In Today's News

Martha was in prison for about 5 months for lying to the FBI.

Oh yeah that's right. Sorry I'm late with today's news everybody, I had quite a few things to get done and my Yoga class to go to. Anyways guys, we've got just four more days until my spooktactular virtual Halloween party!! :woot2 So yeah, it won't be long now. :biggrin So here is today's report! :salute

First of all in today's news, a woman claims that she was scolded her for her child crying. Here's more of the details.

And a man was arrested last week for threatening to bomb the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Here's more.

Also this next story really confuses me so I'm just going to post it instead of saying anything else. :confused2

And in sports it was a major victory for The Cleveland Indians last night as their final score was ten to two. :woot

And also Lorain City schools are currently doing everything in their power to make sure that their schools are safe after a threat was made today on social media. :thumbsup

Also a Texas man was arrested earlier this week after he allegedly beat his one year old daughter and glued her eyes and mouth shut. Seriously!? I honestly can't believe that these kind of people exist! :angry3

And a sixty-three year old man tragically lost his life earlier this month while protecting his grandson. :sad Here's more on the story.

And also find out how one school janitor received the surprise of his life. :biggrin2

And it looks like a cold case twenty years in the making has finally been solved. Here's more on the story. :thumbsup

And also, find out how an eight year old little girl with special needs also received a very big surprise. :eek2

Finally in today's news, a seventy-one year old woman discovered quite a find at her state park. :mouthdrop Here's more on the story.

That's all for today's news. Have a wonderful rest of the day and God's blessings on you. :biggrin2
Most weather is.

Im going from sunshine everyday to four seasons in one day. Best fishing is overcast so im going where the overcast is. I resigned from my job and im leaving the nation. My flight leaves soon. Im on a fishing mission now. Lol.
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Did you know the name of New Zealand is Aotearoa, it means "land of the long white cloud".
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So here is today's report!

20 years and the case was only solved when the perp voluntarily came forward to confess. The system could use improvement. Stopping violence should be their top priority.

Crater of Diamonds State Park would be an interesting vacation for treasure hunters.

The Indians did well.

May the Lord bless you also.
Im going from sunshine everyday to four seasons in one day. Best fishing is overcast so im going where the overcast is. I resigned from my job and im leaving the nation. My flight leaves soon. Im on a fishing mission now. Lol.

I wish you well in your new endeavors. A sabbatical to go fishing seems nice. I hope you have a few coppers saved.
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Did you know the name of New Zealand is Aotearoa, it means "land of the long white cloud". That means overcast.

Lots of places got their names from initial perceptions of explorers. Buenos Aires (beautiful air) got its name because explorers thought the air smelled particularly nice there on the day they came upon it. The Pacific (peaceful) got its name because it was calm when explorers chanced upon it. Rio de Janeiro (river January) got its name because explorers chanced upon it in January. Pretty clouds in the sky on the day Maori explorers came upon NZ fits right in.
I am so grateful for our beautiful autumn weather. We went through a series of forest fires last month in which the smoke from the fires (even though coming miles to hover and permeate our atmosphere here) were from fires in Canada and our own coastal forests. Conditions for many were deemed unhealthy and some of us had to stay inside most days or else, if venturing out, wear masks so not to breathe it in. The heroic firefighters and rain put out the fires after they raged for weeks at a time. Now the air is fresh, the days are low 70's, and we do have intermittent rain again. Thanks be to God! :)
Hey guys, sorry for the late report, it's a beautiful day outside and that's where I've spent most of my day. Anyways, welcome to another edition of today's news. :) There's only a few more days until my spooktactular virtual Halloween party!! :sohappy It keeps getting more and more exciting by the day. :yes Anyways, let's bounce right into today's report. :boing

First of all in today's news, an Avon city Lake High School teacher has resigned after a concerning conversation that happened with a former student on social media over the summer. Here's more of the information.

And apparently the world's first human case of rat disease has been discover in Hong Kong. Here's more of the details.

And also one lucky pooch from California had her head rescued out of a brick wall by the fire department. :clap Here's more on the story. :thumbsup

Also while we're on the subject, fourteen fire departments responded to a fire that took place in a body shop in Chardon Ohio last night. Here's more of the details.

And the Ohio police department say that a body reported near a park in Cincinnati turned out to be a sex doll. Here's more of the information.

And also a man tragically lost his life on Wednesday night due to extensive injuries that were left untreated. :sad Here's more.

And the Ohio police department are currently investigating a fatal shooting that occurred early this afternoon. Here's more of the information.

Also a former nurse has been accused of abusing infants at a NICU in Wisconsin. Here's more of the details. :mad

And also another sad story as a veteran with cancer is currently trying to raise money for his own funeral. :sad Here's more and my thoughts and prayers go towards him along with his friends and family members. :pray

Finally in sports, although it wasn't much of a loss (or much of a game for that matter) The Cleveland Indians lost last night's game with a final score of two to one.

That's all for today's news! I'm going to end today's report with some more videos to get us in the Halloween spirit. :mischief

Warning: This first clip might be a bit disturbing to some viewers. If you can't stand the sight of blood don't watch. Other than that, it goes down as one of the most awesome transformations ever!

This is also a really good transformation. (the music in the background can get stuck in your head though lol :lol)

(And I can't show a Ghost Rider clip without adding the song. :biggrin2)

Have a spooktactular weekend everybody! :shock
I wish you well in your new endeavors. A sabbatical to go fishing seems nice. I hope you have a few coppers saved.

I want a fresh start now. Now im back home I need to find a new job. Its time to turn my life around. Do the best I can. Im a new man today.
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Anyways, welcome to another edition of today's news. :)

Wow, always put your car into park before exiting the vehicle. Terrible what happened to that man at the drive up window.

Christopher Kaphaem was accused of doing terrible things. They should put nanny cams in the nursery to help prevent that kind of stuff.

I think Avon city Lake High School is going to make parents more concerned by keeping the conversation details away from parents than Avon would by releasing them.

Have a wonderful weekend.
I want a fresh start now. Now im back home I need to find a new job. Its time to turn my life around. Do the best I can. Im a new man today.

Changing to a new job, if your old one wasn't a good fit , can indeed be a new start.
I figured that since there are usually a lot of interesting news stories that I read that I find don't really belong into a specific category, I figured that I would just collect all of the ones that I find interesting and put them in here. The first news story of the day is police in Marlboro Ohio (I have no idea where that is lol) are encouraging parents and grandparents that are gun owners to lock up their weapons and are handing out free gun locks to ensure that happens.

Also in today's news Christian Evangelist Reverend Billy Graham was honored today by President Trump, House Speaker Paul Ryan, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Thirdly a massive sixteen foot three thousand pound great shark was caught off of Hilton Head Island last week, why the news is just getting out now I really don't know but here is the article for it anyway.

And our last two stories cover a bus passenger who was honored for heroically saving her driver and another cowardly cop refusing to do his job. (the shame :shame)

That's all for today's news (so far) and if you have a news story that you want to share please feel free to add it. (I love playing the part of news reporter lol :lol)
Yes, you are very good at it.