in the air conditioning though.