No, it requires compassion and understanding.
I believe that grace is not a licence to sin. Grace says you've missed the mark, but let's walk this walk together. Condemnation is analogous to saying Racca to your brother. Or does this raise the question "who is my brother?". In short, I understand that many in the cofc do not recognize "other religions, I e, Baptists, methodists, RCC, Nazarene etc at "brothers". If this is also your position, then how does Jesus teach us to deal with those "outside the church". Are we to have an attitude of condemnation toward them?
Catholics must learn their way out of this error. In the meantime I will not compromise. Why do you continue to insist I must compromise but do not seek compromise from Catholics in what they believe?
This is not as much about what the Catholics believe as it is on how we act toward those we disagree with. You and I agree that infant baptism is not biblical, but simply condemning them to hell based on not being baptized as adults is not biblical and lacks the fundementals understanding of God's rightousness and justice.
How many posts have I made showing obedience, as submitting to water baptism is a work of obedience? And that obedience is meeting a condition God placed upon a free gift in order to receive the free gift. Therefore obedience earns NOTHING. Out of all the obedience that men did in the Bible has anyone here yet produced the first verse that says Noah's Abraham's Paul's etc obedience earned their justification? No.
Job was an upright man, rightous even in God's sight. What do we learn from Job? We learn that God isn't only interested in going through the motions and meeting the requirements. Instead, God is seeking a relationship with his people. God wants us to see him, not just know of him, or talk about him.
Job 42:5 I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now mine eye seeth thee.
Baptism is a response to the gospel. We don't force baptism as some kind of law that needs to be obeyed or we bear the consequences. Instead, baptism is a response made willingly without duress, much like the Eunuch. We call this faith in action because it's belief in motion and fear has no place in the baptismal pool. Nobody should get married out of duress, nor should anyone enter the baptismal waters in duress.
There is NO COMPASSION in letting people continue in error. The compassion is to get them out of error.
No compassion in compromise.
Time and time again Jesus showed great compassion to those living in error. The greatest act of compassion can be seen on the cross where he says, Father forgive those who earlier vowed, Let this be on us and our children. These are the same ones we see in Acts 2.
There is no compromise with sin as it needs to be accounted for, and it has been through the cross. With love, there is always grace and a hope to those who are willing to receive it at the right time. We do not dictate that time, God does and for those who willfully refuse, God does not rejoice over their destruction
Jesus was not compassionate in that He would not compromise with the Pharisees but condemned them instead?
Not every Pharasis was bad, so it's wrong to paint them with the same brush. Regardless, what I want to separate are the teachers and the students. Your average Catholic / Lutherine etc is taught infant baptism from sanctioned doctrines supported from the top down without much question. Teachers will be held at a much higher level than students.
Let me circle back to God's rightousness and how it pertains to the centuries of good hearted Catholic parationers who lived their life for God... But more than that, they loved God and lived out their faith in obedience as they knew how in loving God and their neighbor.
I hear you saying that God is Just and his rightousness is on full display by sending every devoted follower of Christ to eternal punishment because of their ignorance or were beguiled by erroneous church teachings on infant baptism on the sole fact that they were taught wrong and did not understand baptism was for believers only.