In Today's News

Bill Cosby is such a disappointment. I remember liking his television show.

Go Indians.

Its nice that the pen pals met each other.

May the Lord bless you.

Thanks and may the Lord bless you too and yes I used to love watching the Cosby Show. Say, your avatar is purple. I sure hope that doesn't mean that you're a purple person, otherwise the purple people eater will be after you. :lol
And yes he is supposed to be a monster that eats purple people. He just also happens to be purple himself. I was confused myself before I really listened to the lyrics.
And yes he is supposed to be a monster that eats purple people. He just also happens to be purple himself. I was confused myself before I really listened to the lyrics.

I'm not purple, so I hope that I am safe. I will be wary if any of them walk down my street though.
Im trying to find a story but its not on google.
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Hey guys, sorry that I'm running a bit later with today's report than I expected, but it might have just worked out for the better that I waited because I just received some new details about the Cosby case. Anyway, welcome to another edition of today's news. :) Only six more days to go until the spooktactular Halloween party thread opens and I'm extremely excited about it!:sohappyAnyways, on with today's report! :salute

First of all in today's news, Bill Cosby has been sentenced to three to ten years behind bars for sexual assault. (What does the three to ten years mean btw? And I'm not saying whether or not he deserves it but I don't think that he's going to make it in prison. I'm guess that he'll probably die behind bars at this point.)

And a Pitbull rescued from the fighting ring is set to become a canine officer. Here's more on the story. :thumbsup

Also a recently released video shows a Detroit stadium worker spitting on a pizza. :angry (Yuck! How disgusting and impolite could you possibly get?)

And find out how a school is taking new measures to make sure that it safe and secure. :thumbsup

And also three people were charged and arrested for child abuse after a thirteen year old boy was found naked with chains padlocked to his ankles. Here's more of the information. :mad

Also a Alabama woman was arrested after five of her children were tested positive for cocaine. Here are more of the details. :mad

And here's a new scam alert from the FBI as a warning for all people who have online payroll accounts.

And also a man's body was discovered mangled in a car that sped down an embankment after his father received an alert from a GPS device. Here's more of the details.

And take a look at this amazing treatment that helps paralyzed people walk again. Here's more of the information. :clap

Also a teacher was fired after she didn't follow the school policy for homework. Here's more on the story. :eek2

Finally in sports The Cleveland Indians wound up beating The Chicago White Sox four to zero last night. So even though it wasn't much of a victory, it was still a good game nonetheless. :yes

That's all for today's news! Have a wonderful day and God bless each and every one of you! :biggrin2
Anyway, welcome to another edition of today's news. :)

3 to 10 means he must serve a minimum of 3, but can get out on parole before 10 if he is a good boy in prison. If he convinces the parole board that he repented, and will never harm the public again.

Quinelle May is a hero for protecting the public from food tampering. We need more like him. I'm appalled that management tried to shut him up. Whoever told him to shut up and take down the video should be fired, and then charged with trying to cover up a crime. Food safety is serious business.

The Willoughby South High School security measures are a good idea. Keeping people safe from the bad guys should be an important priority.

You have a wonderful day too, and may the Lord bless you.
3 to 10 means he must serve a minimum of 3, but can get out on parole before 10 if he is a good boy in prison. If he convinces the parole board that he repented, and will never harm the public again.

Quinelle May is a hero for protecting the public from food tampering. We need more like him. I'm appalled that management tried to shut him up. Whoever told him to shut up and take down the video should be fired, and then charged with trying to cover up a crime. Food safety is serious business.

The Willoughby South High School security measures are a good idea. Keeping people safe from the bad guys should be an important priority.

You have a wonderful day too, and may the Lord bless you.

I agree with everything you said but the first thing. The only two people who know for sure whether or not Bill Cosby is guilty or innocent is Jesus and Bill Cosby himself. I don't recall there being much evidence that he raped those women, it's more like a he said she said kind of deal, but thanks for explaining that to me. I just had to say that. Anyways, welcome to another edition of today's news. :) There are now five more days to go until my virtual Halloween party!!! :wootLet's get right into today's report! :salute

First of all in today's news, a Kent State professor will spend five months behind bars for lying to the FBI. Here's more of the information.

And a twelve year old boy tragically lost his life after he ran back inside his burning home attempting to save his brothers. :sad Here's more on the story and my thoughts and prayers go towards his friends and family members. :pray

Also in sports The Cleveland Indians lost by only one point during last night's game with a final score of five to four.

And a lawsuit was filed on behalf of a five year old little girl who died last year. Here's more of the details.

And also, here's another boneheads in the news report as bowling balls are currently being thrown at cars in St. Louis Missouri. Here's more. :nono

And the parents of a twenty-three year old man believe their son was murdered while trying to sell his iPhone. Here's more on the story.

Finally in today's news, dog owners in the city of Akron could wind up behind bars if their dogs won't stop barking. Here's more of the details.

That's all for today's news! Have a wonderful day and stay tuned for more news to come. :yes
Same thing happened to Martha Stewart as happened to that professor.

Keep those puppies quiet.

Wow, selling stuff on the Internet may not be the best way to go.

You have a wonderful day too.

I think you mean Martha Stewart but really? I didn't know that. And yes I do agree with you on the fact that it is best to make sure that your dogs are quiet, but I really don't think that annoying the neighbors deserves jail time. Fines or removal of the animal is probably the best way to go. Oh and I never trust anybody on the internet. Especially when it comes to where I put my money.