lest the confusion continue.......
There is the "gift of Tongues", which is a God given miraculous ability to speak in a foreign language that you have never learned, and its for the purpose of being a sign, and also, for the benefit of the listener who would not be able to understand YOUR language.
Peter, in Acts 2..."how WE HEARD in our OWN LANGUAGE"....= this is Peter speaking in their language for THEIR sake.
= the "gift of Tongues".
Now, this is not the same as a "prayer language" that would be for YOUR benefit, personally.
That is something completely different.
So, one is a Spiritual Gift, that is one of the 9 listed in Corinthians, and one is NOT .
So, if you are a tongue talker, good for you, but this is not the "gift of Tongues" you are committing, so, once you understand this distinction, then you are removed from the fog of the ignorant, regarding this simple to understand issue.
And then there is more....
Read the REASON for the "gift of Tongues". (speaking in a EARTHLY Foreign Language)
1st Corinthians 1:22, AND 1 Corinthians 14:22
All you have to do is read.
This is why PETER was speaking in "the gift of Tongues", during PENTECOST, as this is ONLY FOR JEWS.
So, you have a Jewish apostle speaking in "the gift of tongues" to a JEWISH audience, during a JEWISH feast, in JERUSALEM.
Study to show thyself approved. !!