In Today's News

Wow, always put your car into park before exiting the vehicle. Terrible what happened to that man at the drive up window.

Christopher Kaphaem was accused of doing terrible things. They should put nanny cams in the nursery to help prevent that kind of stuff.

I think Avon city Lake High School is going to make parents more concerned by keeping the conversation details away from parents than Avon would by releasing them.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Thanks, so did you watch the videos? What do you think? Scary eh? I love that werewolf's howl at the end. Do you dress up for Halloween? How many trick-or-treaters do you get? Of course I still dress up and I usually about get to six to ten if I'm lucky.
Anyways, welcome to another edition of today's news everybody. :) I can't believe it but there's only a couple of more days until my spooktactular virtual Halloween party! :wootSo, since I've got other stuff to do today and today's report isn't that long, I'm just going to bounce right into it. :boing (and I decided that I'm starting to get sick of drugs and violence so I'm not posting any of those stories today)

Now this first report is a bit outrageous if you ask me. :rolleyes Apparently a woman from Saint Louis Missouri filed a federal lawsuit after her son didn't make the soccer team. Here's more on the story.

And my thoughts and prayers go towards Indonesia after over three hundred people were killed yesterday when they were hit by a tsunami and an earthquake. Here's more of the details. :pray

And in sports The Cleveland Indians had another great victory as they beat the Kansas City Royals fourteen to six during last night's game! :woot

And also some Ohio Valley police officers went above and beyond after rescuing a couple of stray dogs. Here's more on the story. :thumbsup

Also, a recently released video shows somebody taking a cat straight off of the porch! :eek2(I still can't believe people like this exist in the world)

And this next story absolutely disgusts me! :angry3Apparently a surveillance video caught a postal worker urinating on the front porch.

Finally in today's news, this story is certainly bizarre (but not unheard of) as a newborn baby was breastfed by a stranger during a hospital mix-up. Here's more on the story.

That's all for today's news! Have a wonderful day and stay tuned for more news to come. :yes
Although with that first story I posted I have to admit, why does the girl's team have different rules than the boy's team?
Anyways, welcome to another edition of today's news everybody. :)

Its nice that those puppies were rescued.

14 to 6 is an impressive score. Go Indians.

I'm not sure what the rules should be for junior varsity. Junior varsity would have younger children, and older children playing on the same team might not be safe for the youngsters. Safety of the children should always be the first priority.

No I don't dress up for Halloween anymore.
Its nice that those puppies were rescued.

14 to 6 is an impressive score. Go Indians.

I'm not sure what the rules should be for junior varsity. Junior varsity would have younger children, and older children playing on the same team might not be safe for the youngsters. Safety of the children should always be the first priority.

No I don't dress up for Halloween anymore.

I agree and that's alright, do you still hand out candy for the trick-or-treaters though? If so how many do you get?
I agree and that's alright, do you still hand out candy for the trick-or-treaters though? If so how many do you get?
About 100 or more. We don't get them here in our senior adult I always go to my daughter's house where the neighborhood is full of little kids, big kids, and kids with parents coming to the door. Have done this for over ten years. My grandkids are grown up now, one in college, one working in another city, but I still go. Until he died a year ago my husband and I both did this and it was and is always fun. One of our family times as well. Since my SIL is a football coach sometimes they will not be we gave out the treats for them.
Hey guys, sorry for announcing this late but there won't be any news today. I was going to take a break anyways but I haven't been feeling too well. I've had sinus pressure build up in my head and ears. :sad I'm just starting to feel a bit better though, and hopefully I will feel better tomorrow for my spooktactular virtual Halloween party. :) Oh btw, I'm also planning on going to the movies tomorrow night too so hopefully I will feel alright for that. It's a movie that I've really been wanting to see called "The House With A Clock In Its Walls." :popcorn
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Hey guys, sorry for announcing this late but there won't be any news today. I was going to take a break anyways but I haven't been feeling too well. I've had sinus pressure build up in my head and ears. :sad I'm just starting to feel a bit better though, and hopefully I will feel better tomorrow for my spooktactular virtual Halloween party. :) Oh btw, I'm also planning on going to the movies tomorrow night too so hopefully I will feel alright for that. It's a movie that I've really been wanting to see called "The House With A Clock In Its Walls." :popcorn

I hope you feel better. Enjoy your night out at the movie.
What happened to "No compulsion in religion"?

Why do believers let unbelievers train up their children?

Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6 NKJV
Why do believers let unbelievers train up their children?

Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6 NKJV

Maybe because private christian schools are expensive and not everyone can afford it.
Maybe because private christian schools are expensive and not everyone can afford it.

So why do believers let unbelieving bankers confiscate so much stuff from them that they don't have the resources to get the job done?
Not sure. The world has so many issues I can't keep up.
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