In Today's News

Hey guys unless I'm feeling better later I decided to take a sick day today. :sick
Take a rest when you need to. I hope you feel better soon.

Thanks, I am feeling a bit better but not well enough to do the news tonight. A good night sleep usually does me a lot of good. :) I just have really bad sinuses. :( Hopefully the news will be back tomorrow. I'm just going to lay in bed for now.
Except for evangelism. Might need to accept a bit of being recognized to get the Gospel out.
Hey guys, guess what?? I'm feeling better today and I'm back to my old self again. :) So anyways, I will start off with this report with something that actually happened a couple of days ago but now I know that I can post it.

(And here's the latest update on that story)

So here are the last couple days of news and I think that I'm just going to copy and past the articles tonight to save time.

That's all for tonight's news, have a wonderful night and rest of the weekend and God's blessings on you. :cross (btw, tomorrow it will get back to normal)

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Hey guys, guess what?? I'm feeling better today and I'm back to my old self again. :)

I'm happy that you are feeling better.

I'm glad they caught that mad bomber.

Poor puppies. Let's hope they keep the puppies safe.

Hard hats are supposed to be gently placed on one's head.

May the Lord bless you also.
I'm happy that you are feeling better.

I'm glad they caught that mad bomber.

Poor puppies. Let's hope they keep the puppies safe.

Hard hats are supposed to be gently placed on one's head.

May the Lord bless you also.

Thanks and I didn't realize up until now that I posted one of the articles twice so I edited it and I apologize for that.
Hey guys, welcome to another edition of today's news. :)

Although today's report is short, I'm afraid that it's some rather unfortunate and tragic news. A total of seventeen people were shot today at a synagogue down in Pittsburgh Pennslyvania. :sad Here's more of the information and my thoughts and prayers go out towards friends and family members. :pray

And a Cincinnati zoo is currently suing for one of their beloved gorillas to come back to them. Here's more of the details and I'm crossing my fingers for them. :crossed

Also a suspect is currently in custody after breaking a church window and then running from and pepper spraying the police. Here's more on the story. :nono

Finally in today's news, do you think that this is a bit controversial for a Halloween decoration? :chin (I certainly do)

That's all for today's news, have a wonderful rest of the day and stay tuned for more news to come. :yes
Hey guys, welcome to another edition of today's news. :)

That was one wild guy with the pepper spray.

I don't think people should give out puppies at Halloween.

I didn't know that gorillas were such social animals. I hope Ndume is okay.

People should be safe while worshiping.

You have a wonderful day too.