In Today's News

In today's news it is the fall equinox / first day of Fall and Summer is OVER! It is 42 degrees, the long range forecast has overnight lows above 50 on only two nights, with 38 in the forecast. (I just thought those of you living in AZ etc would be surprised by this news)
Placing nukes on it would be a mistake. That would place it in a high threat category to opposing nations. It would become a top priority must kill target much like the Bismark or the Yamato only multiplied greatly. Best leave the nuclear delivery option to more survivable launch platforms.

The Zumwalt is a ship in search of a mission. The twin 155mm guns on the front of the ship were supposed to fire precision guided shells to support land troops. The navy couldn't afford the shells, so the twin 155mms have become mostly a decoration. The new plan is to upgrade the Zumwalt to fire SM-6 and Tomahawk missiles to defend the fleet against enemy ships.

The navy originally planned to buy 32 Zumwalts, but could only afford 3. Its a stealth ship, so the nuke plan depends upon evading detection.
The Zumwalt is a ship in search of a mission. The twin 155mm guns on the front of the ship were supposed to fire precision guided shells to support land troops. The navy couldn't afford the shells, so the twin 155mms have become mostly a decoration. The new plan is to upgrade the Zumwalt to fire SM-6 and Tomahawk missiles to defend the fleet against enemy ships.

The navy originally planned to buy 32 Zumwalts, but could only afford 3. Its a stealth ship, so the nuke plan depends upon evading detection.
Yep. I read about the ultra-expensive ammo and the ultra-short life of the barrels ( ruined after firing just once ). I believe the ships would serve best as hunter-killers.
The Zumwalt is a ship in search of a mission. The twin 155mm guns on the front of the ship were supposed to fire precision guided shells to support land troops. The navy couldn't afford the shells, so the twin 155mms have become mostly a decoration. The new plan is to upgrade the Zumwalt to fire SM-6 and Tomahawk missiles to defend the fleet against enemy ships.

The navy originally planned to buy 32 Zumwalts, but could only afford 3. Its a stealth ship, so the nuke plan depends upon evading detection.
155? those are used by old guns, you sure its not bigger? the range of those isn't has used an 8 inch or 12 inch gun historically. arty, something this old cav guy knows about
Welcome to another edition of today's news. :) I'm sorry that I'm a bit late today but I've been a bit busy. Anyways I'm going to get right into it since I have some other stuff to do this evening.

First of all in today's news a man was killed after his apartment complex caught on fire. Here's more of the information.

And in a surprising twist of events McDonald's awarded fifty thousand dollars for the pranksters that hung a fake ad. Here's more of the details. :lol

Also, this one interesting town is draped in thousand of spiderwebs!:eek2

And here are the details in the arrest of the dangerous fugitive who threatened the president.

And also a North Carolina woman was charged with attempted murder after she stabbed three infants and two adults. Here's more of the information.

And a Westlake man is now facing charges after his wife called to report that he was driving drunk with his seven year old daughter in the car. Here's more of the details. :mad

And also a Virginia woman has discovered a rare two-headed viper outside her home. :mouthdrop (remind me not to go there)

Finally in today's/tonight's news The Cleveland Indians lost last night's game with a final score of seven to five.

That's all for today's/tonight's news. Have a wonderful rest of the day and God bless you all! :biggrin
By the way, it was cooler here today in Ohio but it was also nice since it was around the sixties.
Welcome to another edition of today's news. :)

I'm with you on staying away from that snake. I don't like snakes.

Ellen DeGeneres seems like a nice person. A bit confused, but nice.

I don't like gnats or spiders. I hope they both stay away from here. Greece got their Halloween decoration early.

May the Lord bless you too.
155? those are used by old guns, you sure its not bigger? the range of those isn't has used an 8 inch or 12 inch gun historically. arty, something this old cav guy knows about

They were designed for ground support, not penetrating the armor on ships. A precision guided shell to take out enemy forces, without zapping any nearby friendlies.
Yep. I read about the ultra-expensive ammo and the ultra-short life of the barrels ( ruined after firing just once ). I believe the ships would serve best as hunter-killers.

