The baptism in the Holy Spirit is not a replacement for baptism in water. Jesus said that, in order to enter the kingdom of heaven, one must be born again of water (see Ro 6:3-4) and of the Spirit. That's baptism in water for regeneration (united with Christ in His death and resurrection to new life) and of Spirit. (Baptized in the Holy Spirit.)
If baptism in the Holy Spirit were a replacement for baptism in water, then the book of Acts would not be replete with examples of believers being baptized in water.
The baptism in water of the household of Cornelius
AFTER they were baptized in the Holy Spirit clearly demonstrates the fact (to those with eyes to see) that the apostles expected new believers to experience BOTH baptisms.
Act 10:44-48 (NKJV) While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit fell upon all those who heard the word. (That's the baptism in the Holy Spirit) And those of the circumcision who believed were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out on the Gentiles also. For they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God. (again, there's the baptism of the Holy Spirit)
Then Peter answered, “Can anyone forbid water, that these should not be baptized who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have?” And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. (And that baptism is in obedience to Jesus' command to baptize disciples in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. see Mat 28:19)
But that's just what that inspired, inerrant, infallible, sola scriptura thingy says. :wink
iakov the fool