I know this is an old thread but you are incorrect here on so many levels. I do understand why because I cut my spiritual teeth on Calvinism and represented it and argued it for nearly a decade. And then, with God's help I re-read the word in its entirety, void of the denominational theology by which I had been convinced, and plainly and simply read the word for what it says (not what others told me it means).
So first, Faith (Pistis) is the root of and the reason why Hebrew thinkers chose pisteuo and why they spend so much time explaining THEIR usage. Now though there are types of works and we CANNOT earn or deserve salvation (for it is solely by grace). Faith (pistis) as the Bible concept reveals is NOT a work (for just Paul see
Ephesians 2:8-9; Romans 3:28, 4:2-5; Galatians 3:10-11; Philippians 3:9).
Secondly, "faith" is not the gift mentioned in Ephesians 2:8-9, it is Salvation. For too many Greek and Christian Scholars have proved this so many times it is unspeakable that people still eisegete this passage in this way.
Thirdly, true depravity doctrine in the Bible does not mean absolute incapability for if it did than 100s of passages where God commands people to turn or repent, or audibly speaks to some and directs them (like Moses or Jeremiah) would be fruitless, meaningless, dribble or else a cruel joke. God by this error becomes a being who created people like say Hitler to actually do the specific things He commands men NOT to do, thus making God the author of Sin (and hence sickness and death). But God says this is of the Devil and his minions. Is God then lying to us? Most certainly NOT.
As the Bible teaches faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word whether that is by the Spirit, or audibly by God or a Preacher or Teacher, or by hearing a Testimony or the Gospel and being moved. But Mankind is REQUIRED to respond and can INITIALLY respond. Here are some examples.
John 1:12 tells us that as many as accepted HIM to them was given the right or power to BECOME the children of God. Not those who ARE the children of God will accept Him.
Acts 2:38 Peter tells us Repent and be baptized (repent means we change OUR mind) into the remission of your sins and you SHALL RECIEVE the gist of the Holy Spirit. Not thos who already have the Spirit must repent and be baptized.
Finally (and there are so many more even Ephesians 1:13) look at6 what JESUS actually says in Revelations 3:20. He says clearly and plainly that when He knocks, whoever opens the door will be whom He comes in and eats with. NOT those to whom He is already with will open.
So just like with Cain, before he actually does the horrible deed, God comes and speaks audibly with him and offers Cain grace (if you go and do it right will also not go well with thee?) and then from love warns him by saying if he does not heed then Sin awaits to come in and control him.
So by grace, God initiates or inspires or nudges, but then in His sovereign will He determined that the human must initially respond (and are capable of doing so) and THEN He will fill them with the Spirit taking up residence within unto Salvation. Feel free to comment