There are only 3 of them. Maybe some specialized mission. Anti ship is the current plan. They need an upgrade for that. Their twin 155s don't do much of anything, and take up space.
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Sorry guys, I've been really busy today. The news will be here in a little bit. :yes
They were designed for ground support, not penetrating the armor on ships. A precision guided shell to take out enemy forces, without zapping any nearby friendlies.
Not shell,arty ,isn't a rocket .arty even in ww2 was accurate and can hit tiny targets if the correct grid was sent.old school compass,map reading ,fdc calculated by the wheel of knowledge
Not shell,arty ,isn't a rocket .arty even in ww2 was accurate and can hit tiny targets if the correct grid was sent.old school compass,map reading ,fdc calculated by the wheel of knowledge

Lots of civilians were zapped in WWII. The new goal is to further minimize civilian casualties. Precision 155 shells were supposed to be able to eliminate the enemy without risking civilians, or friendlies.
Alright, welcome to another edition of tonight's news. :)

First of all in tonight's news, find out about the latest and most peculiar challenge that Six Flags is doing. :eek2

And a Florida man who stole six hundred dollars worth of cigarettes was sentenced on Friday to twenty years in prison. Here's more of the information.

And also this is an extremely sad story as a two year old little boy with brain cancer had his early Christmas celebration vandalized by two juvenile delinquents. Here's more of the details. :sad

Also a school bus driver was arrested after allowing three children to drive her bus. Here's more. :nono

And this warning is for you if you're from North Olmsted Ohio.

Also firefighters from Richmond Heights heroically rescued some residents from a burning apartment. :clap Here's more of the details. :thumbsup

And a ten year old little girl that is currently fighting brain cancer hosted her tenth birthday party with five hundred guests. :biggrin2 Here's more on the story.

Finally in tonight's news, a New Jersey PetSmart is currently under investigation after at least forty-seven dogs died shortly after a routine grooming. Here's more.

That's all for tonight's news! Have a wonderful night and stay tuned for more news to come! :yes
Alright, welcome to another edition of tonight's news. :)

Phone companies should not put through calls from scammers. Nomorobo gets the job done, proving it can be done.

I guess you need to be careful where you take your pets for grooming.

I'm glad those people were rescued from the apartment.

You have a wonderful day too.
Lots of civilians were zapped in WWII. The new goal is to further minimize civilian casualties. Precision 155 shells were supposed to be able to eliminate the enemy without risking civilians, or friendlies.
By bombs from aircraft,not arty.

Artillery is accurate,unless you aim it deliberately at the wrong target.

My old mos,was to aim arty at tanks, bunkers etc.the 155 is a ww2 era Size.I mentioned artillery only as accurate because we'll it is.pulling a guided rocket launcher,capable of 83 miles to hit a target isn't practical nor feasible even if we had that piece.the costs prevent it.

We used 155 to reign hell on unit of station in a bad had these pieces. They could hit pakistan.

Don't confuse bombs, with missiles or ww2 we carpet bombed.

Besides,we have had this before nam ended and they are accurate

Laser guided,no need for a new gun.laser aimed by the when they gun is told where to aim, they simply load ,and the laser Is pointed on the target.

Can always rely on the navy to fight with their awesome pieces. A bad is nowhere near the ocean .so we use air or arty,or mortar.
Yes, you use what you can transport. Exotic stuff is for when it is available.

Artillery is accurate,unless you aim it deliberately at the wrong target.

Ship based guns are a different animal. Ships are moving. Ground based artillery isn't.

However, even the Army is planning to add exotic precision guided 155 shells to its current GPS and laser guided arsenal.
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Welcome to another edition of today's news everybody. :) Today is a very exciting day because we've only got one more week to go until my spooktactular virtual Halloween party!! :sohappySo now begins the daily countdown. :wootAnyways, we've got a brief report today so time to bounce right into it once again. :boing

First of all the fate of comedian Bill Cosby will be decided today as he is currently facing charges of sexual abuse. Here's more of the details.

And international pen pals have finally met after fifty-three years of writing letters to each other. Here's more on the story. :)

Finally in sports, although it wasn't by much The Cleveland Indians wound up winning last night's game with a final score of four to three. :biggrin2

That's all for today's news, and I know that most Mondays I post the usual Monday song, but I'm pretty excited about today so I decided that I'm going to post a pre-Halloween party song instead to get us in the mood. I just hope that none of the people reading this are purple or you're going to be in a whole heap of trouble! :lol

And I'm going to tag JohnDB for this I decided because I think he's going to get a real kick out of this post even though to my knowledge he isn't purple. :spit

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